Assessing metrics for video quality verification in Livepeer’s ecosystem (III)

Epic Labs
12 min readMay 31, 2019


Livepeer is a protocol for video transcoding. Transcoding is a compute-heavy process that has traditionally carried a high technical and monetary cost. Livepeer aims to slash the cost of transcoding with an open network that incentivizes transparent competition among suppliers of transcoding capacity. The rules of the Livepeer protocol are backed by smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, an immutable ledger.

The combination of an open, permissionless network and immutable non-reversibility attracts byzantine (adversarial) behavior: any participant can attempt to “break the protocol” without immediate consequences from within the Livepeer network. A verification mechanism is necessary to decide whether the transcoding work was done correctly.

In a quest to define an algorithm that would help Livepeer include such mechanism, at Epiclabs we are making some progress as can be seen in our previous two articles in this series (see article I and article II).

For the present story, we will dive further into a set of metrics that will configure the input vector for a number of machine learning algorithms whose entrails we will rake in our next redaction.

So far we have explained how measuring different values on a per-frame basis can be very useful to create rich feature vectors that can later be fed in machine learning algorithms. The need for such techniques roots in the non-linear nature of our problem. There is not a single metric of similarity that can be used to discriminate all forms of poorly executed renditions. There is not even certainty about what are all the possible attacks.

What follows is an illustration of twenty five measurements we will be doing over our video renditions: five of them in a per-frame basis and then, for each, we will aggregate the values in the time domain with five more metrics.

In the spatial, frame domain, we will be observing five aspects of a video:

  • Inter-frame RGB histogram distance between original and rendition, to observe color distortions (IFHD)
  • Inter-frame contour difference between original and rendition, to observe and highlight highly contrasted regions (IFCD)
  • Inter-frame Discrete Cosine Transform difference, to assess how much energy is lost between renditions (IFDCTD)
  • Inter-frame normalized cross-correlation, to observe structural distortions (IFNCC)
  • Inter-frame Low Pass Filter Difference, to assess volumetric differences between the original and the rendition (IFLPFD)

Once those metrics are computed for each frame of a rendition, we will be able to assemble them in a time series. From this sequence of values we will extract five main aggregating values:

  • Euclidean distance between the original’s sequence and that of the rendition
  • Standard deviation
  • Manhattan distance
  • Mean value
  • Maximum value

This should give us enough information about the relationship between an asset and its rendition. With this features we will be able to train a classifier that will infer whether we are dealing with a legitimate encoding work or a cheating attempt.

Counting colors: Inter-Frame Histogram Distance (IFHD)

For this metric, we will be measuring the distance between the RGB histograms of the frames in the original from those in the rendition. Histograms are collected counts of data organized into a set of predefined bins.

A histogram of the three RGB channels of a single frame. The picture has 53940 pixels (310x174), each with three values (R, G and B) ranging between 0 and 255. A histogram is a convenient way to tally them.

We compute their histograms for all channels (R, G and B), so that we can evaluate the chi square distance between them and the rendition’s — or potential attack’s — counterpart. For those interested in how this distance is computed, some valuable links are here and here. To see how it is implemented in Livepeer, have a peek here.

Time series for five renditions processed with our inter-frame histogram distance metric (the original being the constant blue line at zero). Given that this is a distance, larger values imply higher distortion. Watermarked renditions are now easier to discriminate and they are contrasted even from lower resolution renditions

A temporal evolution of this metric for 10 seconds of a few renditions of Big Buck Bunny can be checked out above. In general, legitimate renditions seem to cluster nicely without great divergence, whereas watermarked encodings split almost one order of magnitude apart, at least for this asset. Being a distance between histograms, this is a metric of difference, with a lower bound in zero and unbounded in the upper extreme.

The gap between plots above depends greatly on the color and size of the watermark, not its shape, so a different kind of metric might be needed to account for other features of other videos: enter the Inter-Frame Contour Difference.

