My Husband Loves Watching Me Flirt with Another Man

And other things I’m learning from dipping my toes into polyamory

Emma Austin
Polyamory Today


Polyamory has been on my mind these days, and I’ve really come to identify with it. In fact, lately, I’ve even acted on it.

From the outside, what I’m doing doesn’t look momentous. It probably looks like I’m just taking little baby steps or dipping my toes into it. I’m not on Tinder (or even OkCupid — is OkCupid still a thing? Do people still use OkCupid?) I’m not having dalliances in hotel rooms. No, I’m not sharing my bed with two people (yet!) But it still feels like a huge step for me.

When I started my newsletter, I was hoping to keep my readers up to date on my writing, and maybe connect with a few of them. But I didn’t realize just how deeply I would be connecting with one of them.

A few months ago, a fan named Rob reached out to me after reading some of my erotica. He had some very kind things to say about my writing and we exchanged a few pleasantries.

Then the pleasantries turned into long email conversations.

Then those long email conversations turned into deep email conversations.

And those conversations turned into full-blown digital hanky panky.



Emma Austin
Polyamory Today

💜 Wholesome perv with a touch of whimsy 🖤 My podcast, spicy content, and more: