Create an MSIG Account with — EOS Nation Tutorial

EOS Nation
4 min readJun 16, 2019


Advanced Account Actions Disclaimer: This content contains advanced EOS account features and actions which must be taken with extreme caution. We strongly suggest you practice these actions on a test account with a minimal balance. DO NOT perform any of these actions without first fully understanding and accepting the risks. Errors may result in losing access to the account.

Not Financial Advice Disclaimer: This presentation is for educational purposes only. This is not investment, trading or financial advice.

In this tutorial, we will review how you can modify your EOS Account to have “Multi-Signature Authorization” (MSIG for short) in order to increase the security and/or decentralize the authority of an account.

Step 1- Look up your account on

First, lets go to and look up an account you wish to set up as MSIG and view the “Permissions” tab under the “Chain Data” heading. In our example account below, you will notice that my owner and active keys are the same- this is not recommended! In fact, having the active and owner keys be the same is the lowest form of security you can have on an EOS account. Let’s improve our accounts’ security by adding multi-signature authorization.

Step 2- Log in with your “Owner Key”

We will now create a multi-signature authorization that will replace our active key permission. We will be using “daverextoken” as our example account. To do this, we need to log into the account using the owner key.

Step 3- Permissions Manager

Once logged in, go ahead and click on the “Wallet Tab” which will give you access to a list of tools. From the menu on the left, select “Permission Manager”.

Click on Wallet Tab -> Account-> Permissions Manager

IMPORTANT NOTE: Changing permission structures on EOS accounts is dangerous and could result in an unusable account if done incorrectly. We highly recommend you practice by only modifying your active key on an empty account.

Removing Current Active Key

You will now be able to modify the active and/or owner permissions of the account. In our example we will modify the active permission. Let’s start by removing the current active key by clicking the “x”. Let’s also change the threshold from 1 to 2.

Remove current active key

Add Accounts

Now we can add other EOS accounts that will be a part of the multi-signature authorization structure. In this example we are delegating authority to several other accounts so let’s populate the “Accounts” section.
For each account you must enter a weight, the account name and a specified permission. In our example all accounts are assigned a weight of 1 and all accounts use the “active” permission.

NOTE: Accounts must be entered in alphabetical order.

Add Waits “Optional”

To the right you will notice the “Add Wait” button which allows you to add “time” as an additional permission for your account if you want. In this example, waiting 3600 seconds (1 hour) will have a weight of 1.

Add Waits “optional”

Modify Threshold based on your use case or security needs

You can play around with the threshold, the weight of each account and add “waits” of varying duration and weight depending on your needs and use case. For example, our “eosnationftw” account has a variety of accounts/weights/waits that satisfies our need for a highly secured regproducer account.

In the example below, we assigned a weight of 2 to “hmu” and a weight of 1 to the other accounts so to approve a transaction we need either:
1) hmu + irl
2) hmu + lmk
3) hmu + ysk
4) irl + lmk + ysk

Modifying the Threshold and Account Weights

Once you are satisfied with the permissions setup, go ahead and click “save permissions”.

Step 4: Look up your account to verify permissions have been set

Now let’s go ahead and look up our account again. We will now see that our active account now has a threshold of 3 with four associated accounts: one with a weight of 2 and three with a weight of 1.

Congratulations! You are now ready to create your first multi-signature transaction. View our tutorial here!

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