Beyond Basic ML: Decision Trees, Ensembles & Clustering Explained with Relatable Analogies and Real-World Examples

Dinesh Chaudhary
23 min readJun 14, 2024


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In the first part of our series, we explored fundamental machine learning algorithms such as Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, K-nearest neighbors (KNN), and Support Vector Machines (SVM) through relatable analogies and real-world examples. Now, in this second part, we’ll delve deeper into more advanced techniques. We’ll cover Decision Tree algorithms for intuitive decision-making, ensemble methods like Bagging and Boosting for enhanced performance, Random Forests for robust predictions, and Clustering to uncover hidden patterns in data. We will continue using analogies and real-world examples to illustrate these concepts effectively.

Decision Tree Algorithms:

Decision Tree is a supervised learning algorithm used for both classification and regression tasks. It works by building a tree-like model where each internal node represents a question about a feature in the data, and each branch represents the answer to that question. By recursively splitting the data based on these questions, the tree arrives at leaf nodes that contain predictions for the target variable.

There are different algorithms used to construct decision trees, like ID3 which uses Information Gain, C4.5 which uses Gain Ratio, and CART which uses the Gini Index. These algorithms essentially measure how well a particular feature separates the data into distinct categories for the target variable. The feature with the highest information gain (or lowest impurity for CART) becomes the splitting criterion at each node.

Understanding decision tree with an analogy:

1. Introduction: Navigating a Forest of Decisions

Imagine you’re lost in a forest (data) and need to find your way back to camp (target variable). A decision tree acts like a series of helpful signs that guide you based on specific questions about your surroundings. By answering these questions, you’ll eventually reach your destination.

2. Classification and Regression: Two Paths

There are different paths in the forest, decision trees can be used for both classification (predicting categories) and regression (predicting continuous values). You can choose which path you want to explore in the forest (classification or regression) based on your target variable.

3. The Branching Process: Asking the Right Questions

A decision tree is a flowchart-like structure where each internal node represents a question based on a feature of the data. The branches represent the possible answers to those questions. This process of questioning and branching continues until you reach a leaf node, which contains the predicted class (classification) or predicted value (regression) for a particular data point.

4. Finding the Best Split:

The key to a good decision tree is asking the most informative questions at each node. Decision trees use a concept called information gain to choose the feature and question that best splits the data into more homogeneous groups. The more homogeneous the groups, the easier it is to make accurate predictions at the leaf nodes.

Advantages and disadvantages of Decision Tree


  • Interpretability: One of the biggest strengths of decision trees is their interpretability. You can easily trace the path through the tree to understand how a specific prediction was made. This is like seeing the thought process behind the signs that led you out of the forest.
  • Flexibility: Decision trees can handle various data types, including categorical and numerical data, making them adaptable to different situations in the forest.
  • No Need for Feature Scaling: Unlike some algorithms, decision trees don’t necessarily require feature scaling, which can save preprocessing time.


  • Prone to Overfitting: If the decision tree is allowed to grow too deep, it can become too specific to the training data and perform poorly on unseen data. This is like getting lost in a maze of overly specific signs instead of following clear directions.
  • Variable Importance Can Be Unclear: While interpretable, understanding the relative importance of different features in a complex decision tree can be challenging.
  • Greedy Algorithm: Decision trees make greedy choices at each split, which may not always lead to the globally optimal solution for the entire tree.

When to use a decision tree ?:

Decision trees are a good choice when interpretability is important, or when dealing with mixed data types. They can also be useful for exploratory data analysis to gain insights into feature relationships.

Steps How to Build a Decision Tree:

  1. Define the Goal: Identify the problem you’re trying to solve. Is it classification (predict a category) or regression (predict a continuous value)? Determine the features (data points) you have and the target variable you want to predict.
  2. Prepare the Data: Ensure your data is clean and pre-process it if necessary. This might involve handling missing values or encoding categorical features.
  3. Start with the Root Node: This node represents the entire dataset.
  4. Choose the Best Splitting Feature: Use an information gain metric (like ID3) or Gini index (like CART) to determine which feature best separates the data into distinct groups based on the target variable. The feature with the highest information gain (or lowest impurity) becomes the splitting criterion.
  5. Create Branches: Based on the chosen feature, create branches for each possible answer (or value) of that feature.
  6. Recursively Split: For each branch, repeat steps 4 and 5 on the resulting subset of data. This continues until a stopping criterion is met, like reaching a certain level of purity (all data points in a branch belong to the same class) or reaching a maximum tree depth.
  7. Create Leaf Nodes: The final branches end in leaf nodes, which contain the predicted value for the target variable. This could be the majority class for classification or the average value for regression.

