Ellen Akeson

Ellen Akeson

UX foundations

11 stories

Ellen Akeson

Ellen Akeson

Problem space vs. Solution space

1 story

Ellen Akeson

Ellen Akeson

Research planning

3 stories

Three levels of scale: landscape, initiative, and execution. Landscape is at the top and the largest, with a connection between “Organization” and “Market” and a time designation of “years.” Initiative is in the middle, with a connection between ‘product” and “customer” with a time designation of “months.” Execution is at the bottom and the smallest, between “team” and “user” with a time designation of “weeks.”
Ellen Akeson

Ellen Akeson


3 stories

A spectrum with the four stages of evolution: Gensis, Custom, Product, and Commodity. In the stage order is the advice, “advise and avoid” for genesis; “embed and explore” for custom; “partner and coach” for product; and “like and subscribe” for commodity.
Ellen Akeson

Ellen Akeson

Future UXR

3 stories

Egg box with faces drawn on the eggs, one looks concerned and other annoyed.
A researcher standing with a product manager (or a designer) in front of a whiteboard having a deep conversation.
Ellen Akeson

Ellen Akeson

AI in research

4 stories

Ellen Akeson

Ellen Akeson

Research report

4 stories

A pile of post its with writing on them relating to user research analysis. The most visible at the top of the pile states ‘Drowning in data?’
Ellen Akeson

Ellen Akeson

Continous Discovery

1 story

Ellen Akeson

Ellen Akeson

UX vs. PM

2 stories