3D Upgrade: Overview and Vision

3 min readAug 14, 2024


Dymension’s 3D upgrade is designed to enable ANYONE to easily deploy their own blockchain unlocking vast opportunities for the entire ecosystem.

In the past, only technical people could manage, build, and operate online websites. As the web evolved that has changed into what the internet is today, where anyone can launch a web app using tools such as Shopify.

The same process is starting to manifest in crypto, token deployment is easy enough that any non-technical person has the power of launching their own token. Dymension is set to take the next step empowering anyone, even non-technical people, to easily launch their own non-custodial rollup.

At the current stage of the protocol (2D), deploying production RollApps is a technically complex process, involving various technical challenges and requiring governance approval. This is about to completely change with Dymension’s upcoming 3D upgrade.

Dymension’s 3D upgrade is designed to enable ANYONE to easily deploy their own blockchain

Deploy RollApps as Easily as Tokens

First and foremost, Dymension’s 3D upgrade opens the ability for users to permissionlessly deploy RollApps by using an extremely swift and simple UI:

  1. Register your RollApp
  2. Easily setup your tokenomics
  3. Whitelist RollApp’s sequencer or allow anyone to run it

Similar to purchasing a domain for a website, deployers will be able to create a RollApp instance on Dymension L1 and assign it with a RollApp domain handle (e.g. @pokerollapp). Registration requires burning DYM, with the cost increasing as the domain name becomes shorter. Creators then easily assign tokenomics to their RollApp via an onchain transaction.

Let Anyone Run Your RollApp

The next step requires whitelisting a RollApp sequencer address or choosing to let the community run the RollApp sequencer. This allows any capable operator to become the RollApp sequencer in return for minted tokens.

This process is similar to how web entrepreneurs first set up a domain, configure a server, and then choose to run it with AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, or other selected providers.

An upgraded Roller CLI tool enables technical node operators to easily run a RollApp sequencer. Simply input the chain ID, Roller then fetches all the necessary onchain information from Dymension and starts running the chosen RollApp sequencer.

To run a RollApp sequencer a minimum bond of 100 DYM is required, but to get more visibility and liquidity, a bigger bond is recommended. This bond is at risk of being slashed and burned in the event of faulty behavior, but is fully refundable upon successful unbonding.

Earn with RollApps

1. Sponsorship Incentives

Sponsorship is an onchain permissionless mechanism for distributing funding for RollApps. It replaces outdated, inefficient grant systems that lack transparency. DYM stakers decide where DYM incentives are streamed. Stakers can support any RollApp and/or any liquidity pool unlocking various new profit strategies.

Dymension Foundation will use Sponsorship Incentives to run an automated program to score all RollApps activity and sponsor (incentivize) them according to various metrics.

More on that soon.

2. RollApp sequencer market

Technical node operators can choose to opt in and become RollApp sequencers for registered rollups and earn minted tokens according to the RollApp tokenomics.

3. Market-making eIBC

The upgraded Roller CLI provides easy commands for those looking to market-make liquidity by fulfilling user withdrawals from RollApps.


Beyond the fundamental upgrade that simplifies deployment and eliminates the need for governance approval, additional enhancements are baked into 3D designed to bootstrap a positive feedback loop into the ecosystem. Some of these features include:

Moving Forward

Dymension 3D is set to open non-custodial rollup ownerships to anyone with a vision and drive to build their own ‘website’ on the Internet of RollApps.

To begin testing the 3D upgrade, Dymension will launch a new devnet playground (aka 3D Playground) for developers and users to test out the new features and lock in some benefits. Stay tuned for further announcements.

Let’s Build the Internet of RollApps!




Dymension is the Hub of IBC rollups setting the ground for the emerging Internet of RollApps.