Example: Deciding to Go Out

Imagine you want to build a decision tree to predict whether you’ll go out for dinner based on the weather (sunny, rainy, snowy) and your mood (happy, sad). Here’s a possible tree:

  • Root Node: Go out for dinner?
  • Weather: Sunny
  • Mood: Happy (Leaf Node) — Go out
  • Mood: Sad (Leaf Node) — Stay in
  • Weather: Rainy/Snowy (Leaf Node) — Stay I

Real World Applications:

Decision Tree has a wide range of applications across various domains:

Healthcare: Disease Diagnosis: In healthcare, decision trees are used to diagnose diseases. By analyzing patient data such as symptoms, medical history, and test results, decision trees can help doctors make accurate diagnoses. For instance, a decision tree might use inputs like age, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels to determine the likelihood of heart disease.

Finance: Credit Scoring: Financial institutions use decision trees to assess the creditworthiness of loan applicants. The model evaluates various factors such as income, employment status, and credit history to predict the probability of default. This helps banks make informed decisions on loan approvals.

Retail: Customer Segmentation: Retailers employ decision trees to segment customers based on purchasing behavior. By analyzing transaction data, retailers can identify distinct customer groups and tailor marketing strategies accordingly. For example, a decision tree might classify customers into segments like frequent buyers, occasional shoppers, and high-value customers.

Ensemble Learning:

Ensemble learning is a machine learning technique that combines the predictions from multiple models to improve the overall performance and robustness of the predictive model. Instead of relying on a single model, ensemble learning leverages the strengths of various models to create a more robust and accurate prediction system.

Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregation):

In real-life scenarios, we don’t have multiple different training sets on which we can train our model separately and then combine their results. This is where bootstrapping comes into the picture. Bootstrapping is a technique of sampling different sets of data from a given training set using replacement. After bootstrapping the training dataset, we train the model on all the different sets and aggregate the results. This technique is known as Bootstrap Aggregation or Bagging.

Definition of Bagging:

Bagging is a type of ensemble technique in which a single training algorithm is used on different subsets of the training data, where the subset sampling is done with replacement (bootstrap). Once the algorithm is trained on all the subsets, bagging makes the prediction by aggregating all the predictions made by the algorithm on different subsets. In the case of regression, the bagging prediction is simply the mean of all the predictions, and in the case of classification, the bagging prediction is the most frequent (majority vote) among all the predictions.

Bagging Vs Boosting:

Both bagging and boosting are ensemble learning techniques used in machine learning to improve model performance and generalization. However, they take different approaches to achieve this goal:

Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating):

  • Idea: Train multiple models on different subsets of the data created with replacement (bootstrapping).
  • Model Type: Typically uses weak learners like decision trees. The idea is that by combining many weak learners, you get a stronger overall model.
  • Training: Models are trained independently of each other.
  • Prediction: New data points are predicted by each model in the ensemble, and the final prediction is typically the average (for regression) or majority vote (for classification) across all models.
  • Benefits: Reduces variance of the model, leading to better performance on unseen data and potentially addressing overfitting issues. Relatively easy to implement.
  • Drawbacks: May not improve bias if the weak learners all suffer from the same bias. This can lead to increased computational costs due to training multiple models.


  • Idea: Train models sequentially. Each new model focuses on learning from the errors of the previous model. This approach aims to progressively improve the overall accuracy.
  • Model Type: Can use various model types, including weak learners like decision trees or even more complex models.
  • Training: Models are trained one after another. Each subsequent model places more weight on the data points that the previous model misclassified.
  • Prediction: Similar to bagging, each model makes a prediction, and the final prediction is a weighted combination of all individual predictions.
  • Benefits: Can address both variance and bias, potentially leading to superior performance compared to bagging.
  • Drawbacks: More complex to implement compared to bagging. Can lead to overfitting if not carefully regularized.

