No Sugar, Low Carb 10-Day Challenge

Emma Abigail
5 min readFeb 27, 2023


Let’s not argue with the fact that many women (and men, what can we hide) around the world want to find the perfect figure, or at least throw off a few extra pounds. In today’s world, there are a bunch of different methods and concepts for losing weight.

By the way, a food tracker is one of the most faithful assistants in terms of controlling the food you consume. But today we will talk about one interesting challenge from a famous American pop star. The harm of sugar is known to all. Undoubtedly, reducing the consumption of this so-called “sweet white powder” can significantly improve the standard of living of a person.

American singer Jennifer Lopez, despite her age, boasts an almost perfect figure. However, there is no limit to perfection! Most recently, the performer underwent a 10-day “No Sugar, No Carbs” detox and boasted of its results in front of the subscribers of her microblog on Instagram. The essence of the diet is extremely simple and fully corresponds to the name — for 10 days you must completely abandon sweets and any other sources of carbohydrates. And the results exceed even the wildest expectations.

What Are The Main Advantages Of This Challenge?

It should be said right away that this challenge is not a panacea. Indeed, in 10 days you will not be able to achieve a steel press and tightened buttocks, lose 20 kilograms … But this is a great option if you have decided to gradually introduce a healthy and balanced diet into your daily life. By the way, if you use a food tracker during this 10-day challenge, the results can be even better. After all, the number of calories must be controlled, even if you eat mostly lean protein foods and vegetables.

Other than that, this is not a keto diet at all, so you don’t have to carefully count every carb you eat. We must tell you that going on a keto diet is only worth consulting with a doctor so as not to harm your body. But the number of carbohydrates consumed will automatically decrease significantly. As a result, the calorie content per day in the food tracker will be the same. But at the same time, you will feel fuller by increasing your protein intake. By the way, it will be quite nice to use some keto recipes during this challenge. For example, The Guardian has a simple enough recipe for low-carb bolognese by Tom Kerridge.

The Main Rules Of The Challenge

1. No sugar!

You will probably agree that this rule is already clear from the very name of the challenge. Sugar can not be consumed not only in its pure form but also in processed foods. It’s simple — instead of chocolate candy, you go and eat strawberries (you can even bite with nuts). We strongly recommend that you record each meal in a food tracker (this can better control the situation with your nutrition).

2. No extra snacks!

Even healthy snacks are extra calories that will not help you lose weight! We often snack when we’re bored or when we’re… dehydrated. Yes Yes exactly. Every time you feel like having a one-minute snack between meals, just drink a glass of water or make yourself a cup of green tea.

3. Some carbs you can keep eating

This 10-day challenge cannot be called completely carbohydrate-free. But you can only eat foods that are very low in carbohydrates. What can not be eaten at all?

  • Products containing starch (potatoes, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes)
  • Legumes
  • Cereals (wheat, rice, etc.)
  • Sugar and foods high in sugar (soda, chocolate, cookies, cakes, etc.)
  • Pastries and bread (even whole grain)
  • All fruits (except blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries)
  • Dairy products (from milk to cottage cheese)
  • Alcohol

What can you eat?

  • Vegetables without starch (spinach, cabbage, broccoli, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers) — Oil — olive and sunflower
  • Tea and coffee without sugar
  • Plant-based milk
  • Nuts
  • Avocado

The basis of the diet, as we see, is made up of proteins and healthy fats in the main. To make sure you only eat approved foods, write everything down on a food tracker.

4. Drink enough water

Hydration is one of the most important factors in any low-carb diet. But you should not constantly think about how much water you need per day for weight loss and how to use water correctly. For starters, you can accustom yourself to take a glass of water every morning after waking up. This will wake up the body and start the fat-burning process. It is also recommended to take a closer look at some rules:

  • Drink only pure water without any additives.
  • Drink water half an hour before meals and one hour after meals.
  • Do not drink excess liquid during meals.
  • In the evening, after 20:00, the amount of water consumed decreases.
  • The easiest option would be to drink water at room temperature, but it will not be superfluous to find out what temperature the water should be, since the effect of the drink will be different.
  • On average, they consume 1.5–2.5 liters per day, depending on the initial weight.

Results And A Few Words About The Food Tracker

Is the game worth the candle? And is it really necessary to become a participant in this challenge? Yes, definitely. Long-term consumption of sugar and simple carbohydrates has a bad effect not only on weight, but also on many of our internal organs, and well-being. For 10 days you will not be able to achieve some amazing results. But you will definitely feel the difference, in particular — you will have much more energy and the quality of sleep will improve significantly.

The food tracker can become your faithful assistant during this challenge and in general during the weight loss process. You can clearly calculate the number of calories consumed, view daily and weekly statistics. In addition, thanks to this application, you can try the scientifically proven method of intermittent fasting and control the water balance in the body. And you, our dear readers, have you already tried to give up sugar for some period? If so, were there any results and any changes for the better?

