《好好說話!》翻譯練習 — 目錄

6 min readMar 25, 2020




Part 1 改變影響他人決策 | Change & Influence Other People’s Decisions


No matter how much one might dislike talking, people always have times when they wish to “change someone else.”
The problem is, what can one say to avoid being rejected by others?
What is the most difficult aspect of changing other people’s thoughts and actions?

第一章 用「選擇」降低對方的抵觸情緒 | Chapter 1 Use “Choice” to Lower Resistant Emotions

  1. 有選擇,人才會樂於改變
    Having a Choice Makes People Willing to Change
  2. 放心,您隨時可以反悔
    Relax, You Can Change Your Mind Whenever You Want
  3. 掌握好說話的甜鹹比例
    Striking the Right Balance Between Sweet & Salty in Your Speech
  4. 減碼的話術
    The Art of Subtracting Words
  5. 想讓對方答應你,就先讓他拒絕你
    If You Want Someone to Agree, Get Them to Reject You First

第二章 信任是影響力的墊腳石 | Chapter 2 Trust is the Stepping Stone to Influence

  1. 銷售員常用的三F
    The 3Fs That Salespeople Frequently Use
  2. 你說有缺陷,我卻更想要
    Your Flaws Make Me Want More
  3. 我不是站在你對面,而是站在你的旁邊
    I’m Not Standing In Opposition to You, I’m Standing Beside You
  4. 說話八分滿
    Speaking 80%
  5. 細節的想像,讓行動落實
    Imagine the Details, Implement Action (?)

第三章 引導他人思考的六種策略 | Chapter 3 The 6 Ways to Guide Someone’s Thinking

  1. 反向激將法
    The Radical Reverse Method
  2. 正面檢驗策略
    The Positive Test Strategy
  3. 雲跟總統的推銷技巧
    The President and the Cloud’s Salesmanship Skills
  4. 假裝拋硬幣做決定
    Pretend to Flip a Coin When Making a Decision
  5. 自我一致性的說服技巧
    The Self-Consistent Speaking Strategy
  6. 讓你說「YES」的特色反問法
    The Special Rhetorical Method for Getting You to Say “YES”

Part 2 化解 客服無言困境 | Resolving The Dilemma of the Silent Customer


Any explanation will be taken as admission of guilt, while non-explanations are taken as silent acquiescence.
What you should do when you don’t have the power to solve the problem, yet need to calm irate customers down.
Life is full of traps. Saying the right thing can help you extricate yourself.
This chapter will discuss common awkward situations, and the communication strategies you can use to face them

第四章 避開衝突危險區 | Chapter 4 Avoid Dangerous Conflict Zones

  1. 選對角色再開口
    Pick the Right Character Before Opening Your Mouth
  2. 被要求選邊站怎麼辦?
    What to do if You’re Asked to Pick Sides
  3. 規定是你能想到的最爛藉口
    Rules are the Worst Excuses
  4. 別人對你人身攻擊,千萬別入抗
    When Others Ad Hominem Attack You, Don’t Fall For It
  5. 為什麼幫我看病的醫師很冷漠?
    Why is My Doctor So Cold?

第五章 尷尬是困境,也是出口 | Chapter 5 Awkwardness is a Terrible Predicament, and Also an Exit Sign

  1. 用懸念破執念
    Use Suspense to Destroy Obsessiveness
  2. 被人表揚,該怎麼回應?
    How to Respond When Others Praise You
  3. 被人戳中痛處,怎樣提醒下不為例?
    When Others Pour Salt On Your Wound, How Can You Remind Them Not to Do It Again?
  4. 遇到厲害的人,如何索取聯絡方式?
    When You Meet Someone Extraordinary, How do You Get Their Contact Info?
  5. 學會提問,和老闆獨處聊天不尷尬
    Learn to Ask Questions, And Chat With Your Boss One-on-One Without Awkwardness
  6. 婚禮誓詞說什麼才感人?
    What Should You Say During a Wedding Speech That Will Touch Hearts?