When we choose Bagging and Boosting ?:

  • Start with bagging: If overfitting is a concern and interpretability is important, bagging is a good starting point.
  • Consider boosting: If both bias and variance reduction are needed, and interpretability is less of a concern, boosting might be a better choice.

Here’s an analogy to understand the difference:

  • Imagine a group of students studying for an exam.
  • Bagging: Each student studies a different chapter (different data subsets) independently. They then come together to share their knowledge and answer the exam questions together (taking the average of their answers).
  • Boosting: The students take a practice exam first (initial model). The teacher then identifies the questions where most students struggled (errors of the previous model) and assigns more weight to those questions while explaining them again (focusing on errors). This cycle repeats until the students are confident on all topics (sequential learning from errors).

Here’s a table summarizing the key differences:

Understanding Bagging with an Analogy

Imagine you’re a movie studio executive trying to predict which upcoming films will be blockbusters. Here’s how Bagging can help:

Multiple Critics: Instead of relying on one critic’s opinion, you gather a group of diverse critics with different tastes and perspectives (similar to training multiple models in Bagging).

Independent Reviews: Each critic views a slightly different set of trailers and teasers (data subsets with replacement). This ensures a wider range of factors are considered (similar to Bagging training models on different data subsets).

Combined Predictions: After reviewing the material, each critic predicts the movie’s success (individual model prediction). You then take the average of all these predictions (ensemble prediction) to get a more comprehensive sense of the film’s potential.

Benefits of Bagging (for the studio):

  • Reduced Bias: By combining diverse opinions, you’re less likely to be swayed by the tastes of a single critic (similar to how Bagging reduces bias in the final prediction).
  • More Informed Decision: The aggregated prediction provides a broader picture of potential audience reception (similar to how Bagging offers a more robust prediction).

Drawback of Bagging:

  • Limited Improvement if Base Models are Weak: If all the critics have similar biases or limited knowledge, then averaging their opinions might not significantly improve the overall prediction (similarly, if the base models in Bagging are weak learners with high bias, Bagging might not lead to a substantial improvement in accuracy).

In essence, Bagging is like having a diverse group of film critics, but it can’t magically make bad critics good. If the base models (critics) themselves are not very accurate, Bagging might not yield a significant improvement in the final prediction.

Real World Applications:

Bagging algorithm has a wide range of applications across various domains.

Agriculture: Crop Yield Prediction: In agriculture, bagging techniques, particularly Random Forests, are used to predict crop yields. By aggregating predictions from multiple decision trees, the model can account for various factors like weather conditions, soil quality, and historical yield data. This helps farmers make informed decisions about crop management and resource allocation.

Finance: Fraud Detection: Bagging is also applied in fraud detection within the financial sector. Random Forests can analyze transaction data to identify unusual patterns that may indicate fraudulent activity. By considering multiple decision trees, the model reduces the likelihood of false positives and improves detection accuracy.

Marketing: Customer Retention: Marketing teams use bagging to predict customer churn. By analyzing customer interaction data, purchase history, and feedback, Random Forests can identify factors that contribute to customer attrition. This allows companies to implement targeted retention strategies to keep valuable customers engaged.

Understanding Boosting with an Analogy

Imagine you’re training a student who’s initially not very good at taking multiple-choice tests. Boosting is a machine learning technique like a personalized tutoring approach that helps this student improve over time.

Here’s the process:

  1. Initial Test: First, the student takes a practice test (like training a weak model on the data). We see which questions they answered incorrectly (areas where the model makes errors).
  2. Targeted Help: We create a new practice test that focuses more on the questions the student missed previously (training a new model that emphasizes the errors). This is like the student getting extra help on their weak areas.
  3. Repeat and Improve: The student keeps taking practice tests with a focus on their mistakes, and we create new tests accordingly (each iteration trains a new model on the errors of the previous one).
  4. Final Exam: After multiple rounds of practice, the student is hopefully well-prepared for the actual exam (the final model combines the knowledge from all the practice tests).

Boosting in Machine Learning:

  • It’s similar! We train a series of simple models (like the practice tests) where each model focuses on the mistakes of the previous one.
  • We combine the predictions from all the models for a more accurate final result.

Benefits of Boosting:

  • Improved Accuracy: By learning from errors iteratively, boosting can lead to better performance compared to a single model.
  • Flexibility: Boosting can work with different types of models (weak or strong learners).

