All new Marketing Opportunity for E-commerce stores is: Dynamic QR Code

Dynamic QR Code Generator
3 min readJan 13, 2022


In the past few years, QR codes have become quite popular and especially in the eCommerce industry. They’re swiftly transforming numerous parts of physical and online sales as they’ve evolved into a mobile commerce mechanism supported by smartphones on both Android and iOS platforms. You can also make use of dynamic QR code for your eCommerce store.

The QR codes improve user experience as well as the marketing of the store, especially for marketing. The growth of the eCommerce industry has been huge and with each passing year, the industry is growing.

This is the ideal time for commerce business owners and marketers to step up their marketing and customer engagement efforts across the board in order to ensure their long-term viability. They can do this with the help of QR codes. By QR codes, they can combine print & digital marketing efforts with conveniently available content that supports mobile platforms — and you’ve got yourself a winning e-commerce formula.

How QR codes can be helpful for eCommerce marketing?

1. App promotion

Applications are very much needed for an eCommerce business. It makes the shopping experience of the users easy and quick. You can use QR codes to direct your customers directly to the app download page. So, you can promote your eCommerce app through QR codes. You can create these QR codes with the help of a free dynamic QR code generator.

2. Magazine ads

The magazine advertisements are exceptionally useful for the eCommerce organizations as they center around item pictures that can draw in individuals to purchase the items. You can utilize the QR code with the item picture and land the clients straightforwardly on the item page where they can buy that item. The clients simply need to filter that QR code.

3. Product packaging

You can utilize the QR codes on the item packaging also. By utilizing QR codes on the item packaging, you can hold your clients and increment repeat buys. You can likewise utilize the codes to advance your online media channels. So, try to create dynamic QR code for your social media channels as well.

Also Read: Improve your eCommerce marketing using dynamic QR codes

4. Engage customers with short video content

Our way of consuming content has changed a lot. Now, most of the content that we consume are videos. So, eCommerce companies can also use videos to promote their product and also to showcase the features of their product through video. The companies can also make use of QR codes for this purpose.

5. Email Marketing

Email advertising is as yet a well-known method of marketing. You can advance your application and items by empowering clients to scan the QR codes sent in the mails. They can guide them to an application download page or an item page.


In conclusion, we would say that now QR codes can be very useful for your eCommerce marketing, and also you can easily create dynamic codes through a dynamic QR code generator. So, we would advise you to use the QR codes for your eCommerce business.



Dynamic QR Code Generator

The QR code generator developed by Elsner is a beneficial product for generating QR codes in just a few minutes.