Level up: what’s your next challenge?

Emma Kind
Objective DilEmma
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2017

Have you ever played a video game?

You’re the main character and start the game from the Level 1, then level up by overcoming the challenges and completing the tasks. When you fail the levels, you just start them over until you win.

When we are born, we start from the Level 1, then go to Level 2 by overcoming our first challenge as a child. Unlike the games, life doesn’t give us opportunities to go back and fix our failures. We can’t try again and again to pass the level we’ve failed. But, in this case, we level up as soon as we learn our lesson.

“Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules.” — J. D. Salinger

Keeping a journal makes it easy to highlight the periods when you level up. When I go through my notes from 2012–2017, I realize that I’ve passed several levels by overcoming certain challenges in my life.

There are no patterns or sequences. There’s no special structure. But there are rules: if you fail and don’t learn your lesson, you will face the same challenge over and over until you realize your mistake.

Reading your own journal is like reading your autobiography. The main character is you. The story tells about your life, your interests, your goals, your challenges, your problems and how you deal with them. It describes the people that surround you: those who come and go, and those who stay.

You look at the story from a different perspective. Now you’re a stranger who’s found the journal by accident. How would you describe this person?

Who is she? Can you understand her actions? What are her fears?

What do you like the most about her?

When you read a book you see the growth of the character. When you read your journal you see your own growth, how your behaviour changes within the time. But you also notice the things that never change. Are they the traits that define your true self?

Now imagine this character in a game called life. You see her actions and read her thoughts. Was it a right choice? Would you do the same?

She’s passing the levels, earns her points and gathers experience to level up.

And, finally, is she ready for her next challenge?

If you had a chance to go back and change one thing in your life, what would it be?

As I look back at my life, I realize that I wouldn’t change anything, because I wouldn’t be the same person I am now.

What I’ve learned from reading my 5-year-old journal is:

1. Keeping a journal lets you understand who you are and stay in peace with your inner-self.

2. Reading your journal helps you re-evaluate and re-shape your life.

3. You will have the same problems and insecurities if you don’t analyze your actions and decisions.

4. There are precious moments which must be kept on paper, because you can’t trust your memory.

5. Some promises you made to yourself just stay on paper, and some dreams too.

6. Always be honest with yourself.

One day you’ll have that moment of “enlightenment” when you realize one of the most important lessons in your life.

Level up! Congratulations!

Now you’re one step closer to your destination and ready to start a new level.

What’s your next challenge?

