Yoga Flow: 15-minute Sequences (Illustrated + Videos & Music)

Erika Parfenova
12 min readJun 29, 2017


How I Stop Depression With 1 Simple Yoga Pose & Mind Hack — get FREE access!

Once I wondered how I could create my own yoga practice. How could I put together a coherent whole, and harmoniously build my process of mind relaxation?

Yoga is not just a sport, but a method of gaining harmony.

Hence the term used go describe various combinations of asanas: yoga flow.

This is a sequence that can be practiced daily!

The flow awakens inner strength. Sounds interesting, right?

Surely you’ve heard that physical activity helps to calm the mind. There is no esotericism here, just physiology. We work with muscles and assign simple tasks to the nervous system.

You stand, lie or curl in asana, and correctly move the body. And magic happens! Power yoga solves two important tasks at once. Dynamic loading relaxes the brain!

This is a practice in which we carefully breathe and try to lengthen and smooth out our inhalation and exhalation. It’s a slow rhythm that gradually gains strength and warmth, warming up the whole body.

The other day I attended a yoga seminar. We practiced all weekend. But how many hormones of happiness fell upon me at the end of the day! A veritable cocktail of endorphins. I love this feeling of smooth movement and sense of inner work and strength.

I dream to share this with you.

From time to time, we feel anxious. We worry about future events or about the past. These are destructive thoughts, as they take us away from the present. When I forget about the moment now, I return to my body. Yoga helps me very much. Concentration required to perform asanas, and the more difficult the pose, the more concentration you need.

Start with the most important thing: breathing.

If you know the basics of pranayama, you can purify your thoughts by practicing kapalabhati, or pump yourself with oxygen in bhastrika. If you’re unfamiliar with these words, just close your eyes and concentrate on inhaling and exhaling. Take a few minutes to breathe.

In physical education classes, did your teacher often tell you how important it is to warm up and stretch your muscles before training?

This is very important, because stretching the muscles not only supports safe practice, but also frees stiffness and tension in the joints.

Exercising to increase flexibility not only helps you feel looser; it also relieves fatigue and releases lactic acid from the body.

From a psychological point of view, a more relaxed and pliable body leads to a calmer and clearer mind.

Your thinking can reflect the tension in your body, so releasing tension can help you relax your mind.

However, before rushing headlong into more advanced poses, don’t forget to pay attention to yoga for beginners. Form the basis of your yoga.

If you can’t do certain poses right now, use yoga accessories such as blocks, straps, or a folded blanket to help you.

First, we’ll give ourselves a set-up before the start of the workout.

This is important.

  1. Allow yourself to screw up. Really, do not ask too much of yourself. Do not cross the voltage zone. Carry out every movement with care and love for yourself.
  2. Watch your breath. If you notice that you’ve stopped breathing and contracted, just stop. Take a relaxed breath and exhale. Now continue the practice.

Do not worry about your home practice being different. Start with a daily 15-minute lesson. Practice every day for a week, and monitor your feelings.

Perhaps the transition from one asana to another won’t be as smooth as you like. But it’s not scary. The main thing is that you find time for yourself and for the movement.

Lets go!

1. Child Pose — Balasana

The pose is natural and very simple.

1. Stand on your knees, and put your hands on the floor, as if you are playing with your dog or cat.

You can spread your legs wider or bring together your knees (depending on how comfortable you are).

2. Sit on your feet and start moving your hands smoothly to the front of the mat, or take them behind your back, laying your hands along the body in the embroy position.

Choose a convenient option for you, and let your body rest.

If you feel uncomfortable, try putting a blanket under your hips or under your head.

2. Cat/Cow

This pose helps you warm up at the beginning of your practice and stretch your back.

  1. Kneel and put your hands firmly on the floor. Make sure your knees are directly below your hips and your wrists, elbows and shoulders are in line and perpendicular to the floor.
  2. With each inhalation, straighten your shoulder blades and arch your back. When you exhale, bend downwards, feeling your spine.

3. Downward-Facing Dog

1. Keep your arms wide. Your hands should be on the floor. Try to keep your shoulders, back and arms in one straight line.

2. Turn your pelvis with the ischium bones back. To make it easier, bend your knees.

3. Relax your head and shoulders, and keep your neck extending the spine.

Remember your center. Draw your stomach in. This will help relieve the hands and move weight to your legs.

This is one of the best poses in yoga for opening up the hip joints.

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4. Chaturanga dandasana

This is the best posture to prepare for balance on your hands and for rebuilding your inner core.

  1. Stand in the pose of the bar. Hands should be on the floor, shoulder-width apart. The legs are the same width as your shoulders and strongly push on the floor.
  2. Slowly sink to the floor, trying to keep the body straight, like a straight wooden door.
  3. Stop, but without touching the floor. In this position, the elbows are in line with the shoulders, and the heels seem to be pushing away from an invisible wall. The body is collected and strong.

Keep your focus in the center of your core, and do not forget to breathe.

5. Bhujangasana — Сobra

Bhujangasana (cobra posture) helps relieve tension in the upper back. This is good deflection training that helps improve your flexibility. By opening the chest area, we release the heart and breathe deeper.

  1. Lie on the floor, on your stomach. Legs together or shoulder-width apart, forehead on the floor.
  2. Place your hands under your shoulders. The elbows are next to the body.
  3. Press your pubic bone against the floor. While breathing in, lift your shoulders off the floor, stretch up and back, pushing your hands and feet on the floor.
  4. Elbows remain slightly bent, the keys to opening the sides. The legs and pubic bone should be pushing hard on the floor.

Rise to a comfortable height and keep your breathing relaxed.

6. Virabhadrasana

A wide step works with hip joints and the pelvic region, so Virabhadrasana strengthens the leg muscles, tones the knees and reduces fat deposits in the pelvic region and thighs.