第六章 道歉的方式比道歉更重要

  1. 只是「對不起」,換不到「沒關係」
    A “Sorry” Alone Won’t Earn You an “It’s Okay”
  2. 謊言被揭穿後,該如何道歉?
    When Your Lie Has Been Uncovered, How Do You Apologize?
  3. 怎麼談一場有驚喜的變愛?
    How to Have an Exciting (Romantic) Relationship

Part 3 提升 強化語言效率 | Part 3 Upgrade & Strengthen Your Language Efficiency


If you often use cliches while speaking, it’s very likely not because of your insufficient speaking methods, but because your “idea systems” need upgrading.
People with higher level thinking systems naturally speak in an unusual, unforgettable manner.

第七章 破除困境的觀念升級包 | Chapter 7 A Kit for Upgrading Your Ability to Crash Through Dilemmas

  1. 面對困境多用觀念升級包
    When You Face Dilemmas Use Your Upgrade Kit (?)
  2. 想安慰人,別說「不要想太多」
    If You Want to Comfort People, Don’t Tell Them to “Not Worry So Much”
  3. 正確的吐槽,必須是「有我」的視角
    The Best Kind of Ribbing Requires a “Me Too” Perspective
  4. 室友總打擾我休息,怎麼辦?
    My Roommate Keeps Interrupting My Rest, What Should I Do?
  5. 不是不喜歡,是「還不知道自己喜歡」
    It’s Not That I Don’t Like It, It’s “I Don’t Yet Know That I Like It”
  6. 用心理帳戶,解決消費觀分歧
    Use Psychological Accounts to Resolve Differences in Consumer Perspectives

第八章 一秒抓住別人的注意力 | Chapter 8 Grab Other People’s Attention in Seconds

  1. 用「基礎模型」,讓對方秒懂你的意思
    Use a “Foundational Model” To Help Others Understand You Instantly
  2. 讓對方知道「看哪裡」,他才知道「怎麼辦」
    Let Others Know “Where to Look” So That They Will Figure Out “What to Do”
  3. 來條「話尾巴」,讓他聽懂話裡有話
    Use a “Tail” to Help Others Read Between the Lines
  4. 用「戲劇感」創造驚喜
    Use “Drama” To Create Surprises

第九章 搞笑討論決定共同結果 | Chapter 9 Use Humor to Come Up With a Win-Win Result

  1. 談話中的稻草人
    The Straw Man in Conversations
  2. 你一定不想做話題總接著吧
    You Don’t Want to Have the Last Word, Do You?
  3. 偵探對方的真需求
    Search Out What The Other Party Really Needs
  4. 不給標撙答案,反而更可信
    Not Giving an Accurate Answer Actually Makes You More Believable
  5. 如何反駁老闆?
    How Can You Refute Your Boss?

Part 4 維護鞏固自身利益 | Part 4 Protect and Consolidate Your Interests


In reality, the places that have more potential for conflict are the places where you can test your speaking abilities.
If you can just say one correct sentence, all of these awkward situations have the ability to melt.
You can speak well even if you’re not trying to influence anyone and become a person who is willing and able to protect your own interests.

第十章 提要求不等於忍受尷尬 | Chapter 10 Mentioning a Request is Not Equivalent to Enduring Awkwardness

  1. 如何當面拒絕人也不尷尬?
    How can you Reject a Person Face-to-Face Without Awkwardness?
  2. 如何跟親密的人提要求?
    How do you Make a Request of Somebody Close to You?
  3. 我要你开心,不要你道歉謝
    I Want You to be Happy, I Don’t Want You to Thank Me
  4. 別害怕被拒絕對方只是按了「暫停」鍵
    Don’t be Afraid of Being Rejected, the Other Party is Only Hitting “Pause”

第十一章 眼裡有别人,才能有自己 | Chapter 11 When You Care About Others, You Can Care About Yourself

  1. 談判碰壁?你可以試試「拆議題」
    Negotiations Hit a Wall? Try “Demolition”
  2. 如何跟商家投诉
    How to Complain to a Businessman
  3. 用商家的标准, 争取自己的权益
    Use the Business Standards to Achieve Your Own Interests
  4. 我們要互相虧欠要不然憑何想念
    We Have to Owe Each Other or Else Why Would We Miss Each Other

