6/30 Cryptocurrency and Stock Market Analysis — Bearish 📉

I had bearish expectations before I even looked at the charts, I could feel it.

4 min readJun 30, 2022

To save the trouble of reading the entire article for those who just want a price, I expect $16k for BTC *or below* to produce some form of corrective bounce.

Today represents an uptick in bearishness. And it’s correlated with the stock market, which adds up to a lot of issues. Chart link for below (to zoom): https://www.tradingview.com/x/Glp3StCS/ . Notice how the directional indications have ramped up yet again. Can we see a bounce somewhere? Yeah, but not before defining a new low yet again.

this is *more* bearish, not less. We found a top at 20k.

First, I want to point out that the SPY (stock market S&P 500 index) also went down with crypto, and created a new gap where they had one prior. That’s not normal for gaps, even though I love me some gaps. That means the market for the SPY is going nuts. Link to chart: https://www.tradingview.com/x/7opoL0rV/ .

green gap closed, yellow created. Basically the same price. Someone really cares about the 377 mark.

Total2 looks just as ugly. Chart link: https://www.tradingview.com/x/RQL4Iq5i/ .

matches bitcoin, when all is in sync is bear market’s true bears

Remember how I said shorts were in control for days?(my own links there) Well that move is a-coming. Real soon. It’s *not* over. It’s *starting*. Does this mean real bullishness happens after? See image below. There’s timing the market and feeling the market. I’m deploying 0 capital right now. Anything in is where it is, anything not in is not being deployed, either.

bullish after a drop? Take a guess.

So, what’s next? People like gold, right? Yeah, how’s gold doing? it’s about to *drop* too. Welcome to recession as I mentioned about a week ago *yet again*, the real kind. Link to chart image: https://www.tradingview.com/x/KIxvM74a/ .

anyone hoping for gold to be a safe haven, it’s sure not looking like it.

Weekly chart (as gold is supposedly slow) is not any better. Link -> https://www.tradingview.com/x/p1KGsaC1/ .

yeah, this is go to sleep for a couple years mode. Weekly says $1600 is the first target, and if we go under, uglytown.

I’m not giving up because I like to trade, but I’m also shorting the market. In fact, I’m working heavily on bot development when not providing analysis, but again one can only manage so much at a time.

I estimated the silver cup and handle, and hopefully it happens here, otherwise silver will dump with. The significant difference here is volume. Chart image link -> https://www.tradingview.com/x/L3ccF3tV/ . It could take 2–3 years for silver to really play out though, so do remember that.

the bounces have been decent, but remember this is hope and a long game.

What about Forex? Well, Ruble is taking a leg down this week vs USD. It’s a question of how long this will keep up before the Ruble inevitably collapses. Link to weekly -> https://www.tradingview.com/x/apZfwGTu/. It could be a while, but it’s in the “we will find a bottom” status quite soon. How soon? Look at the monthly 2nd chart below.

bearish here means usd is bearish vs RUB

In my last global analysis, I pointed out how almost everything outside USD is in trouble. Ruble was one of the last standing by manipulating the market. )(strict price control and nobody buying). That’s probably going to end in 1–2 months. So, let’s zoom out and see, shall we? Link to chart -> https://www.tradingview.com/x/qTkTf33R/

ahh yes, the “forever bullish” DMI. That’s the one.

So what is this? This is the last gasps of the Ruble before it dies off. What’s interesting is other global markets are not quite in the same boat. This is Brazil, happily buying up the ruble and selling the USD. That’s a bit unsurprising but shows how the ruble is being arbitraged, massively. On the flip side is blackbull, who had a massive selloff of Ruble and still does, looks like. This is a massive arbitrage to anyone who can do brazil/american forex, if it can be done — but probably only by Brazillians anyway.

Brazillian forex
blackbull forex — selloff of RUB

In short, hello recession, we have not seen you in a long time. I’m prepared, and I hope many of you are.




Foodie, algotrader, trader, chartist. Donations to paypal @ tradernap, Website at tradernap.com