Trump and Johnson Both Hoisted by Their Own Petards

Yve-Engaging Journo
4 min readJun 12, 2023


Photo by Jon Tyson

A definition of hoisted by your own petard: To be caught in one’s own trap:

Comparisons between Donald Trump and Boris Johnson have abounded since both came to power. Trump is the much-maligned and rightfully so, former president of the United States and Johnson is the much-maligned and rightfully so, former prime minister of the United Kingdom.

Alanis Morrisette comes to mind because, in the irony of all ironies, these petulant man-babies have done nothing but divide rather than unite their countries both preceding, during and after their tenures.

Trump was most recently indicted over unlawfully acquiring and concealing classified documents. Let’s not mention his being charged with rape and found guilty of sexual abuse in a civil case brought by E Jean Carrol. Oh did I mention it? Apologies.

Photo by Viktor Forgacs

Johnson was most recently found guilty by the Privileges Committee of misleading (lying to) parliament over ‘Partygate’ allegations during and after Covid. He’s resigned just before the publication of the committee’s findings.

Did I also mention that he was forced out as Prime Minister because he attempted to defend an accused sexual predator and MP, Chris Pincer amongst many, many, other offences? I didn’t? Well, I am now.

Narcissistic Strategies

Both Donald and Boris use the narcissist’s playbook when found guilty of anything. They repeatedly:

Lash out and attack

Lie and mislead

Deny wrongdoing and blame others

Let’s look at some of the most common phraseology used in their most recent responses.


“Their purpose from the beginning has been to find me guilty, regardless of the facts. This is the very definition of a kangaroo court.”

“ I am not alone in thinking that there is a witch hunt underway, to take revenge for Brexit and ultimately to reverse the 2016 referendum result.”

“I am now being forced out of parliament by a tiny handful of people, with no evidence to back up their assertions.”

“The Privileges Committee should not be using their powers to mount what is plainly a political hit job.”


Describing Special Counsel Jack Smith “He is a Trump Hater — a deranged “psycho” that shouldn’t be involved in any case having to do with “Justice.”

“It’s election interference at the highest level, there’s never been anything like what’s happened. I’m an innocent man, an innocent person.”

“This is warfare for the law. And we can’t let it happen. We can’t let it happen. Our country is going to hell, and they come after Donald Trump.”

“We were doing so well. We were respected all over the world, got the biggest tax cuts in history, biggest regulation cuts in history. And what do you do? You have a president where an election was taken.”

I beg to differ Mr J. and Mr T.

Despite there being a weight of evidence against them, including on video, in print and in audio excerpts, both of these deluded grifters continue to plead their innocence and incite their supporters to take action to defend them.

Granted, Trump appears a tad more batsh*t crazy than Johnson, but that’s more culturally inspired than actual. Boris comes from the posh world of public schools and just says the same batsh*t crazy stuff in more polite terms.

Petard Hoisting

Their inability to take ownership for their actions has come to a very enjoyable head. Both are now facing the consequences of those actions on the world stage.

Their own words are being used against them to great effect, with Johnson resigning from parliament before he’s ousted and Trump verbally digging his own grave at every opportunity.

They have both provided the evidence being used against them — evidence that they scorn so publicly, while they panic behind the scenes.

Of course, both have blindly-loyal supporters who will do whatever it takes to keep them in or return them to, power. From being willing to lie on their behalf to orchestrating the unlawful takeover of power.

They also have the right-wing media behind them - and for as long as it serves Rupert Murdoch to orchestrate that, it will continue.

Teflon Finally Wearing Thin?

For most of their lives, these two despots have gotten away with every ill-gotten gain. Nothing has stuck.

Those of us who’ve seen through their narcissistic shenanigans from the beginning have been nigh on constipated waiting for them to be fully held to account.

What we should have realised, is that it’s not for us to hold Trump and Johson to account, it’s for them to be given enough rope to hang themselves.

Because as long as there are people willing to be blackmailed, lied to, gaslit and coerced into defending their endless bad behaviours, those same people will move heaven and earth to keep Don and Boz in power and/or out of jail — even to their own detriment.

Trump and Johnson will take themselves down and it’s only right and proper they do so. I’m here for it all, with a large bowl of popcorn and a giant Slurpee in hand.

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Yve-Engaging Journo

Yve Bowen aka Yve Anmore is a transformational coach and a deep-thinking and often witty commentator on the power of self-love, politics, spirituality and more