Noon Practice — Subnautica Behavior Revamp II

Ekrem Atamer
Subnautica Ideas
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2017

We’re going on adding new or editing existing behavior for Subnautica Fauna. Here is the first part in case you missed it. I’ll start with the formatting and the list of traits and move on to the new creatures.

Before I start, a message from future! You can find a list of Subnautica articles, including the behavior series in this publication.

Formatting and Traits

Feed Interval: How frequently the fauna feeds (ie attacks the closest prey)

Social Attitude: How the fauna reacts to its own type

Egg Status: Information about egg rarity and behavior regarding it

Player Relation: How the fauna reacts to player and vehicles

Special Interactions: Fauna-specific interactions, if any.

Traits: Special features that can be shared among species. List is here:

Brave: Not afraid of anything unless specified

Aggressive: Will actively attack even if not hungry.

Tameable: The creature can be made to be non-aggressive or even beneficial. Details in special interactions.


Feed Interval: Every 10 minutes

Social Attitude: Uncaring normally. Extremely aggressive if guarding an egg.

Egg Status: Rare and singular. They won’t leave the area and will defend it frantically by attacking anything (except jelly rays) that comes close. This overrides any other behavior pattern.

Player Relation: Uncaring to a solo swimmer, except if close-by. They’ll aggressively attack if holding an electronic equipment. They’ll disable and attack Seamoth and PRAWN. If seamoth uses perimeter defense, they will become friendly for a while and swim around it. Stays clear of a moving Cyclops but a few of them may gather to do multiple EMP attacks and physically attack. They will also notice and react to electronic devices inside the Cyclops’ glass shell, ie if Cyclops engine is off, and a singular Crabsquid sees the player through the glass holding an electronic device, they will attack. They are drawn to bases and seeing through glass rule also works here. They will also try to attack and disable generators if they notice them.

Special Interactions: They’ll bully Ampeels. They are extremely vulnerable to Mesmers and will stay hypnotized for a while even after mesmer takes its bite. They will chase Jellyrays without attacking. They enjoy swimming around wrecks, abandoned bases and amoeboids.


Feed Interval: Every 10 minutes

Social Attitude: Uncaring

Egg Status: Common, one or two. They won’t defend the location but will attack if player carrying an egg passes by.

Player Relation: They will attack the player or seamoth coming close to the mushroom they hide in or swim very close to them. They will try to hide or avoid the Cyclops and the Prawn.

Special Interactions: They can be fed mushrooms. This will trigger an “attack” sequence by the crabsnake but in addition to the damage, they will secrete pheromones that make the player friendly to any crabsnake for a while. However, if player carries an egg this way, any crabsnakes that are in a rather large radius will go into frenzy and go out of their way to attack the player.

Traits: Tameable.

Unfortunately I spent a bit too much time on other things and I’m at the end of my break. So that’s all for today!

Next: River Prowler, Sand Shark, Mesmer.



Ekrem Atamer
Subnautica Ideas

Gamer, gaming industry wanderer, development and design enthusiast. Current WIP: TBD