Partnership with Equilibrium

EOS Cafe Block
3 min readJul 10, 2019


EOS Cafe Block is happy to announce our partnership with and Equilibrium to further our offering as the most comprehensive EOSIO portal.

The Equilibrium framework’s integration on will provide users with seamless user experience and let them generate EOSDT against their EOS collateral, as well as manage and close their collateralized positions.

Every interaction with Equilibrium is clear and simple at every stage.

  1. To get access to the framework’s functionality, log in with one of the supported wallets first.

2. Go to the DEX tab.

3. Choose the Equilibrium tab, and you will gain access to all the platform’s functionality.

4. On the right column, you can see your wallet balances of EOS, EOSDT, and NUT, as well as the current price of EOS and NUT. If you’d like to create a collateralized position, you can do it in one click by sending the desired amount of EOS to the smart contract.

5. Enter the amount of EOS you would like to pledge or the amount of EOSDT you would like to generate, then check the key parameters of your position:

  • Collateralization ratio — for your position to remain active, it has to be above the critical threshold.
  • Accrued fees — these have to be paid in addition to returning the generated EOSDT to the liquidator contract in order to get your collateral back in full.

6. When you’re ready to close your position partially or completely, you can do it by choosing Payback or Withdraw tabs.

In the Payback field, enter the amount of EOSDT you would like to burn; Or you can choose a “Withdraw” option and enter the amount of EOS you would like to get back.

The integration with makes full-cycle management of your collateralized position on the Equilibrium framework as simple and accessible as on the self-service gateway, providing more exposure to the platform and allowing a larger audience to discover the service.

What do you think about the recent integrations we’ve been making on Bloks? Do you have any feedback about Equilibrium? Share your thoughts with us at!

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EOS Cafe Block

Leading Block Producer for the EOS blockchain. Our goal is to make blockchain technology simple and easy to use.