Noon Practice — Subnautica Behavior Revamp III

Ekrem Atamer
Subnautica Ideas
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2017

Yet another part in the Subnautica fauna behavior ideas! Second part is here, if you missed it, with a link to the first part inside. Let’s start with the formatting and traits again, and move to the actual content.

Before I start, a message from future! You can find a list of Subnautica articles, including the behavior series in this publication.

Formatting and Traits

Feed Interval: How frequently the fauna feeds (ie attacks the closest prey)

Social Attitude: How the fauna reacts to its own type

Egg Status: Information about egg rarity and behavior regarding it

Player Relation: How the fauna reacts to player and vehicles

Special Interactions: Fauna-specific interactions, if any.

Traits: Special features that can be shared among species. List is here:

Brave: Not afraid of anything unless specified

Aggressive: Will actively attack even if not hungry.

Tameable: The creature can be made to be non-aggressive or even beneficial. Details in special interactions.

Semi-Static: The creature will be marginally affected by repulsion and propulsion rifles.

Stati-Resistant: The creature will break out of statis weapon debuff much faster.

River Prowler

Feed Interval: Every 10 minutes

Social Attitude: Uncaring

Egg Status: Rare, hidden, multiple. They won’t defend them.

Player Relation: No special reaction to player. They may swim around Seamoth or PRAWN. They will swim with Cyclops. They will swim around bases.

Special Interactions: Once they “aggro” a target, they won’t stop chasing for a long time. They will be drawn to blood and will probably aggro the player both when the player is damaged but also when they damage another creature. They won’t attack their own kind or Bonesharks.

Traits: Semi-Static, Stati-resistant

Sand Shark

Feed Interval: Every 5 minutes

Social Attitude: Random

Egg Status: Common, singular. They won’t defend them.

Player Relation: No special reaction to player or PRAWN. They may attack Seamoth. They will stay clear of Cyclops. When they discover a base, they will slowly migrate toward it and start swimming around it. They will also crash into windows, potentially damaging the base.

Special Interactions: Sand Sharks randomly target anything that’s close by. They are in an almost constant frenzy. For this reason, they will usually just lose track of their target unless it’s big enough (anything bigger than small fish.)

Traits: Stati-resistant, Aggressive


Feed Interval: Every 2 minutes

Social Attitude: Aggressive: Try to mesmerize each other, loser dies.

Egg Status: Rare, singular, hidden. They won’t defend it but may camp around it to hunt.

Player Relation: They will try to hypnotize the player whenever they are close enough and are able to see the player’s eyes. Their patterns will indeed hypnotize through glass but their attack won’t damage the vehicles.

Special Interactions: They are afraid of sand sharks, Peeper and Eyeye (including variations). If they try to mesmerize a Garryfish, they get stunned instead. As a separate addition, the mesmerize ability will now become harder for the player to resist as time passes (during a mesmerize). This “debuff” lingers for a while, meaning successive mesmerizes will affect the player more and more until they spend sometime without any attempts.

My time is once again over. See you next time!

Next: Biter&Blighter, Lava Lizard, Crashfish.



Ekrem Atamer
Subnautica Ideas

Gamer, gaming industry wanderer, development and design enthusiast. Current WIP: TBD