I Learned English from the ‘Sex and the City’ Series

Real Deal Mum
2 min readJul 11, 2022

I was 27 when I moved to the UK. I followed a friend who decided to leave our dusty little town in the South of Hungary to search for adventures.
I left Hungary in 2002 — before we joined the European Union, so my only option was at the time to become a live-in au-pair.
I had the best au-pair job in Dulwich, earned top money, and my family was amicable and chilled.
SATC was on TV in 2002, and I watched every episode. What helped me was that I turned the subtitles on, and while watching and listening, I was reading simultaneously — the perfect combination for language learning.
I was single at the time. Well, my looser Hungarian boyfriend of 11 months decided not to come and told me the night before we were about to leave for the UK.
So I was single, in London at 27, full of hopes for a new life, a new beginning!
My friend’s — who I followed to London — best advice was to watch ‘Sex and the City’ — it will help when we meet a guy, she said…
I don’t think it helped much with dating, if I am honest, but it certainly inspired me to start writing. So here I am 20 years later, living the dream!
I had many other inspirations along the way, but Carrie Bradshaw was the first.
During my English learning journey, I can honestly say that ‘Sex and the City’ was the reason I started to pronounce my words correctly and understand the spoken language.

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Real Deal Mum

British-Hungarian Blogger Real Deal Mum 👩🏻‍💻Mental Health Professional 🛋 Data Analytics Nerd 📊 Passionate about Writing 🖋 Art 🦋People