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放心,您隨時可以反悔 《好好說話!》1:2 — Relax, You Can Change Your Mind Any Time

用「選擇」降低對方的抵觸情緒 (中/英翻譯)


總結: 如果你想說服別人,你要給他們返回的機會,讓他們願意邁出第一步。當他們一開始,就很難回頭。

Summary: If you want to persuade people, you have to give them the ability to change their minds. Because once they take the first step, they are unlikely to change their minds.


1. When facing someone struggling to decide, the more you hurry them, the more they might retreat.

2. Once people have made the first step, they usually won’t turn back.

A Situation You Might Encounter

I’m a salesperson. When I’m selling products, I sometimes finish discussing all of the products’ pros and cons, and the person also seems moved, but in the end they say they need to think about it. What should I say to let them make a decision and buy my product?

It’s often said: “This fruit juice machine is the last one available today, tomorrow it won’t be this price!”

A better way of saying it: “If you buy this juicer today, and are dissatisfied in any way, don’t worry, within seven days you can return it anytime you want.”

Why You Should Speak This Way

“Struggling to decide” often just means “Just missing one step before deciding.” In other words, this is the moment when your persuasion is closest to succeeding.

The closer you are to this key moment, the more you shouldn’t be anxious. Watch for how hard you are grasping things, all you really need is a gentle “push.”

And how should you perform this final “push” so that people will not reject it?

Lots of people think, when the other party is dithering, the most important thing is to harry them into making a decision. For example, when you face a hesitating client, tell them, “If you don’t buy this today, you won’t have an opportunity tomorrow.”

This kind of trick might work on a non-worldly newbie, but there are “last day discount” advertisements everywhere, pushing us into an indiscriminate today (?) and the results are more and more ineffective.

In other words, the more anxious your attitude, the more you make others feel like they have no choice. Under this kind of pressure, people who are afraid of making mistakes will make people stall. The other party was already standing at the crossroads, but with your one push, they retreat.

So, the better way to handle this is to tell people: “Don’t worry, you can make a decision now, and change your mind any time,” thus reducing their pressure to decide. If they feel, well at least I still have a chance to change my decision, why not give it a try? then they will have a difficult time finding a reason to reject you.

Actually, a lot of salespeople have pushed so much, they’ve created a “return product because unhappy with the product” phenomenon. The point of service is to preserve client power, and also to push clients to make a decision.

Even if there is no refund policy, you can still use this principle in your speech.

For example, if you were a car salesmen: Let’s say you saw a client hesitating to decide. You could say:

“Sir/Madame, I know you think this car is pretty great, but you can’t quite decide, right?

That’s okay, let me give you some advice: you can decide to pay a little today and take the car home, then think about it, so that you can prevent someone else from snatching it up.

You can change your mind any time this week. And don’t worry, if you do change your mind, we’ll return your full deposit.”

This line won’t force the other party to pay anything that they can’t take back, so it’s virtually non-reject-able. As long as the other person takes the first step, you’ve already succeeded over half. Because regret means one has lost the time and energy one already spent while making the decision.

Moreover, whatever one has got in the hand (for example, products one can “return anytime”) means that the thought of giving it back equals making another decision. Most people won’t be willing to do it.

This is why no matter how much you talk about the person’s power to get a refund, not many people will actually take the refund.

Extend Your Thinking

  1. As long as people take the first step, they often won’t turn back. But because of this, when they are making a decision, the thing that they’re most worried about is “not being able to take back their arrow, there is no regret medicine in this world.” If you want to get over this level of concern, you have to promise the other party they have the power to change their mind.
  2. Don’t worry, most people won’t really change their minds, because changing their minds requires giving up what they already have. And psychological research tells us, people value what they possess more highly, and it’s hard for them to give it up. This is why even if salespeople give a refund guarantee, they don’t have to worry about losing their money.

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1. 當你面對無法做決定的人,你越催他們,他們越會往後退






















  1. 只要人家邁出第一步,他們不會回頭。可是就是因為這樣,當他們在做決定時,他們最擔心的就是:「不能把劍收回,世界上沒有後悔藥。」如果你想對抗這程度的擔心,你必須答應對方他們有權利改變主意。
  2. 別擔心,大多數的人不會改變主意的,因為改變主意需要放棄他們已經擁有的。而心理學研究告訴我們,人們把自己有的東西評估的更高,難以捨棄。這就是為什麼當推銷員給了退款保證,他們不用擔心賠錢。