第十二章 學會拒絕才能掌握主動權 | Chapter 12 Learn to Refuse in Order to Maintain Your Autonomy

  1. 最好的拒絕是換個方式接受
    The Best Rejection Is a Different Kind of Acceptance
  2. 你是學設計的嗎? 幫我設計logo吧!
    You’re a Designer? Help Me Design a Logo!
  3. 你體輕情重我無福消受
    I’m So Blessed That Your Body Is LightWeight (?)
  4. 拒絕請客的正確回應方式,認真你就輸了
    How to Refuse Treating Others: If You Act Serious, You’re Lost Already
  5. 拒絕孩子,從說出你的「啥不得」開始
    Saying No to a Child Starts With “What Is Not Doable” (?)

Part 5 拉進 促進人際關係 | Chapter 5 Pulling In to Promote Relationships


A lot of people have this challenge: the closer you are to someone, the less you are able to speak well.
What kind of higher requests does speaking well to people who are close to you require? What do you need to pay attention to?
This section discusses daily conversations, dealing with emotions, and speaking with close friends and family.

第十三章 「會聊天」不靠資訊,靠情緒 | Chapter 13 “Being Able to Speak Well” Doesn’t Depend on Messages but on Emotional Intelligence

  1. 聊八卦的正確方式
    How to Gossip Correctly
  2. 選什麼話題最能跟人拉近距離?
    What Topics Are Most Likely to Increase Camaraderie Between People?
  3. 小心!別做「話題小偷」
    Be Careful! Don’t Be a “Topic Thief”
  4. 落差讚美法
    The Beauty of Diversity Method (?)
  5. 幽默达人的接梗技法
    How Comedians Continue the Conversation

第十四章 安撫對方內心的小孩 | Chapter 14 Calming the Other Party’s Inner Child

  1. 傾聽最好的方式就是我知道你很難過
    The Best Way to Listen Is I Know You Are Suffering
  2. 你的孩子有没有「安全形」?
    Does Your Child Have Security? (?)
  3. 伴侶吃醋了怎麼辦?
    What to Do When Your Partner Is Jealous?
  4. 如何讓悲傷的人振作起來?
    How to Cheer Up a Sad Person?

第十五章 親密互動的特殊規則 | Chapter 15 a Special Method for Intimate Relationships

  1. 讓關係變得更親密的「悲慘法則」
    The Tragic Method of Making Your Intimate Relationships Grow Closer
  2. 怎樣既分享秘密又讓對方保密
    How to Share Secrets While Allowing the Other Party to Keep Secrets
  3. 孩子闖禍了,應該怎麼教育?
    How to Discipline Children Who Have Messed Up
  4. 親人面前,如何保護私人空間?
    How to Maintain Privacy in Front of Family

Part 6 理解 用情商表自我 | Part 6 Understanding Emotional Quotients (?)


The skills of high EQ speakers basically involves understanding others and understanding self. When communicating, understand measurements and give and take. Then you won’t force others or lose your own position. Make understanding your keyword feel worms and speak like soft steel.

第十六章 思想彈性、決定講通的可能 | Chapter 16 the Buoyancy of Thought Besides the Possibilities of a Communication

  1. 深度講通的絕訣竅:不要預設對方的意圖
    Tips for Deep Communication: Don’t Presuppose the Other’s Intentions
  2. 我理解,不等於我同意了
    Understanding Does Not Mean That I Agree
  3. 用「情绪碰情绪」跟長輩聊天
    Use Emotions Touching Emotions to Speak to Elders

第十七章 權力對等,才能享受親密關係 | Chapter 17 Power Must Be Balanced in Order to Enjoy Intimate Relationships

  1. 該不該讓伴侶坦白?
    Should You Be Honest With Your Partner?
  2. 怎麼說服父母?
    How Can You Convince Your Parents?
  3. 建立親子之間的平等關係
    Creating a Balanced Relationship Between Parents and Children