Counting contour pixels: Inter-Frame Contour Difference (IFCD)

So, the color change between frames is by all means a valuable source of information. However, there are other characteristics of a video sequence that can be collected without much computational effort.

Edge detection is a technique that allows for extracting structural information based on the detection of edges. In our case, it can be very useful for detecting superimposed text and other non-texture dependent distortions. Different algorithms exist that extract this kind of information, namely Sobel’s, Laplacian operator’s or Canny’s. After some performance benchmarking, we decided for Canny’s.

Basically, we will be computing the difference between a frame in the original and its next frame in the rendition, obtaining a specific time series evolution vector. Previously, the frame in the original and that of the rendition have been converted to their contour version by means of a Canny filter.

As an example, the results of the filter applied to both the original as well as to the watermarked rendition are displayed below.

Shape contour version of the a frame of an original asset (above) and the next frame in the watermarked version (below). Watermarks have very specific edges easily detected by Canny filters.

Once we have the contours, we can compute their difference and magnify those pixels that are different with a dilate filter. Counting non-zero pixels is then done in the original sequence between a frame and its following, and then between the same frame of the original and the next one in the copy. The arithmetic subtraction between pixel ratios (that of the original minus that of the rendition) accounts for how much a rendition is distorted.

Pixel difference between a frame of an original asset and the next frame in the watermarked version (above), and its dilated version (below). Dilation magnifies the presence of watermarks.

This can be better understood by means of the sequence below. It shows the contour versions of both the original asset and its rendition (steps 1 to 3) by means of a Canny filter. Then, applying a dilation filter, disaccords are magnified (steps 4 and 5). The count of non-zero pixels between original and rendition should be larger when watermarks are present. We can estimate this by computing the ratio of non-zero pixels between frames.

(0) Get the original (frames n to n+5)
(1) Original (frames n to n+5) with Canny filter applied
(2) Original (frames n+1 to n+6) with Canny filter applied
(3) Watermarked rendition (frames n+1 to n+6) with Canny filter applied
(4) Difference between Canny version of original at n and Canny version of original at n+1, dilated
(5) Difference between Canny version of original at n and Canny version of watermarked rendition at n+1, dilated

When the studied asset is the original itself, the subtraction of the ratio of the rendition from the original has a constant value of 0, given that the number of nonzero pixels between the current and the next frame is the same all the time. When the rendition has watermarks, its time series diverges sensibly, given the magnification effect of the dilation filter. Do you spot it in the chart below? To see how we are putting it all together in Livepeer, have a glance here.

Time series for five renditions processed with our Canny inter-frame difference ratio metric (the original being the constant blue line in zero). Given that this is a difference metric, larger values imply higher distortion. The watermarked rendition has a similar time evolution but a constant higher mean.

The closer we are to 0, the lower is the effect of distortions in the signal. Those spikes between the frames 100 to 200? They imply a very high number of nonzero pixels between the original and the rendition. This metric is bounded between zero and one, giving an idea on how different from each other two renditions are, as opposed to a similarity metric (i.e. the inverse).

Measuring differences in energy: Inter-Frame Discrete Cosine Transform Difference (IFDCTD)

Extracting information about the color and the shapes in our frames seems to do a great job, but how about those assets where the textures are very rich? The contours might dissolve in a wealth of gradients. Or what if the watermark is not big enough? The inter-frame difference might become negligible Would it work as nicely?

In image processing, the energy measures the localized change of the image. It gives a notion of the rate of change in the color/brightness/magnitude of the pixels over local areas. As such, it summarizes to a great extent how pixels in an image relate to each other. There’s a number of different explanations of what the energy of an image is but in essence they all refer to the sort of “sexiness” of the image.

A well known technique to represent this energy is Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). Besides, DCT has very good energy-compaction properties, which means that it concentrates most of the energy in the first few coefficients of the transform. It is somehow similar to the Fast Fourier Transform in what it retrieves the frequency domain relationships from its spatial relationships. More details can be encountered here and here.