  1. First, we step forward with one foot. The second foot is behind, with the knee directly over the heel. The back leg rests on the floor, and strong legs raise the body up.
  2. Hold the chest above the basin, stretch your hands upward and hold them together above your head.
  3. Make sure that your pelvi s is level and does not fall to one side. To do this, rotate the hips inward.

Fit bandhas help keep the pose smooth and firmly hold the body above the floor.

7. Utkata Konasana — Goddess Pose

It is not for nothing that this asana is called the “fiery triangle”. Here, the internal surface of the thigh, such a hard-to-reach muscle, is really put to work.

  1. While standing, spread your legs wider than your shoulders (about a meter) and point your feet outwards at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. Sit down so that the pelvis is parallel to the floor, and the tailbone is pulled down. Bend knees at a 90-degree angle.
  3. Pull up your stomach so that it does not bulge and fall.
  4. Raise the ribs upwards, straighten the clavicles, put your hands on your pelvis and relax your back.

All you need to do now is raise the palms in the namaste position and feel your hips heat up. A fountain of energy that hits right from the inside!

8. Hanumanasana

We practice it, with courage, determination and motivation.

  1. Lying on your stomach, lift your legs off the floor and, pulling back, grab your ankles. Pull your legs up, lifting your chest off the floor.
  2. The main movement is made by the feet. Don’t strain your back; try to perform the deflection with help from your feet.
  3. As the thorax straightens, the legs are pushed further away from the pelvis.

9. Bow Pose — Dhanurasana

This is an excellent position for relaxing the legs, and it provides a nice stretch.

1. Lying on your stomach, lift your legs off the floor and, pulling back, grab your ankles. Pull your legs up, lifting your chest off the floor.

2. The main movement is made by the feet. Don’t strain your back; try to perform the deflection with help from your feet.

3. As the thorax straightens, the legs are pushed further away from the pelvis.

The body acquires a single form — the onion pose. Try to stretch as far as possible without unnecessary strain.

10. Shavasana

This is the best time for meditation. Position helps to relieve stress and anxiety, to calm the mind and breathing. The best opportunity to give the body a reboot.

Nothing brings such a buzz as a sweet rest after a good physical exertion.

This is the best time for meditation.

1. Lie on your back. Arrange the body comfortably, the back falls into the floor, hands and feet lie freely.

2. With each exhalation, move attention to different points of the body.
For example, one by one relax the feet, knees, the area between the eyebrows, scapula, facial muscles.

3. Try to release tension and find the focus of your attention.

4. To get rid of thoughts, stop the pupils‘ movement.

Allow the body to fill with new forces.

Complete your practice with meditation.

Sit in a comfortable pose, straighten your spine. Mentally wish strength and joy to all living beings. Thank your teachers and students. Thank yourself — this body, this mind, your whole being. Imagine that warm and radiant light is pouring from your solar plexus area.

You have coped with today’s work!

Practice this sequence every day, and you will see remarkable changes in your body.

What can help during the practice of yoga? Music, of course!

My friends often ask me what tracks I play during my yoga practice. That’s why I have gathered for you my top 5 favorite performers for pleasant movement.

  1. Deva Premal

If you like mantras and smooth, calm moves — these guys are for you. Stunning female vocals and an Asian mood will really relax you and get you into your practice. It will please those who love the traditional and calm atmosphere of practice.

2. Dead Can Dance

This is shamanic music, very sexy. I don’t even know if you can do yoga in this mood. Dead Can Dance appeared in my life at the time I was working with my subconscious. I’m sure they will enchant your soul.

3. Bedouin

I love listening to mixes. It’s great when music does not need to be switched, when one rhythm replaces another, and the mood smoothly flows from one to another. I met this DJ when I was collecting music from the Burning Man festival. Its tracks are great for a dynamic yoga practice. Just surrender to that current.

4. Love Over Entropy

Another DJ I’m using during classes with my students. If you prefer modern yoga, this guy’s playlist can appeal to you. This music plays not only at home, but also when I walk for a long time. I simply plunge into its rhythm.

5. Miyagi

Another tasty artist for lovers of European yoga. If you liked the two previous artists, these electronic rhythms will not leave you indifferent. I think it’s time to compose a playlist of electronic music. I do not know about you, but I’m just overwhelmed with energy.

Have you already chosen your artist? Carefully studied your sequence of asanas, but still cannot decide to start your practice? I know what will inspire you.

Yogi people around motivates us!

Here are a few videos from the best yoga teachers in the world. Right now they will show you how they perform their sequences.


Adriana releases a video every week, so you can study with her and have great fun.

Kino Yoga

I fell in love with the movie from the first minute I saw her.

She is a terrific instructor in ashtanga yoga, and after every practice I feel real power inside. By the way, she has a nice voice.

Now you have all the tools you need to spread your mat right now!

To the last I will say this:

I’ve always wanted to reach a high level text in whatever I was doing. Yoga was no exception. It is difficult to tear yourself away from deep deflections.

Bur how could I get better? Psychologist Anders Ericsson also wondered how people achieve mastery. So he conducted a study.

It turned out that anyone who reaches the status of a world-class expert spends about 10,000 hours of practice in their occupation.

This represents approximately 20 hours per week for 10 years.

Do you still want to play computer games or spend time with a TV series? Everything we practice becomes stronger.

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Main ideas:

  • Don’t expect to go to the yoga class. Start your practice right now.
  • You can create your own sequences, ones that differ from the usual practice
  • Know yourself, not strict forms of asana.
  • Follow the sequence of 10 asanas every day
  • Complete the yoga sequence with a breath and meditation
  • Don’t forget the music!
  • Include the video on YouTube to train in company

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