Metaverse VR gadgets that will soon change our lifestyle 😎

6 min readApr 4, 2022


Remember how smart phones became a thing overnight? And how it suddenly became a basic necessity, that occupied a substantial portion of our budget ( one time & recurring )! not to mention the economy that has grown around it. The good news is ‘History is about to repeat itself’ 👏

This time its happening in a parallel VR world termed as the Metaverse

Unlike the previous trends, this one is going be a mother of all trends. To such an extent that experts predict the economy in the Metaverse will be equal to that in the real world! While there are a lot many things happening in the Metaverse, in this article lets look at some of the VR accessories & gadgets that would soon become a normal thing is every household. They will serve as the portals to step into the parallel world 👣

⚡️ Haptic gloves.

Beyond vision & sound, feel is the sense this gloves aims to bring. When you are a inside the Metaverse, the sense of feel will make the experience much more immersive. It also has temperature control layers, to give the perfect touch along with the heat. You can shake hands with others, pull the lever in your car or dip your hand in water. Many big companies including Facebook have been working on this for past 7+ years. And ready to launch.

Beyond entertainment, this VR accessory can open up a myriad of industrial & medical use cases.

Metaverse VR accessories and Gadgets

⚡️ Sensations wristband

Different companies are working on a wrist band, that stimulates the wearers arm muscles. So you can feel sensations like the weight of an object, pain etc. Someone can pinch you in the virtual world, and your brain will feel it. You can play throw ball with a friend across continents & feel the catch/ throw . Experts say that this technology can stimulate the central nervous system to fake your brain to feel sensations anywhere in the body. As its the nerves that provide signals to the brain from across the body. And that can be hacked with this VR accessory 😲

Metaverse VR accessories and Gadgets

⚡️ Virtual Reality — VR Controllers

VR controllers are considered one of the most wanted accessories in the Metaverse today. While many experiences may take some time to materialize in the Metaverse, ‘Gaming’ is one experience that has already taken off big-time. Many existing gaming Metaverses like the Sandbox, Oculus, Otherside etc. are having users play games inside already. Not to mention, existing gaming ecosystems like Playstation, XBox, Steam also have virtual reality games for sometime. All this simply means, the business of VR game controllers is in full swing already. Many are already playing VR games in their homes. Soon you will see a majority of houses having these VR-AR controllers. These devices connect with your VR goggles and help you navigate the virtual landscape inside. They have all required controls and feedback mechanisms to provide a totally immersive experience.

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As the Metaverse moves to more experiences beyond gaming ( events, meetings etc. ) we will see these VR controllers become more sophisticated. After gaming, the next vertical that is gaining popularity is fitness. Infact, VR-Fitness adds a lot of extra value in an enjoyable manner. Helping people get more fit in a fun way 🤸‍♀️.

Metaverse VR accessories and Gadgets

️⚡️️ Mouth haptics:

The mouth, lips and surrounding areas are considered most sensitive after our finger tips. Any virtual sensation that can be aroused here, will pave way for a unique VR experience. Mouth haptics and related sensors that can be attached to your VR headset is already undergoing successful human tests. This is achieved in a seamless manner by employing compatible ultrasonic transducers that focus acoustic energy on the mouth.

Thanks to these mouth haptics gadgets, you will be able to experience a variety of things using your mouth in the Metaverse 👄. The sensations can be directed to your lips, tongue, teeth based on the event happening in the virtual world. You will be able to feel liquid, heat, touch among many other sensations in and around your mouth. Such specific haptics accessories will soon be an upcoming industry. Each of these haptics can be purchased as accessories for your VR headset.

️⚡️️ VR Headset:

While the Metaverse is considered the gateway to the world of Web3, the VR headset will be the most sought out gadget to step inside. VR Headsets need no introduction, as they are already famous and selling like hot cakes online. Many companies including Meta, HTC, HP etc. have released several versions of their VR Goggles already. And there are rumors of more big companies like Apple, Microsoft, Logitech etc. launching their virtual reality googles soon. One thing to watch for though is how inter-compatible are the VR accessories across these plethora of goggles from different makers.

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You can get a very detailed review of the top VR headsets in the market HERE.

Metaverse VR accessories and Gadgets

️⚡️️ VR Gun Accessory:

Almost all the VR controllers in the market today are designed to fit all types of games in the virtual reality world. But when you play certain shooter games, you tend to see a gun but in your hands you feel a normal controller. This can sort of disconnect you from the overall experience. What you need here is a VR gun or pistol that has a proper grip and trigger. Many companies have already launched their gun VR accessories & you get them in different price ranges. Companies like StrikeVR produce reality sophisticated haptic VR guns that are sturdy with its own motion control, recoil and shock mechanisms that give you a super immersive feel. But it comes with a cost.

If you are in a game that needs to have a gun only during certain times, you would need to switch between the game controllers and guns. This can be tricky especially when your eyes are covered with your goggles. To address this issue, there are also gun fittings that can be clipped onto your existing controllers to give the required feel. You will be able to remove these fittings when needed. And these plug-and-play VR gun accessories are very economic as well.

Gun VR accessories

⚡️ This page will be updated regularly. Stay tuned 👍


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Following the trend & understanding its present, future impact is my passion. Like to take deep dives where divers dare.