For our purposes, be enough to consider DCT as another ‘information compressing’ technique, from which we can compare the difference in energy between two frames: that of the rendition against that of the original. Those who want to see the source code in Livepeer can do so here.

Consider DCT as another ‘information compressing’ technique, from which we can compare the difference in energy between two frames: that of the rendition against that of the original. Given that we are converting it into a distance metric, larger values imply higher distortion.

Again, in the chart above, we represent the evolution in time for the same segment as before, plotting our new metric. In this case, we can see a measure of distance, where higher values are unbounded whereas lower values with higher similarity tend to zero.

Measuring texture: Inter-frame normalized cross-correlation (IFNCC)

So, by now we have evaluated how much a rendition’s color distribution, edges and crispness match but, how about the textures? That can be very informative, too. Still in the spatial domain, we can use some form of comparison, frame by frame, on how much their textures match. Let’s summon template matching!

Template matching is a technique used in computer vision to find and locate patterns in larger images. It basically scans the target image with the pattern image in a sliding window fashion measuring the highest value by means of different statistical methods.

OpenCV’s template matching. A sliding window of the pattern image is swept over the target image. In our case, our pattern image is the rendition’s frame, and the target image is the original frame. Source: OpenCV documentation

In our implementation, we will be using an algorithm based on the normalized cross-correlation between pixels in the original asset and their rendition counterpart. To serve our purposes, our pattern to search will be the whole rendition frame, within the original frame. More details about its formula and how it is computed can be found here, here and here.

Time series for five renditions processed with our cross-corrrelation similarity ratio metric (the original being the constant blue line in zero). Given that this is a similarity metric, larger values imply less distortion, zero being totally different. The watermarked rendition has a remarkably different time evolution and an even more accented mean value.

In the chart above, it is again remarked how different renditions have different temporal development. Most importantly, our watermarked rendition stands out by a large margin, even though the temporal pattern (its up and downs, i.e. its derivative) have a great similarity. This is a measure of similarity, bounded between zero and one, with higher values meaning higher degree of similarity (or correlation).

Measuring volume: Inter-frame Low Pass Filter Difference (IFLPFD)

Lastly, we will be applying a Gaussian low pass filter to both our original asset and the rendition under study. Then we will be measuring the Mean Squared Error between pixels.

The low pass filter is meant to homogenize the pixels distribution in both the original as in the rendition. As it is explained here, “Gaussian filtering is done by convolving each point in the input array with a Gaussian kernel and then summing them all to produce the output pixel array”.

Original / Blurred original / Blurred rendition sequence. The Mean Squared Error between blurred versions is computed for each frame to generate the time series. Note the slight change between the original and the rendition, other than in the watermarked region.

By using a low pass filter, we are essentially creating homogenous groups of pixels wherever we already had them. This reduces the variance of the images and helps us making a better match between original and rendition if the rendition is legit. For attacks, the Mean Squared Error is expected to be larger as there will larger blobs of pixels in different locations.

Time series for five renditions processed with our low pass filter metric (the original being the constant blue line in zero). Given that this is a difference metric, larger values imply more distortion, zero being totally equal. The watermarked rendition has a remarkably different time evolution leading to and even more accented mean value.

Again, this metric has a lower bound (in zero) and is meant to be larger for higher degrees of distortion. The chart above illustrates this.

Aggregating time series: temporal domain metrics of spatial domain metrics

So far we have explored instantaneous inter-frame metrics that compare frame by frame in their spatial relationships. We need however a single number that “compresses” the whole time series and characterizes each rendition with as few loss of information as possible.

As we saw in our previous article, mean values alone not always do a very good job on this sense. Euclidean distances between the time series of the original and the rendition proved to bottle up more information as to how much different two time sequences are. On the other hand, standard deviation provides also valuable information as to how intensely a time series is changing which tells us how smoothly that metric might behave from frame to frame. Finally, the Manhattan distance between the time series may give us a notion on how far away each single point of the rendition is from those in the original, in absolute terms in the vertical direction. In order to be able to establish an order of magnitude for all the values above, the maximum value of the time series is also provided to the classifier.

