Partners REX Proxy

EOS Cafe Block
2 min readMay 1, 2019


In anticipation of REX, EOS Cafe Block has created a Bloks REX portal so token holders can start earning dividends faster!

Our goal was to get as close to “one-click” REX as possible, and in doing so we have made the design choice to auto-vote for accounts that do not meet REX’s voting requirements.

Producer Selection Criteria

There are far more than 30 teams that deserve support which makes managing any proxy a challenge. To keep things simple and fair, we have created a proxy with two relevant criteria:

Block Producers who have contributed to the development and implementation of REX.


Block Producers who have contributed to the development and support of, our flagship EOS portal.

Proxy List

  • alohaeosprod
  • bitfinexeos1
  • cryptolions1
  • cypherglasss
  • eos42freedom
  • eosauthority
  • eosbixinboot
  • eoscafeblock
  • eoscanadacom
  • eosdacserver
  • eoseouldotio
  • eoshenzhenio
  • eosiomeetone
  • eosliquideos
  • eosnewyorkio
  • eosriobrazil
  • eosswedenorg
  • eostitanprod
  • eosvibesbloc
  • hkeoshkeosbp
  • itokenpocket
  • teamgreymass

We recognize there are dozens of talented teams who are adding value to EOS in other ways, and we encourage token holders to vote or delegate to a proxy of their choosing before staking their EOS to REX. The list above will only be voted for on behalf of token holders wishing to loan to REX in “one-click” who do not already meet REX’s voting requirements.

Twitter — @eoscafeblock
Medium — @eoscafeblock
Steemit — @eoscafeblock
Website —

For any comments or questions, please reach out to us on telegram:



EOS Cafe Block

Leading Block Producer for the EOS blockchain. Our goal is to make blockchain technology simple and easy to use.