Encrybit Cryptocurrency Exchange Evaluation Survey 2018 Timeline

6 min readSep 1, 2018


Encrybit Cryptocurrency Exchange Evaluation Survey Timeline from 17th August to 31st August

Very much obliged to 10,003 participants for contributing their valuable time and opinions and making our survey a huge success. Sharing with you and the ones who have missed this incredible survey, the timeline of amazing events…

Received More than 10k Participants

The Survey was declared [July 10, 2018]

The first ever official announcement of the survey was made on this day! It covered an overview, the purpose, reward structure, rules and regulations. We made it clear from the day 1 itself to have a better and clearer approach.

Interested to know more? Read further details here.

Encrybit 2nd Survey Announcement

The Survey Does Live [July 17 to 27, 2018]

A week’s time was enough to preach about the survey and gather more number of opinions from different parts of the world. Just like the first survey, it was conducted via Google form. But instead of long written texts, this time it was only multiple choice questions. The aim was to collate views on advanced trading features, some knowledge tests and some demographic information. This was designed to help us present the first ever insights in the history of cryptocurrency exchange.

As there were no text answers to be given this time, the winners were to be selected randomly. Instead of 3 winners in the first survey, the 2nd survey was bigger and better with 1300 winners.

Reward Structure:

1st Winner — BTC worth $500

2nd Winner — BTC worth $300

3rd Winner — BTC worth $100

4th Winner — XRP worth $75

5th Winner — XRP worth $50

6th to 16th Winning positions — XRP worth $25 Each

17th to 1300th Winning positions — Encrybit token worth $15 Each

Interested to know more? Read further details here.

Survey is live now!

The Survey got Extended [July 27 to July 31, 2018]

As the survey period had only one weekend, the cryptocurrency traders who work along with trading missed out filling their responses. We received a number of requests to extend the survey deadline over the weekend, so that they can share their feedback. How can we say no? We were already looking forward to maximum number of responses and thus readily extended the survey deadline till July 31, 2018.

Interested to know more? Read further details here.

Keeping the Requests, Encrybit Decides to Prolong the Survey

The Survey is now Closed [July 31, 2018]

The extension turned beneficial to both — us and the participants! We received an overwhelming response from over 10k participants from 161 different countries. It was much beyond our expectations. The research and analysis team started their job by digging into the responses to curate meaningful insights and of course set the random number generation algorithm to select the winners!

Interested to know more? Read further details here.

The Survey Winners’ Name Announcement [August 7 to August 19, 2018]

We don’t intend to keep our loyal audience waiting as the analysis of 10,003 responses was time-consuming. We decided to bring a twist and started to announce the winner names (twitter handles) irrespective of their winning positions. So, the participants whose name show up will know that they are winning but how much is still suspense! Moreover, we chose the most popular bitcoin talk forum to announce the winner names.

1300 names were to be declared, so we prepared 13 lists containing 100 names each and published one every day.

1st Slot [7th August 2018]

2nd slot [8th August 2018]

3rd Slot [09th August 2018]

4th Slot [10th August 2018]

5th Slot [11th August 2018]

6th Slot [12th August 2018]

7th Slot [13th August 2018]

8th Slot [14th August 2018]

9th Slot [15th August 2018]

10th Slot [16th August 2018]

11th Slot [17th August 2018]

12th Slot [18th August 2018]

13th Slot [19th August 2018]

Interested to know more? Read further details here.

The Survey Insights (Global) is live [August 17, 2018]

The most awaited, first ever analysis in the history to cryptocurrency exchange went live. It contained the overview on which generation and gender are more active on cryptocurrency trading, which country has the maximum no. of traders, which is the maximum type of traders, etc. The raw data was represented in the form of highly valuable information with info graphics.

Interested to know more? Read further details here.

Encrybit reveals one-of-its-kind survey insights in the history of Crypto Exchange

The Survey Participants’ Winning Positions Announcement [August 20 to August 24, 2018]

A separate time duration to declare the fate of 1300 winning participants declared so far. The winning positions were declared in the following manner on the bitcoin talk forum:

20th August — 6th to 16th winning positions

21st August — 4th and 5th winning positions

22nd August — 3rd winner

23rd August — 2nd winner

24th August — 1st winner

It gets the game really exciting! The rest won Encrybit tokens worth $15 each.

Interested to know more? Read further details here.

The Survey Reward Distribution [August 27 to August 31, 2018]

The top 16 winning participants who won BTC and XRP as per their winning positions were distributed rewards (transferred the coins in their respective wallets) in a definite sequence.

6th to 16th winning positions — 27th August

4th and 5th winning positions — 28th August

3rd winner — 29th August

2nd winner — 30th August

1st winner — 31st August

The winners were given rewards in aforementioned sequence and thus it was all over by August 31, 2018. The winners were really happy to receive the rewards in their wallet on time. After all, it was their time and contribution which made this survey event a huge success.

Interested to know more? Read further details here.

A Little Insight on Encrybit Cryptocurrency Exchange Project

Although Encrybit is already a popular name in the field of cryptocurrency exchange, we would like you to get acquainted with our purpose of being here. We want to develop a revolutionary exchange which is truly efficient, modern amazing and still easy-to-use. Thus, upgrading the standard of cryptocurrency exchanges and making cryptocurrency trading an effortless process. Moreover, all these in accordance with your demands and expectations!

Few words about 1st Survey:

We had organized a survey on Cryptocurrency Exchange Problems to know crypto trader’s view on current trading platforms. Our survey insights are now listed on statista.com — https://goo.gl/DdNnBi, https://goo.gl/Cu791R, https://goo.gl/Z64BpM.

View detail insights at https://goo.gl/1MFRTn

This is the End of the 2nd survey, and. It’s beginning of Encrybit Project.

Encrybit is focussed on developing a secure cryptocurrency exchange that doesn’t compromise on agility or user-friendliness. Its revolutionary trading platform offers a streamlined experience for traders to research, analyze and trade with ease and insight. Please review — https://encrybit.io

Please note: This is not a website for ICO. It is a normal website to provide short information about our project.

Find Encrybit team at LinkedIn company page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/encrybit

Please review LitePaperhttps://encrybit.io/pdf/litepaper.pdf

Encrybit Cryptocurrency Exchange Litepaper

Here are the available translations as of now:

What’s next?

Encrybit Exchange whitepaper, design prototype and presentation are ready to available for private access.

We are in seed investment mode, you can join us for early investment discussion & potential investment opportunities at info@encrybit.com or https://t.me/encrybit.

Bounty program is coming soon in nearest time and the Private Sale is the next after bounty programme. If you are interested and would be like to part of this incredible project then the doors are open now. You can per-register yourself at https://encrybit.io/.

Please visit our official Telegram announcement channel to get more updates about Encrybit: @encrybitchannel

Please visit Encrybit official social presence,

Twitter: https://twitter.com/enbofficial

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/encrybitofficial/

Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/3/118077547732246268168

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/encrybit

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbFGt712HrsyAMuLf3XJJng

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/encrybit

Steemit: https://steemit.com/@encrybit

Telegram: https://t.me/encrybit

Medium: https://medium.com/@enbofficial

Reach us at info@encrybit.com for any query and suggestions.




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