Understanding Dr. David Hawkins’ Scale of Consciousness

Edi Ferreira
3 min readMar 6, 2023


Have you ever heard of the Scale of Consciousness? It’s a powerful tool created by Dr. David Hawkins to help people understand their mental and emotional states. If you’re looking to improve your well-being and achieve greater levels of success and fulfillment, then read on to learn more about this fascinating concept.

What is the Scale of Consciousness?

The Scale of Consciousness is a tool created by Dr. David Hawkins, a renowned psychiatrist and spiritual teacher. The scale is based on a numerical system that assigns a value to various levels of consciousness, ranging from the lowest level of shame to the highest level of enlightenment.

Each level of consciousness is associated with a specific set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviors. The scale is designed to help individuals understand their mental and emotional states and to provide a roadmap for personal growth and development.

The scale of consciousness

  • 1000 — Enlightenment
  • 700–1000 — Divine States: Peace, Love, Joy
  • 600 — Serenity
  • 540 — Reverence
  • 500 — Love
  • 400 — Reason
  • 350 — Acceptance
  • 310 — Willingness
  • 250 — Neutrality
  • 200 — Courage
  • 175 — Pride
  • 150 — Anger
  • 125 — Desire
  • 100 — Fear
  • 75 — Grief
  • 50 — Apathy
  • 30 — Guilt
  • 20 — Shame
  • 0 — Death or Non-Existence

It’s important to note that these levels are not meant to be rigid or absolute, and individuals can move up and down the scale depending on their thoughts, actions, and behaviors.

Understanding the Different Levels

The Scale of Consciousness consists of 17 levels, each with its own unique set of characteristics. At the lowest level of shame, individuals feel powerless and unworthy, while at the highest level of enlightenment, individuals experience a deep sense of inner peace and spiritual awareness.

In between these two extremes are various levels of consciousness, each associated with different emotions and beliefs. For example, at the level of courage, individuals feel empowered and confident, while at the level of reason, individuals are able to access higher levels of creativity and intuition.

Moving Up the Scale

Moving up the Scale of Consciousness requires a deliberate and consistent effort to cultivate positive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. One way to do this is to focus on developing a sense of purpose and setting goals that align with your values and interests.

Practicing gratitude, forgiveness, and mindfulness can also help to reduce stress and anxiety and promote a more positive outlook. Additionally, seeking help and guidance from trained professionals or spiritual leaders can be beneficial in the journey towards higher levels of consciousness.

Applying the Scale in Your Life

The Scale of Consciousness can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. By understanding your current level of consciousness, you can identify areas for improvement and set goals for personal development.

Try to pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors throughout the day, and make note of any patterns or tendencies. Ask yourself how you can shift your mindset or behavior to move up the scale towards greater levels of fulfillment and well-being.

Final Thoughts

The Scale of Consciousness is a powerful tool for understanding your mental and emotional states and promoting personal growth and development. By becoming more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and actively working to cultivate positive change, you can achieve greater levels of success, happiness, and fulfillment in your life.



Edi Ferreira

Self-taught Python programmer and DJ exploring life through health, finance, relationships & tech. Sharing lessons learned. Join me on my journey!