The Path Forward — Revisited and Updated

3 min readSep 20, 2022


Back in April, the Dymension core team introduced a soft roadmap portraying an overview of how we see the protocol development moving forward. Today we re-visit it so we could provide the community with an updated version of the path forward.

The recent release of the litepaper provided an overview of the high level design and novel technology being built by the Dymension core team. Core concepts like RollApps, RollApp Virtual Machine and the embedded AMM were presented to the public.

As with any impactful and complex mission, we iterate over the planning process and breakdown the Dymension roadmap into concrete milestones which will lead us towards achieving the ambitious goals that we set out to accomplish.

Milestone #1 Local Dymension ⌘

The release of Dymension’s GitHub, documentation portal and tutorials will enable you to:

  1. Run a full node of Dymension’s settlement hub locally and prepare for testnet.
  2. Build a RollApp — Build a checkers-game RollApp which settles on your local Dymension hub node.
  3. Build a WASM RollApp — Develop and deploy CosmWasm smart contracts on top of your WASM RollApp.
  4. Build an EVM RollApp — Develop and deploy Solidity smart contracts on top of your EVM RollApp and unlock compatibility with the entire Ethereum eco-system. (The next documentation release will include a tutorial for building an EVM RollApp)

In the previously published roadmap we expected to deploy a vanilla SDK chain and a flagship rollup on testnet. After much thought, we decided to focus on shipping capabilities which promote a truly useful testnet, ergo we will roll-out the testnet with two RollApps💈!

Milestone #2 Testnet Launch w/ EVM and WASM RollApps 💈

A non-incentivized public testnet with two RollApps, one for the folks who love developing in Rust on CosmWasm and the other for those who love coding in Solidity with the EVM. Both RollApps will operate under a single sequencer configuration run by the Dymension team.

Milestone #3 Incentivized Testnet

Battle testing the system and preparing Dymension for the genesis event.
At this point we expect that some or most of the following core features to be operational, with the timelines varying between testnet to post mainnet.

  1. Inter-RollApp Communication (IRC) allowing users to move from one RollApp to another via the Hub.
  2. IBC connection with the Dymension settlement Hub enabling users to go from RollApp to any IBC-enabled chain and back!
  3. Embedded AMM integrated into the settlement hub for concentrated and easy liquidity access for RollApps.

Milestone #4 Mainnet

Needless to say that the Genesis event is a monumental milestone which will unveil a lot of exciting aspects about DYM the asset, token distribution, the Dymension foundation and other juicy details which will be shared and discussed with our community members.

From a technical perspective, mainnet will continually grow into the Dymension Vision which includes the following goals:

  • The challenging implementation of a functioning fraud proof system that will allow RollApps to properly progress towards their permission-less expansion.
  • Decentralizing RollApps by introducing multi-sequencer capabilities. Accomplishing the above will reduce trust assumptions and unleash extensive value accrual for the DYM asset.
    At this point we estimate Dymension will ascend and begin to scratch it’s potential as it becomes a truly decentralized internet of RollApps.

The Dymension core team is working around the clock to get the protocol off the ground. While we are taking the conservative approach of not specifying specific dates, we are very optimistic (by design 😉) regarding the timelines, so tune in and buckle up.

Unlocking a new Dymension for the internet is an impactful mission, join us on the journey! We’re hiring, check out our openings at:
Dymension Careers

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Dymension is the Hub of IBC rollups setting the ground for the emerging Internet of RollApps (IBC connected rollups).