How To Kenwood GPS Update?

5 min readJul 2, 2024


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Ever been on a road trip and found yourself on a new road that your GPS doesn’t recognize? Annoying, right? That’s why keeping your Kenwood GPS updated is crucial. It ensures you have the latest maps, points of interest, and optimal performance. So, let’s dive into everything you need to know about updating your Kenwood GPS.

Why Update Your Kenwood GPS?

Update Your Kenwood GPS

Enhanced Accuracy

With regular updates, your Kenwood GPS provides more accurate directions, reducing the chances of getting lost or taking the long route.

Updated Maps and Points of Interest

New restaurants, gas stations, and landmarks pop up all the time. Updated maps mean you’ll always know what’s around the corner.

Improved Performance and Features

Updates often come with performance enhancements and new features, making your navigation experience smoother and more enjoyable.

Preparing for the Update

Checking the Current Software Version

First, you need to know which version of the software your device is running. This info is typically found in the settings menu under “About” or “System Information.”

Gathering Necessary Materials

Make sure you have a reliable USB drive, your Kenwood GPS unit, and a computer with internet access.

Downloading the Update

Downloading the Update

Accessing the Kenwood Website

Head over to the Kenwood website. Navigate to the support section and look for the GPS updates.

Selecting the Correct Update

Choose the update that matches your device model. Double-check the model number to avoid compatibility issues.

Transferring the Update to a USB Drive

Formatting the USB Drive

Ensure your USB drive is formatted correctly. FAT32 is usually the required format. This can be done through your computer’s file management system.

Copying the Update Files

Download the update files from the Kenwood site and transfer them to your USB drive. Make sure the files are in the root directory, not inside any folders.

Installing the Update on Your Kenwood Device

Connecting the USB Drive to the Kenwood Unit

Insert the USB drive into your Kenwood GPS unit’s USB port. The device should recognize the drive and prompt you to start the update process.

Following the On-Screen Instructions

Follow the instructions displayed on your Kenwood GPS screen. Do not disconnect the USB drive until the update is complete.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

USB Drive Not Recognized

If your Kenwood unit doesn’t recognize the USB drive, try reformatting the drive and re-copying the update files.

Update Process Freezes

Should the update process freeze, restart your Kenwood GPS unit and try again. Ensure the USB drive is properly connected.

Post-Update Steps

Post-Update Steps

Verifying the Update Installation

After the update, check the software version in the system settings to confirm it matches the latest version available.

Restoring Your Settings

If your settings were reset during the update, take some time to restore them to your preferences.

Benefits of Regular GPS Updates

Staying Current with New Road Information

Regular updates keep your maps current, making sure you’re never caught off guard by new roads or changes.

Enhancing Safety and Navigation Efficiency

Updated maps mean more reliable directions, helping you reach your destination safely and efficiently.

Kenwood GPS Features to Explore

Real-Time Traffic Updates

Some Kenwood GPS units offer real-time traffic updates, helping you avoid traffic jams and find the quickest route.

Voice-Guided Navigation

Voice-guided navigation provides turn-by-turn directions, so you can keep your eyes on the road.

3D Map Views

3D map views offer a more immersive navigation experience, making it easier to recognize landmarks and intersections.

Tips for Maintaining Your Kenwood GPS

Regular Updates

Keep your GPS updated regularly to ensure optimal performance.

Proper Storage and Handling

Store your GPS in a cool, dry place and handle it carefully to avoid damage.

Software and Hardware Care

Keep both the software and hardware of your GPS in good condition by performing regular maintenance checks.

Alternatives to USB Updates

SD Card Updates

Some Kenwood units allow updates via SD cards. Check your device’s manual for compatibility.

Over-the-Air Updates

If your Kenwood GPS supports it, over-the-air updates can simplify the process, requiring only a Wi-Fi connection.

Comparing Kenwood GPS with Other Brands

Unique Features of Kenwood

Kenwood GPS units often boast high-quality displays, robust navigation features, and integration with other Kenwood audio systems.

Comparing Kenwood GPS

Pros and Cons

While Kenwood GPS units are reliable and feature-rich, they may be pricier than some competitors and require regular updates to maintain performance.


Keeping your Kenwood GPS Updated is essential for accurate navigation, enhanced performance, and accessing the latest features. Regular updates ensure you’re always on the best route, avoiding surprises on the road. So, grab that USB drive and get updating!

FAQs After the Conclusion

Q. What Is the Best Way to Update My Kenwood GPS?
The best way is through a USB drive with the latest update files downloaded from the Kenwood website.

Q. How Do I Check for Updates on My Kenwood Device?
Go to the settings menu on your Kenwood GPS and look for the software update section to check for available updates.

Q. Is It Safe to Update My Kenwood GPS Myself?
Yes, as long as you follow the instructions carefully, updating your GPS is safe and straightforward.

Q. How Long Does a Typical Update Take?
The update process typically takes around 30 minutes, depending on the file size and your device model.

Q. Can I Revert to a Previous Version If Needed?
Usually, once an update is installed, you cannot revert to a previous version. It’s essential to ensure you have the correct update before proceeding.