Drawbacks of Boosting:

  • Overfitting Risk: If not careful (like giving the student the actual exam questions for practice!), boosting can overfit the data.
  • More Complex: Boosting involves a more intricate training process compared to some ensemble methods.

Real World Application:

Boosting algorithms have a wide range of applications across various domains.

Ad Click Prediction: Online advertising platforms use boosting algorithms to predict which ads a user is most likely to click on, optimizing ad placement and campaign effectiveness.

Algorithm Trading: Trading firms can leverage boosting algorithms to analyze financial data and make automated trading decisions based on complex patterns.

Cybersecurity Intrusion Detection: Boosting algorithms can be used to analyze network traffic and identify patterns that might indicate cyberattacks.

Natural language Processing (NLP): Boosting algorithms play a role in tasks like sentiment analysis, where they can analyze text and determine the overall sentiment (positive, negative, or neutral) expressed.

Understanding Random Forest with an Analogy

  1. The Wisdom of the Crowd: A Forest of Diverse Decision Trees

Imagine you’re on a camping trip deep in a forest (data) and need to predict the weather (target variable) for the next day. Random Forest acts like a wise old park ranger who gathers a crowd of experienced hikers (decision trees). Each hiker has explored different parts of the forest (data subsets) and offers their prediction based on their observations (features). By combining the wisdom of the crowd, you get a more reliable forecast!

2. Building on Bagging’s Strengths: Random Forest Explained

Random Forest is an ensemble learning technique that builds upon the concept of Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating). It leverages an entire forest (multiple decision trees) to make predictions.

3. The Random Twist: Adding Diversity for Better Predictions

While Bagging creates diverse learners by sampling the data with replacement, Random Forest introduces another layer of randomness. When splitting a node in a decision tree, instead of considering all features, Random Forest randomly selects a subset of features (typically the square root of the total features) as candidates for the split. This injects additional diversity into the decision trees, making them even less correlated.

4. Wisdom Through Voting: Combining the Hikers’ Predictions

Just like in Bagging, Random Forest uses a voting approach for classification (majority vote wins) or averaging for regression (average the predictions from all trees) to make the final prediction. This aggregation leverages the collective wisdom of the diverse decision trees, leading to a more robust forecast.

Benefits of the Forest Approach:

  • Improved Accuracy: Random Forest often outperforms individual decision trees due to the reduction of variance and the introduction of diversity. You get a more reliable weather prediction by combining the forecasts from multiple experienced hikers.
  • Reduced Overfitting: The randomness in feature selection helps prevent individual trees from becoming overly specific to the training data, leading to better generalization on unseen data. The hikers don’t get stuck focusing on just one small part of the forest (training data) and can consider the bigger picture.
  • Interpretability (to a degree): By examining individual trees and features used for splits, you can gain some insights into the data and the prediction process. You can still talk to some of the hikers and understand the thought process behind their forecasts.

Considerations for the Forest Approach

  • Computational Cost: Training multiple decision trees can be computationally expensive, especially for large datasets. The park ranger does have a lot of hikers to manage!
  • Hyperparameter Tuning: Random Forest involves tuning hyperparameters like the number of trees and the number of features considered at each split. This requires some experimentation to find the optimal settings.

When to Seek Guidance from the Forest

  • Random Forest is a powerful and versatile algorithm, making it a good choice for a variety of classification and regression tasks, especially when dealing with high-dimensional data.
  • It’s a good option when the interpretability of the model is somewhat important, and when resources for training are available.

Clustering Algorithms:

Imagine we are at a party full of people but we don’t know the people. Clustering algorithms are like a smart way to group these people together based on similarities, helping us make new friends!

Unsupervised Learning:

  • Unlike regular machine learning where data has labels (names in this case), clustering deals with unlabeled data. We had a bunch of people at the party, but we didn’t know their names or interests.

Finding the Groups:

  • Clustering algorithms aim to find groups (clusters) of people who are similar to each other. This could be based on things they have in common, like:
  • Wearing similar clothes (like a data point’s features)
  • Enjoying the same music genre (like a data point’s characteristics)

One common clustering method is called K-Means. Here’s how it works at the party:

1. Decide on Groups (K): we decide how many groups we want beforehand (maybe sports fans, interested in politics, and music lovers).

2. Scatter People Around: Pick a few people at random to be the initial group leaders (centroids).

3. Find Your Crew: Everyone finds the group leader they’re most similar to (based on interests, like data points finding their closest cluster center based on distance).

4. Reconsider the Leaders: The group leaders see who joined their group and adjust their position slightly to be more central within the group (recompute centroids).

5. Repeat and Mingle: People keep finding the closest group leader based on the updates, and the leaders keep adjusting their position until things settle down (convergence).

Benefits of Clustering:

  • Understanding the Crowd: Clustering helps you understand the overall structure of the party (data). It reveals hidden groups of people with similar interests (similar data points).
  • Simplifying the Party: By grouping people, you can approach them more efficiently (dimensionality reduction for further analysis).
  • Unlabeled Data Fun: Clustering works even if you don’t know everyone’s names (unlabeled data) — perfect for making new friends (discovering patterns)!

Things to Consider:

  • Picking the Right Number of Groups (K): This can be tricky, and some experimentation might be needed. It’s like deciding how many friend groups to form at the party.
  • The Distance Metric: There are different ways to measure similarity (like Euclidean distance). Choosing the right metric can impact how the groups are formed.

Density-Based Methods:

Density-based clustering methods are unsupervised machine-learning techniques that identify clusters in data based on the concept of density. Unlike techniques like K-Means which rely on predefined cluster centroids, density-based methods focus on finding regions in the data space with high concentrations of data points. These high-density regions are considered clusters, while areas with sparse data points are often seen as noise or separation between clusters.

Here’s a breakdown of the key concepts in density-based clustering:

  • Epsilon Neighborhood (ε-neighborhood): This defines the radius of a local area around a data point. All data points within this radius are considered neighbors of the central point. Imagine a ball with a specific radius around each data point.
  • Minimum Points (MinPts): This is a threshold value that defines the minimum number of data points required within a data point’s ε-neighborhood to be considered a core point. A core point essentially signifies a point located in a dense region. Think of it as a data point with enough neighbors within its ε-neighborhood to be considered part of a cluster.
  • Density-based Clustering Algorithm (DBSCAN): This is a widely used density-based clustering algorithm. Here’s how it works:
  1. Identify Core Points: The algorithm starts by identifying core points based on the ε and MinPts parameters. Data points with at least MinPts neighbors within their ε-neighborhood are classified as core points.
  2. Cluster Formation: It then expands clusters by considering the neighbors of core points. If a neighbor of a core point is also a core point, their ε-neighborhoods are merged to form a cluster. This process continues recursively until no new points can be added to the cluster.
  3. Border Points: Data points that are within the ε-neighborhood of a core point but don’t have enough neighbors themselves to be core points are classified as border points. These points are considered on the fringes of the cluster.
  4. Noise Points: Data points that don’t fall within the ε-neighborhood of any core point are classified as noise. These are points considered outliers or isolated from the main clusters.

Benefits of Density-Based Methods:

  • Can Handle Clusters of Arbitrary Shapes: Unlike K-Means which assumes spherical clusters, density-based methods can discover clusters of various shapes and sizes.
  • Robust to Noise: They are less sensitive to outliers in the data compared to methods that rely on centroid placement.
  • No Need to Predefine Number of Clusters: Unlike K-Means where you specify the number of clusters (k) beforehand, density-based methods automatically discover the number of clusters based on the data’s density.

Drawbacks of Density-Based Methods:

  • Parameter Sensitivity: The performance of density-based methods can be sensitive to the choice of ε and MinPts values. Finding the optimal values might require experimentation.
  • Computationally Expensive: For large datasets, these methods can be computationally expensive due to the need to calculate distances between all data points.

Applications of Density-Based Methods:

  • Image Segmentation: Identifying objects or regions within an image, especially when the objects have irregular shapes.
  • Customer Segmentation: Grouping customers based on purchase behavior or demographics, even if the customer groups have varying densities.
  • Anomaly Detection: Finding data points that deviate significantly from dense regions, potentially indicating anomalies or outliers.

Understanding Density-Based Clustering with Analogy:

Imagine a party with people scattered around the room. Density-based clustering is like a way to group these people into clusters based on how close they’re standing to each other, not predefined circles on the floor.

Finding the Crowds:

  • Here’s the key idea: Dense areas with lots of people close together are considered clusters, while sparse areas with few people are seen as the separation between clusters or outliers.

Key Concepts to Grasp:

  • Neighborhood Size (Epsilon): Imagine a hula hoop around each person. This “hula hoop” size defines the epsilon neighborhood, encompassing all the people close to that person.
  • Minimum Neighbors (MinPts): Think of a minimum number of friends needed to feel comfortable at a party. In density-based clustering, a person is considered a “core point” (part of a dense cluster) only if they have at least MinPts people within their epsilon neighborhood.

DBSCAN: A Popular Choice:

  • DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) is a common algorithm for this approach. Here’s a simplified view:
  1. Identify the Popular People: DBSCAN starts by finding “core points” based on epsilon and MinPts. These are the people with enough close friends (neighbors) to be considered part of a big group.
  2. Build the Clusters: The algorithm then expands the clusters by looking at the friends of core points. If a friend of a core point is also popular (a core point), they connect their “hula hoop neighborhoods” to form a cluster. This continues until no new people can be added.
  3. The Wallflowers and Party Crashers: People on the fringes of clusters with a core point friend but not enough friends themselves are like the wallflowers. Data points far away from any core point are seen as outliers or “party crashers.”

Benefits of Density-Based Clustering:

  • Finds Any Shape Clusters: Unlike methods that assume round groups, density-based clustering can discover clusters of irregular shapes, like groups huddled together chatting.
  • Handles Outsiders Well: These methods are less fazed by a few random people standing alone (outliers) compared to other clustering techniques.
  • No Predefined Cluster Count: You don’t need to guess the number of groups beforehand! DBSCAN figures out the clusters based on how many people are close together.

Drawbacks to Consider:

  • Choosing the Right Size (Epsilon) and Minimum Friends (MinPts): The performance can be sensitive to these values. It might take some trial and error to find the optimal settings.
  • Large Parties Take Time: For massive datasets (huge parties!), these methods can be computationally expensive because they need to check how close everyone is to everyone else.

Hierarchical Clustering:

Hierarchical clustering is a method of cluster analysis in data mining that creates a hierarchical representation of the clusters in a dataset. The method starts by treating each data point as a separate cluster and then iteratively combines the closest clusters until a stopping criterion is reached. The result of hierarchical clustering is a tree-like structure, called a dendrogram, which illustrates the hierarchical relationships among the clusters.


  • The ability to handle non-convex clusters and clusters of different sizes and densities.
  • The ability to handle missing data and noisy data.
  • The ability to reveal the hierarchical structure of the data, which can be useful for understanding the relationships among the clusters.


  • The need for a criterion to stop the clustering process and determine the final number of clusters.
  • The computational cost and memory requirements of the method can be high, especially for large datasets.
  • The results can be sensitive to the initial conditions, linkage criterion, and distance metric used.

In summary, hierarchical clustering is a method of data mining that groups similar data points into clusters by creating a hierarchical structure of the clusters. This method can handle different types of data and reveal the relationships among the clusters. However, it can have a high computational cost, and the results can be sensitive to certain conditions.

Types of Hierarchical Clustering

1. Agglomerative Clustering:

Initially, consider every data point as an individual cluster and, at every step, merge the nearest pairs of clusters. This is a bottom-up method. At first, every data point is considered an individual entity or cluster. At each iteration, the clusters merge with other clusters until only one cluster remains.

The algorithm for agglomerative hierarchical clustering is:

  1. Calculate the similarity of one cluster with all the other clusters (calculate the proximity matrix).
  2. Consider every data point as an individual cluster.
  3. Merge the clusters that are highly similar or close to each other.
  4. Recalculate the proximity matrix for each cluster.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until only a single cluster remains.

Graphical Representation Using a Dendrogram:

  1. Step 1: Consider each alphabet as a single cluster and calculate the distance of each cluster from all the other clusters.
  2. Step 2: Merge comparable clusters to form a single cluster. For example, if clusters (B) and © are very similar, merge them. Similarly, merge clusters (D) and (E). After this step, the clusters are: [(A), (BC), (DE), (F)].
  3. Step 3: Recalculate the proximity according to the algorithm and merge the two nearest clusters. For example, if (DE) and (F) are the closest, merge them to form new clusters: [(A), (BC), (DEF)].
  4. Step 4: Repeat the process. If clusters (DEF) and (BC) are the closest, merge them to form new clusters: [(A), (BCDEF)].
  5. Step 5: Finally, merge the remaining clusters to form a single cluster: (ABCDEF)

The dendrogram representing this process would look like this:

2. Divisive Hierarchical clustering

We can say that Divisive Hierarchical clustering is precisely the opposite of Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering. In Divisive Hierarchical clustering, we take into account all of the data points as a single cluster, and in every iteration, we separate the data points from the clusters that aren’t comparable. In the end, we are left with N clusters.

Understanding Hierarchical Clustering with an analogy:

Imagine you’re at a giant family reunion, but you don’t know everyone. Hierarchical clustering helps you organize this crowd into family groups!

Different Levels of Family:

  • Regular clustering gives you one big group photo. Hierarchical clustering creates a family tree, showing how everyone is related at different levels.

Two Ways to Build the Tree:

  • Bottom-Up (Agglomerative): Start with everyone as individuals. Find the closest cousins (based on data similarity) and merge them into a small family unit. Then keep merging the closest families based on their members (data points) until you have one big family (one cluster) at the top.
  • Top-Down (Divisive, less common): Start with everyone as one giant family. Find the family with the most arguments (least similar data points) and split them into smaller groups. Keep splitting until everyone is alone (each data point in its own cluster).

Finding Closeness:

We use a special ruler (distance metric) to measure how similar people (data points) are. There are also different ways to decide how close families (clusters) are as a whole, like:

  • Closest Relative Rule (Single Linkage): Focus on the two closest people (data points) between families.
  • Farthest Relative Rule (Complete Linkage): Consider the two most distant people (data points) when merging families.
  • Average Family Similarity (Average Linkage): Look at the average similarity between all members of two families.

The Family Tree (Dendrogram):

The result is a family tree called a dendrogram. Each branch shows a family merge, and its height indicates how similar the merged families were. There’s no perfect number of families (clusters)! You can cut the tree at different levels to get smaller family groups (more clusters) or larger ones (fewer clusters) based on the distance between merged families or your knowledge of the reunion attendees (domain knowledge).

Benefits of the Family Reunion Approach:

  • See Different Groupings: Explore the data at various levels, like small friend groups, extended families, and the entire reunion.
  • No Guessing Guest Count: The dendrogram helps you decide on the number of families (clusters) based on the data itself.
  • Beyond Nuclear Families: It can find groups of all shapes and sizes, not just neat little family units.

Challenges of the Reunion:

  • Massive Reunions, Long Calculations: Figuring out how close everyone is to everyone else can be time-consuming for huge datasets.
  • Picking the Right Family Connection Rule (Linkage): The way you decide family closeness can affect the final tree structure.
  • Dendrogram Decisions: Choosing the exact level to cut the dendrogram for the optimal number of clusters can be subjective.

Real-World Applications of Hierarchical Clustering:

Hierarchical clustering, a powerful cluster analysis method, Let’s explore some fascinating examples:

Customer Segmentation: Businesses use it to segment customers based on buying behavior for targeted marketing.

Information Retrieval: Clustering documents enhances search engines’ efficiency in retrieving relevant content.

Computer Vision: Hierarchical clustering assists in image segmentation for medical diagnostics and object recognition.

Network Security: Detecting anomalies in network traffic patterns improves cybersecurity measures.

Retail: Market basket analysis identifies product associations to optimize sales strategies.

Social Network Analysis: Identifying communities in social networks enhances user engagement strategies.

Ecology: Clustering species aids in biodiversity studies and ecosystem management.

Healthcare: Grouping patients with similar medical profiles supports personalized treatment plans.

Astronomy: Classifying celestial objects based on properties advances our understanding of the universe.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully navigated the first two parts of this series, venturing into the exciting world of machine learning algorithms. We explored fundamental concepts like linear regression and logistic regression, then delved deeper into decision trees, ensemble methods, random forests, and clustering algorithms.



Dinesh Chaudhary

👨‍💻 AI Enthusiast | Software Engineer | Freelance Data Scientist. Crafting innovative software, analyzing data, and exploring AI to solve complex problems.