Create an MSIG Transaction with — EOS Nation Tutorial

EOS Nation
4 min readJun 16, 2019


Advanced Account Actions Disclaimer: This content contains advanced EOS account features and actions which must be taken with extreme caution. We strongly suggest you practice these actions on a test account with a minimal balance. DO NOT perform any of these actions without first fully understanding and accepting the risks. Errors may result in losing access to the account.

Not Financial Advice Disclaimer: This presentation is for educational purposes only. This is not investment, trading or financial advice.

Today we will walk you through creating, proposing & executing a multi-signature transaction.

Step 1- Look up your account

Let’s go ahead and look up our account through After searching for your account and navigating to “Chain Data”, we can click on the permissions tab to see the permission structure of our account.

Click here for our written tutorial on creating an account with multi-signature authorizations. Multi-signature authorizations are also referred to as “mutli-sig” or “MSIG”.

Step 2- Log in using one of your MSIG Accounts

To propose and execute a transaction on our “daverextoken” account, we will need to log in with one of the accounts included in the daverextoken@active permission structure.

In this example, we need to login with the active permission of either of these accounts: eosnationhmu, eosnationirl, eosnationlmk or eosnationysk.

Step 3- Toggle on “Multisig Mode”

Once logged in, make sure to toggle on the “Multisig Mode” on your log in drop-down menu.

Step 4- Go to your Wallet

Next click on the “Wallet” tab and set up a transaction as you would with any regular account. In this example, we are sending EOS to Coinbase and including a memo.

Go to the “Wallet Tab”
Enter Transfer Information

Step 5- Propose the Multisig Transaction

Being that we are in “Multisig Mode”, after we click “ Transfer 0.01 EOS to coinbasebase” we are brought to a new screen where we are now asked to set up and propose the multisig transaction.

Enter “Proposal Name”

First, it asks for a “Proposal Name” which can be 2–12 characters long.

Enter “Requested Approvals”

Here we will include which accounts can approve this transaction. These are accounts listed as authorizations for “daverextoken@active”.

NOTE: These accounts must be entered in alphabetical order.

Enter “Authentication”

Moving on to the next step, it asks you for the authenticating account. In our example, we are authenticating “daverextoken@active”.

In the “Data” section we must change the “from” address as this is auto-populated to the currently logged in the account but this is not the account we wish to transact from. Here we also enter daverextoken.

Make sure to review the information and when ready, click propose.

Verify Information and Propose Transaction

Step 6- click/share your MSIG Transaction proposal link

We are now provided the on chain proposal link.

Step 7- Approve and execute your proposal

Toggle Off MSIG Mode

You can now approve the transaction but first, make sure to toggle off “MSIG Mode”.

Toggle Off MSIG Mode

Sign in or send proposal link to the Account holder for approval

While logged in as one of the accounts listed under “Request Approvals” you can click the “Approve Transaction” to add your signature to the transaction.

Approve Transaction

Execute Transaction

Once you have reached the minimum threshold and can now execute the transaction.

Execute Transaction

Step 8- Look up your account and verify transaction

Let’s go ahead and look up our account. As you can see the transfer has been executed.

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