Introduction: Medieval Engraving Post Processing

2 min readDec 8, 2022


Recently, I did an expirement to reproduce medieval engraving directly in Unity:

Medieval Engraving from Instagram Medievalism

As you can see, there is some strong agreement between both. In this serie of articles, we will see how I achieved this effect and will go through it step by step.

Steps of the effect

I recently shared a short breakdown showing each broad steps of the effect.

Let’s now break it down a bit. As you can see, we have multiple steps:

  • First, we do a normal outline using color, depth and normal textures, it produces some solid objects outline.
  • Then we do a more special pass to generate the outlines bases on the shadows that gives a strong medieval look.
  • We combine both the outlines.
  • Blurring the result.
  • Finally, coloring the image according to it.

It may be a bit dense there or in one video, so here is a schema:

There is some steps but nothing that complicated and each of it will have its own article. So stay tuned for the next part, we will talk about setting up the project with the Universal Render Pipeline and a Custom Render Feature.

Useful Links


I would like to thanks the people that helped me writing this article by reviewing or providing any help:

