Capstone: Project Brief


Dave Vorwerk
2 min readSep 14, 2022

If you haven’t already, I highly suggest reading my first blog about capstone here for context:


To read about target types for my project, click here:


My project is an interactive experience through the history of the internal combustion engine in cars along with the future of the automotive industry. This will be a museum experience that has a few corresponding components.

Evocative Words

  1. Modern
  2. Sleek
  3. Educational
  4. Casual
  5. Reasoning
  6. Narrative
  7. Involved
  8. Hi-Tech
  9. Evolution
  10. Community

Attribute Spectrum


In five years it would be a large exhibit in an automotive or science museum while also being updated to accommodate the next evolution in the automotive industry. There is also a chance that it could move around to different locations.

Business Model

It would make money with an admission fee for the museum like the Peterson Museum has already.

Designed Products

  • An interactive timeline
  • App to interact with pieces in the exhibit
  • Virtual experience on a website with the timeline available
  • Pamphlet or some sort of layout map with all major events in the timeline.


  1. It exists because it can educate people on the evolution of the automobile and where we are headed in the future of transportation.
  2. It would be meaningful because there is a long history with the Internal Combustion Engine and now we are looking at sustainable replacements. When these get phased out, there should be a comprehensive timeline of achievements as well as where we go from here.
  3. People will want it because it reminds them of how far we have come.

Why it Matters to Me

This project matters to me because I myself am a huge car enthusiast and so are most of my friends. Growing up thinking this would be the norm forever and then now realizing that things will be changing very soon is a strange adjustment. Sure we can own these types of vehicles for a while and I may even get my dream car eventually, but how long will it last? Will I make the switch sooner than I expect to in the future? Will I lose this hobby? I think that only time will tell and if this is the way forward, then that is fine by me. I always thought this was a possibility but I never thought I would live through it.



Dave Vorwerk

Maryville University design student