Can I Eat Cucumber While Intermittent Fasting?

Fasting Secrets by Tim
2 min readMay 24, 2020

Sometimes intermittent fasting can get confusing even though its a very simple and straight-forward concept. As an exercise scientist, experienced healthcare worker, and long-time intermittent faster, I recommend drinking water, sparkling water, straight black coffee (no cream and no sugar), and herbal tea (no sugar). That’s it. No food. So, yes, that also means no cucumbers. Keep it simple and don’t think too hard about all of this.

However, cucumbers are a very healthy food source during your eating phase. Just make sure you’re not binge eating during your eating phase and ruining all of that fasting in which you put effort. Also, remember to avoid sugar and stay hydrated while you fast! See my article titled WATER!!!…And Other Helpful Advice For Intermittent Fasters.

A few benefits that you can gain from intermittent fasting includes:

  • Burn fat
  • Mental clarity
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Reduce Inflamation
  • Autophagy
  • Improved digestion
  • Better sleep



Fasting Secrets by Tim

Intermittent fasting coach. Exercise Scientist. Fasting saved my health. Don’t you DARE let the world change you when you were born to change the world.