HOW and WHEN EVN token holders will get DIVIDENDS!

Information for investors on mining profits and payouts.

4 min readFeb 19, 2018

Envion would like to explain how the process of dividend payments and mining profit calculations will proceed in the next few months, including how and when the first payouts will arrive. The ultimate goal is to pay investors weekly dividends of eligible mining profits in ETH to the wallet holding EVN tokens.

Prior to the ICO, we made some projections on how payments be calculated and distributed — now we have more clarity as hardware orders, container production, and financial auditing is underway. Some conditions and timing may change, but the overall process for going forward is now in place.

Yes, we are mining now!

Envion’s first two MMUs have been mining since the start of the year. These revenues are part of the eligible mining operations for EVN token holders. The January revenue from just two MMUs was USD $44,279.43. Of course, revenue isn’t profit, so before these funds can be included in the pool of dividends for payouts, the costs of electricity, maintenance, etc. must be deducted. More information on the different costs associated with running the MMUs can be found in our ROI/KPI blog post here:

Transparency and outside auditing

We don’t expect anyone to just take our word for it when it comes to calculating all of the mining costs and revenues. Envion’s entire mining operation will be audited by our auditing firm — one of the Big Four Auditors —and a report from the audit will be made public before any dividends are paid.

Our auditor will require some period of mining to take place in order to collect data and determine the profits that will be paid to token holders. The auditors have not yet indicated to us what that amount of time will be. Considering that most of the costs of running the MMUs will be determined in negotiations prior to deployment, the period of time should be fairly short.

In the meantime, there will be some visibility into the performance of current mining operations for token holders via the investor dashboard. These features will roll out to the investor dashboard after all ICO activities are over and we have approval from our auditors as to what we can share and how. In all cases, it will be our priority to make our best effort to give as much visibility into mining as possible.

When dividends?

Predicting the first dividend payouts after the audit is a bit tricky since it will depend on how many tokens you hold and how many MMUs are in operation. There are minimum payment thresholds that make sure your payout is not consumed by gas fees (transaction fees) and these will affect the timing of your first dividend payment and the frequency of payments.

For example, if you’re dividend payout is $2 worth of ETH and the gas price would be $1, then the payment will be held so that 50% of your payout is not used by gas. Your dividends will stay accrue until the transaction fee represents a smaller percentage of your payout. That could mean that your payout would be less frequent than once per week — maybe every 2 weeks or every 2 months for those holding just a few tokens.

The first payouts will reach the biggest holders first, but everyone with tokens will still get paid their share of the mining profits accrued during the period before minimum payout was reached.

However, if you sell your tokens, you will not get the dividends. Payments go wallets holding EVN at the time of payout. If you sell your tokens to someone else before you get your payment, they will receive it when the minimum amount for a payment is reached.

The above model shows the expected returns using an annual projected token profit based on a 25% reinvestment strategy and at October 2017 mining difficulty & market conditions. It includes 9% overhead costs for management, R&D and other company costs and takes into account the 17% of tokens that are not distributed (see White Paper for distribution). Actual results can be higher or lower. The model is a sample calculation. The model should not be considered as information for an investment in tokens or as an offer of or a solicitation to buy tokens. Token profits will be distributed on a weekly basis.

Dividends for all

A few weeks after the biggest holders receive their first payments, more and more investors will start to see dividends as we produce and deploy more MMUs. The payments will get more frequent as time goes on and once we hit scale, all EVN token holders will get more or less weekly ETH payments. You can probably expect this to happen sometime in late summer or early fall — though pre-installation mining could make it sooner.

How to trade EVN tokens




The Swiss Cantonal Court of Zug has dissolved envion AG and ordered its liquidation. Official information can be found on