A list of witnesses from North Korea


3 min readOct 24, 2023

There is a massive amount of refuges escaped from North Korea and reporting a totalitarian state with ordinary use of torture, concentration camps, public executions, starvation.

Read the following list of evidence about North Korea. Contrarily from what you can find in the heavily censored and entirely state-controlled Chinese sources, these evidence come from different private initiatives and channels. And you can find many more.

The list:

Click on the titles to be redirected to the sources.

  1. Progetto Happiness — Corea del Nord — YouTube
  • European vlogger witnesses poor health conditions of the population. During the vlog, an accident kills one North Korean, but the local guides deny everything.
  • the local guide confess that thinking about the dictator is a way for them to find relief and hope. It has a similar role to the figure of Jesus in the heart of a Christian person. So the communist state has replaced the religious figures with the party leaders, rather than eliminating religion as they claim.

2. We Interviewed A Former Elite North Korean Spy | Stay Curious #36 — YouTube

Asian boss has many video-interviews to defectors. A former military officer of North Korea tells his story and his escape to the channel Asian Boss. He reveals that:

  • the Party officers, in non-official situations regards the North Korean people as “trash”, thus revealing it is a truly class-based oppressive society rather than a classless society.
  • the regime uses spies to monitor the population. A certain number of people are allocated to each spy, so that everyone can be controlled and checked upon at any times.
  • The underground religious organizations is the greatest danger to the regime, because religious people can hardly be brainwashed by the government

3. The Hard Road out, by Jihyun Park — book reviews: here

It is an autobiography by the North Korean defector, who experienced kids starving to death in the streets, the escape to China, human trafficking and sex slavery by Chinese villagers Liaoning 辽宁省 and Heilongjiang 黑龙江省 provinces, the capture by the Chinese police and being sent back to North Korea to a labor camp.

4. Timothy Cho

Timothy Cho has given interviews on several different media, though he is not very well-known.

His story confirms the use of public executions in front of kids, the god-like status of the supreme leader and the cooperation of Chinese government with North Korea.

5. Yeonmi Park Details Horrific Effects of North Korean Starvation — YouTube

Yeonmi Park is a famous defector living in the US who is active on Instagram, has published a couple of books and many interviews online. Famous ones are with Joe Rogan, Lex Fridman, Jordan Peterson.

It is stunning to hear from her that she proposed to some American production studio to make a documentary about North Korea. Though her offer was rejected, because the studio would not want to take the risk of giving a bad image of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In fact, Yeonmi believes that the existence of North Korea is bound to the support of the CCP.

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