All these are Full Reference metrics in what they evolve in time by comparing the original against the rendition. When the metric is a distance (Inter-Frame Histogram Distance, Inter-Frame DCT Difference , Inter-Frame Contour Difference), higher values indicate higher degree of distortion. For similarity metrics (Inter-frame Normalized Cross-Correlation), the higher the value, the higher the similarity.

Looking at the charts below, for this segment of Big Buck Bunny at least, all four time-domain aggregators perform similarly well for all renditions in order to spot away a watermarked rendition like the one in the pictures. In all metrics, the watermarked rendition is notedly highlighted.

Time series aggregators for Inter-Frame Histogram Distance. Here only euclidean distance and mean behave similarly for more similar renditions. Standard deviation shows markedly different patterns not only for the watermarked rendition but also for the most distorted of 240p@250kbps.
Time series aggregators for Inter-Frame Contour Difference. Looking at the time series above for this metric, we see all renditions running very close to each other. The aggregators however, distinguish fairly well what the watermark is. For this asset and this metric, the extracted features are probably redundant with those of the temporal DCT, as the pattern is very similar between renditions (just different scale). This doesn’t mean this will be the case for other assets.
Time series aggregators for Inter-Frame DCT Difference. Observe how euclidean distance, mean and standard deviation of the time series, in their different scales, behave similarly for more similar renditions. However, the Manhattan distance shows a markedly different pattern for the watermarked rendition that will help further in uniquely characterizing this asset by our classifier. Other assets will show different patterns.
Time series aggregators for Inter-Frame Normalized Cross-Correlation. For this particular asset, the watermarked rendition pops up very clearly in all aggregators. Other aggregators have similar patterns, as expected from examination of the time series.
Time series aggregators for Inter-Frame Low Pass Filter Difference. In this metric, all analytics show similar patterns for different renditions, highlighting the difference of the watermarked rendition

So, for a single asset, we may have found a fairly efficient set of alternatives to “classical metrics” such as PSNR, VMAF or SSIM. Our set offers a more contrasted difference between original and, for instance, watermarked renditions and other subtle attacks. And yes, they are fast to compute.

Eventually, our purpose is to be able to utilize this methodology with ANY asset and its renditions. Henceforth, we are in a position of assembling a rich feature vector for each one of our assets based on our sixteen values extracted from the spatial metrics and their temporal compilations.

Conclusions and further work

We have presented four spatial domain metrics that account for five different features of a frame:

  • Color — Inter-Frame Histogram Distance (IFHD)
  • Contours — Inter-Frame Contour Difference (IFCD)
  • Energy — Inter-Frame Discrete Cosine Transform Difference (IFDCTD)
  • Textures — Inter-frame Normalized cross-correlation (IFNCC)
  • Volumes — Inter-frame Low Pass Difference (IFLPFD)

For each of those, we have assembled a time series from which we have extracted a summary of five different statistical metrics:

  • Euclidean distance from the original
  • Mean
  • Standard deviation
  • Manhattan distance from the original
  • Maximum value

All together they compose a rich vector that is most suitable for feeding our Machine Learning Classifier.

Potentially, instead of using only these five time-domain aggregators, we could increase the amount of information supplied by using a histogram or, even better, the whole time series. However, for the first assault, we will keep things simple.

We will see their performance in a future story. Stay tuned!


About the authors

Rabindranath is PhD in Computational Physics by the UPC and AI researcher. Dionisio is Computer Science Engineer by the UPM specialized in Media. Ignacio is Telecommunications Engineer by the UPM specialized in Data Science and Machine Learning. They are part of Epic Labs, a software innovation center for Media and Blockchain technologies.

Livepeer is sponsoring this project with Epic Labs to research ways to evaluate the quality of video transcoding happening throughout the Livepeer network. This article series helps summarize our research progress.



Epic Labs

Epic Labs is a Software Innovation Center focused on the Media space.