45 Motivational Quotes for Perseverance, Hard Work and Mental Endurance

Only those who remain strong and keep working despite the odds make it

Dr. Roopleen
5 min readAug 26, 2022
Motivational quotes for perseverance, hard work and endurance
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Perseverance is essential for success in life

There’s no worthwhile goal that is easy to achieve. The bigger your goal, the more you will face difficulties and challenges.

Many people throw in the towel and back out when they experience rough times or face problems.

This quality of perseverance — their ability to continue their efforts even in the face of hardships, adversity, and unfavorable circumstances — is what makes them successful in life.

When things get tough, or it takes longer than usual to show results, there’s always a temptation to give up.

People who keep their cool, remain patient and steadfast, and don’t lose heart even when they experience doubt, fear or apprehensions reach the end of their success journey and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Here is the curated list of Perseverance Quotes meant to motivate you to keep going in pursuit of your goals and achieve all that you desire.

1) “Patience and perseverance together for the winning combination for success in any field of life.” -Roopleen

2) “Those who are committed to persevering will taste the sweetest of fruits of their labor.” -Roopleen

3) “Switch gears from impatient to persevering, and you will see yourself getting to the next level of success and happiness.” -Roopleen

4) “The fiercest battles are won with courage, grit, and perseverance.” -Roopleen

5) “Top performers and high achievers have reached where they are because they have relentlessly persevered despite challenges and setbacks.” -Roopleen

6) “Finally, victory goes to those who put in their best, persevere, and refuse to give up on their dreams.” -Roopleen

7) “If you want to achieve your biggest goals, ignite the fire of ambition deep and be willing to persevere till the last.” -Roopleen

8) “Only with perseverance and grit will you discover the hidden strength and potential within.” -Roopleen

9) “Those who persevere, outshine and outlast even the smartest.” -Roopleen

10) “The difference between mediocrity and excellence is perseverance and persistence.” -Roopleen

11) “Relentless hard work, perseverance, and indomitable will can turn the impossible into the achievable.” -Roopleen

12) “When everything seems to be against you, your perseverance will win the day and help you succeed.” -Roopleen

13) “Your perseverance will help you go all the way, despite the obstacles, even on the toughest path.” -Roopleen

14) “You never know when you will find a breakthrough. Keep focusing on the light at the end of the tunnel, and keep persevering.” -Roopleen

15) “Giving up is easy; anyone can throw in the towel anytime. Only the strong and the courageous can practice perseverance and stand tall in facing difficulties.” -Roopleen

16) “Successful people are ordinary people who get into the habit of persevering.” -Roopleen

17) “When faced with hard times, remember that only perseverance and grit can take you to the other side of the obstacles and help you accomplish your goals.” -Roopleen

18) “The more difficult times I face, the stronger becomes my resolve to persevere.” -Roopleen

19) “Believe in yourself and have faith in your abilities. The tide will turn, you will realize your dreams, and your life will get better. Till then, keep persevering and keep grinding.” -Roopleen

20) “Sometimes, you experience hardships and hit rock bottom. Don’t take it as a signal to call it quits. Use it as motivation to bounce back and start persevering again.” -Roopleen

21) “Your ability to push through the obstacles will take you far in life.” -Roopleen

22) “If your determination is strong enough, your resolve deep enough, and you persevere long enough, no goal is out of your reach.” -Roopleen

23) “To reach where you aspire to be, don’t let discouragements, hardships, and adversity come your way. Keep the faith, keep believing, and keep persevering.” -Roopleen

24) “Perseverance is about holding tight, hanging on, and taking baby steps, one at a time.” -Roopleen

25) “Never stop trying. You have the ability and the strength to achieve anything you set your mind to. Just keep hustling and keep persevering.” -Roopleen

26) “What separates the high achievers from the rest is their undying commitment and ability to remain steadfast.” -Roopleen

27) “If you long for success, get ready to face the challenges and prepare for perseverance.” -Roopleen

28) “Success and recognition demand unwavering belief, a resolute mind, and continuous perseverance, no matter how many obstacles come your way.” -Roopleen

29) “There will be problems and challenges. Your ability to stay put and persevere will help you push through the difficulties.” -Roopleen

30) “Sometimes, life throws stuff your way that you can neither handle nor figure out. Just remain calm, be patient and keep giving it your all. Things will work out; you’ll find a way, and success will come.” -Roopleen

31) “The longer you persevere, the better your odds of making it.” -Roopleen

32) “The moments that tire you out the most will become your most cherished memories. Keep grinding, keep persevering.” -Roopleen

33) “Sometimes, it’s just a simple matter of persevering. But many fail to get it.” -Roopleen

34) “Obstacles and hurdles are not the end of the road. Believe in yourself, persevere, and navigate your way to success.” -Roopleen

35) “Work on your goals every single day. Tirelessly. On the journey to success, perseverance is the way to go.” -Roopleen

36) “When you feel worn down, remember why you started. It will give you the strength to hang on, remain relentless, and persevere.” -Roopleen

37) “Success is a lot more than just hard work. It’s about persistence, perseverance, and the passionate pursuit of goals.” -Roopleen

38) “Wanting to succeed without working hard for it is setting yourself up for disappointment.” -Roopleen

39) “Success is the outcome of your hard work, grit, determination, and perseverance.” -Roopleen

40) “You will never win if you lack the will to persevere.” -Roopleen

41) “Don’t wait for success to happen. Trust yourself, work hard and make it happen.” -Roopleen

42) “The way to create your destiny is to invest in yourself, fuel the fire within you and persevere.” -Roopleen

43) “There will never be a shortcut to success. You must persevere and prepare to go all the way.” -Roopleen

44) “Difficulties and roadblocks are not reason enough to stop working. Persevere, be persistent and find your way through the challenges.” -Roopleen

45) “It is your ability to follow through and your strength to persevere that will decide your level of success in life.” -Roopleen



Dr. Roopleen

6X Top Writer on Medium | Author of 6 books | 4X LinkedIn Top Voice | 2.7M views on Quora | Fitness enthusiast I I write on personal development and motivation