Eden’s Electoral System and Bylaw

9 min readAug 22, 2022


中文 | English

Chapter 1 General

Article 1 Eden’s Bylaw is made in accordance with《EDEN Peace Treaty》.

Article 2 All members who are invited to formally join Eden community can register and become “candidates” after their registrations are confirmed, and can participate in subsequent election activities. It should be noted that in addition to confirmation of registration, candidates also need to participate in the “voting for proposal” (refer to Article 18) before they can participate in the group discussion and run for delegates.

Chapter 2 Registration for the election

Article 3 Generally, the election campaign is held once every six months. If more than 10% of Eden members apply for petition, extra election can be carried out according to the petition.

Article 4 Election registration is open after the last round of election, and the registration is closed at 23:59 (UTC + 8), 10 days before the election day. For example, if January 31 is the election day, and the registration deadline is 23:59 (UTC + 8) on January 21.

Chapter 3 Form of the election

Article 5 The election campaign shall be carried out in the form of multiple rounds of random group discussions. The final purpose of each round of discussions is to reach a consensus and elect group delegates.

Article 6 Principle of consensus. Group delegates need to obtain at least 2 / 3 + 1 votes from members of the same group to be elected. For instance, a group of 7 people needs to obtain at least 5 votes to become a delegate of the group. If no group delegate is elected after the deadline for discussion, then no group delegate is elected.

Article 7 Principle of random grouping. All candidates will be randomly divided into several groups, and the number of all random groups with about 4 to 12 individuals in each group shall be as consistent as possible. The number of group members is required to be no less than 4 individuals, so as to reach a 2 / 3 + 1 consensus. If there are less than 4 people, the consensus ( calculation method 2/ 3 + 1 ) should be agreed by all members. And the reason why the number of team members should be no more than 12 is to enable then to communicate with each other more effectively, thus ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to explain their views to group members.

Article 8 Multi round principle. In the first round, all candidates were randomly divided into groups to elect a round of delegate; In the second round, all delegates of the first round will be randomly grouped to select the delegates of the second round, etc. According to the existing election experience, it should be ensured that no less than three random groups can be conducted as far as possible in the whole election campaign, so that the delegates have at least four levels, namely, the Head Chief Delegate, the Chief Delegate, the delegates of the second round, as well as the delegates of the first round, of which the Head Chief Delegate is randomly elected.

Article 9 Declaration of the election. Candidates need to form their own campaign manifesto according to the proposals that have been screened out. The main contents of the campaign manifesto should include: 1) If funds are obtained, which proposal will be supported, and the reasons should be made clear (the importance of the project to the ecology, the feasibility of the project, the profitability of the project itself, etc.); 2) Advantages of being a proponent of the proposal include but are not limited to the familiarity with the project and the capability to help the project with personal resources.

After being elected as a delegate, candidates should fulfill their campaign manifesto.

Chapter 4 Collection and selection of proposals

Article 10 Combining the practical experience of Eden on EOS, to avoid the ineffective use of community funds and support the sustainable and healthy development of the community, the community should submit project proposals that meet the basic requirements before the election for discussion and selection by candidates.

Article 11 Channels for releasing daily ideas and proposals. To facilitate the collection and discussion of daily ideas, as well as the display and screening of proposals, the community will provide relevant release channels, including the “daily ideas collection” channel and the “proposal collection” channel.

Article 12 Channels for collecting daily ideas. This channel is set up for ideas that have not yet formed specific implementation details. There is no restriction on the releasing, anyone can submit his/her ideas in this channel at any time. Members of the community can discuss and communicate with each other around these ideas, and also extract ideas from them for proposals. All the ideas and contents published in this channel are deemed to have been accepted by the publisher and can be freely adopted by Eden community.

Article 13 Channels for collecting proposals. This channel is open to formal project proposals with complete implementation plans. The proposal issuer must be a member of Eden community and the main executor of the proposal.

This channel is long opened, and proposals can be posted at any time. However, only proposals submitted or modified within the submission period of campaign proposals (refer to article 14) and passing the preliminary review (refer to article 16) can be included in the list of campaign proposals (refer to article 17). Members of the Eden community can ask questions, discuss and communicate on the proposal.

Article 14 The period for submitting campaign proposals. The submission period of campaign proposals is consistent with the registration period (refer to article 4). Proposals submitted or modified10 days before the election day and passed the preliminary review will automatically add to the list of proposals for the next election (refer to article 17).

Proposals existing before the submission period (such as the proposal of the last election) should be revised and should pass the preliminary review for the current election within the submission period, otherwise, they cannot be included in the list of proposals for this election (refer to article 17).

Article 15 Basic requirements for proposals

The campaign proposal for the election shall at least include the following contents: 1) Introduction; 2) Development roadmap of the project; 3) Budget required for the project; 4) Disclosure channels and cycle for the project progress; 5) Introduction of team members.

Among them, specific project milestones that can be achieved should be explained when obtaining different amounts of fund support. Furthermore, the maximum granularity of each fund plan shall not be higher than 50000 USDT. For example, if 300000 USDT are needed in one project in total, the project milestones that can be achieved when obtaining 500000 / 1000000 / 1500000 / 2000000 / 2500000 / 300000 USDT should be listed.

If relevant creative content of the daily ideas solicitation section is referred to, it needs to be noted.

Article 16 Preliminary review of election proposals. The current Head Chief Delegate and the Chief Delegate have the obligation to carry out a preliminary review of the published campaign proposal, which is mainly used to judge whether the proposal meets the basic requirements of the proposal (refer to article 15).

For proposals that do not meet the requirements, a prompt will be given and suggestions for modification will be made. As long as the campaign proposal is revised and passed the preliminary review within the submission period of the campaign proposal (refer to article 14), it can be included in the list of the proposal for this election.

The preliminary review of the proposal for the first election shall be carried out by the temporary board, which shall be composed of the individuals at the genesis meeting.

Article 17 List of proposals. All campaign proposals submitted, revised and passing the preliminary review within the submission period (refer to article 14) constitute the catalog of proposals of the campaign. Subsequent proposal voting and screening is based on this list of proposals.

Article 18 Voting and screening of proposals. After the election registration period (refer to article 4) and the submission period of proposals (refer to article 14), all candidates with confirmed registration will vote on all proposals in the proposals list (refer to article 17) (the Quadrac Voting mechanism is adopted) and select “alternative proposals”.

The voting process will be opened 24 hours after the deadline for submission and amendment of proposals (namely, 10 days before the election day) and last for 48 hours. The results will not be visible during the voting period. After the voting, the results will be made public, including the alternative proposals, the votes of all members, and relevant information.

It should be noted that candidates must participate in the voting and screening of the proposal before they can continue to participate in the subsequent election activities. The registered community members will be notified when voting on the proposal begins. Also, remind those who have not participated in the voting before the deadline.

Chapter V Process of the election

Article 19 Schedule of the election

Before T-10: Registration for the election; Submission and preliminary review of proposal;

T-10: The deadline for election registration and proposal submission: the “list of candidates” and the “list of campaign proposals” will be confirmed;

T-8: During the 48 hours proposal voting, results are not visible;

T-6: Announce the list of alternative proposals, the votes of all members, as well as relevant information in public;

T day: Generate multi-level community delegates by election;

After T days: Activate the fund allocation. After fund allocation, the next round of election registration, proposal submission, as well as preliminary review will be opened.

Article 20 Process for electing delegates. The election campaign will be carried out in random grouped video conference.

  1. Candidates who have registered and completed the pre-voting shall enter the meeting 20 minutes before the election to make preparations. The number of each group will be determined according to the principle of random grouping (refer to article 7), the principle of multiple rounds (refer to article 8), as well as the number of participants. After the first random grouping, the election will be started on time.
  2. Every groups shall have a discussion with a time limit of 50 minutes. Each candidate elaborated their manifesto one by one, and carried out free discussions to win the support of other group members, form a consensus, and select the delegates of this group, namely, delegates of the first round.
  3. Delegates of the first round are divided into groups again with the same rules as the first round through the second random grouping. They will carry out the discussion similar to the first round for 50 minutes and select delegates of the second round;
  4. Carry out the same random grouping consensus process until the number of delegates selected in this round is not enough to be divided into more than 3 groups again in the same random grouping form.
  5. The delegates selected by the last level of random groups will be the Chief Delegates. And, a delegate will be selected as the Head Chief Delegate in the form of random value in the bitcoin hash value.

Chapter 6 Distribution of the community funds

Article 21 After current community delegates are elected through the above election process, these community delegates will receive corresponding community funds to support the projects they support in the election. Delegates at higher levels will receive a larger share of community funds.

The total amount distributed each month is 5% of the funds in the current Eden treasury, which will be divided into N shares according to the numbers of level of elected delegates, and then evenly distributed to the delegates in every level. If a delegate belongs to multiple levels delegate groups, the sum of allocated funds corresponding to each level will be obtained.

For instance, if the number of delegates is 36, the number of corresponding levels is N = 3. Under such circumstance, the Head Chief Delegate will receive the following capital: 1) Head Chief Delegate level funds every month: total amount * 1 / 3; 2) 1 / 6 of the Chief Delegate level funds: total * 1 / 3 * 1 / 6; 3) 1 / 36 of the delegate level funds: total * 1 / 3 * 1 / 36; In brief, the total amount of funds available to the Head Chief Delegate every month is the funds in the treasury of the current month * 5% * 43 / 108.

The funds can only be used for the projects supported by the delegates during the election campaign. Delegates need to correctly exercise their support and supervision responsibilities for the project and inject funds into the project at appropriate stages.

If delegates find that the project is no longer suitable for supporting, they shall explain reasons in writing to the community and explain the follow-up plans for using their funds (supporting other proposals in the catalog, or returning to the treasury, etc.). Except for returning to the treasury (no voting is required), other schemes can be implemented only after the consent of more than 70% of delegates.

