The Effects of Social Media in Youth. (A Work in Progress.)

An Ontologist’s viewpoint.

Eris Capeditiea
53 min readAug 7, 2023
This got out of hand.

(Writing Started: August 7th, 2023) — (Writing Ended: August 11th, 2023)

(edits may happen.)

Before we get into this video I would like to thank our sponsors DOOM MAGNET! They will provide you some doom sandwiches WHICH WILL KNOCK YOUR TEETH OUT! Just sign a release form that doesn’t make us liable for your teeth being knocked out or if your tongue spontaneously combusts; AND YOU ARE WELCOME!

He loves the Doom Sandwich.

At one time, we were quite informed on things. This was from the knowledge we collectively picked up. Like those facinating rumours of Marlyn Manson getting two of his ribs removed or some crazy memetic shit like that. I mean this was a popular belief world wide. It freaked me out when no where outside of Nebraska there is a Runza. (probably one of the greatest things about Nebraska… aside from Ball and Sack Cemetery.)

Like holy crapdicks there is a culture shock. I come from a place that is reluctant to support not so common …values. I mean i listened to Progressive Metal and just started exploring Noise when i had 24/7 access… (which wasn’t until 2017 or so…)

I would go over to Ben’s… he was a dick… YES! Basically…

Poison Ivy would not be pleased.

So there i was, face to face with a demon.


“Let me Show You How it’s Done.” play as background and watch each video

I know good music when i hear it. UwU


(photo was lost… from the factors of sloth)

or laziness… one or the two.


Time is of the Essence

Here we are again,

Feeling all the pain,

Shedding the happiness away,

Shaving away the pieces, so to say,

What have you done today?

Wars break loose, people begin putting up the noose,

Taking the words, time is of the essence,

Leaving them all in your subconscious,

It’s placed into the category of magick and science,

A difference starts all the violence,

Thus creating consequences,

Taking shape in a form of compliance,

Authorities try offering a way to stay away from defiance,

Were back to violence,

Guns are authorities appliance,

Words are our accomplice,

Streets filling with disorder,

Fires, gun shots, so many lost,

Shielded by the border,

They have an advantage,

It is truly our stage,

It’s our war to wage,

The aftermath, Earth taken for granted,

Cinders and ash, litter and bullets, the scene can be painted,

Lust for power, everyone’s weakness,

Creating a pyramid peakless,

Where could Anarchy fit in?

Where would Anarchy Begin?

Welcome to my life.

As an (Non-Educated) Ontologist; i must say the world is quite a scary place. There are so many people who are likely to be unaware, that sometimes the negative sides of the world can bring positive feedback.


Someone said…

You are a creative and funny dude. Appreciate you, man

(perfect timing…) I… am a… woman…

Fight Me!

I went online and got misgendered… -_- eat a hockey puck. New VIRAL CHALLENGE!

EATING HOCKEY PUCKS! YES! *ques some insane music

After a short Angerfist binge; i was then inspired to share…


So i have this plan… where i shall start ruling the world. It was inspired by none other than… SAM PATRICKS OF MORDOR! Who jumped out at me suspecting the world would be eaten by some parade of angsty teenagers dooming a certain building and the people inside… a reactionary response

Doom aside… a friend, had shared with me a great thing.

Discordianism: the american religion.


Mommy can we get one?

Day Two: The Un-Benignings of the Internet

Years ago, the internet was not a consumer hunting grounds… rather it was a place where you would recieve millions of popups that assume you were enticed enough to click the popup… then when your stupid ass does, your screen ends up with the “Pop Up Screen of Death”. In which often produced some little glitch melody that would make most non-musically inclined people to flip tables and doom the human race for the fact they couldn’t unleash all this frustration.

Yesterday, this happened upon the time i started writing this soon to be longcat article; yesterday…. several synchros are happening as this is being written. UwU


As the internet grew, we had lost many of those popups… probably due to a herd of horny middle aged dudes just batin’ then frantically rushing to cover their exposed junk as their mom is knocking on the door… i am sure of it. This is a common thing… i am sure of it. *nods.

…this gave rise towards the elusive attach to page ad, in which for a while, we didn’t have them on social media… like we could use myspace or myyearbook, among others… which would provide some kind of musical movement known as Scene. It was essentially; the next step in the popular subculture kids would start providing a means to apply the new aethstetics.

I have an assumption the karen haircut was inspired through the Scene… scene. I mean about every person had the Karen cut… but with many polytone colours and highlights… with extentions and matching with their hair, fingernail polish and some really fashionable hot topic goth clothing. Can you imagine Karen’s listening to this? …wow… the clean version is way different intrepritation than the unclean…

Ending Karenism -or- The New Anerisian Doom Scouts

To those who wanna really mindfuck a karen the most discordian way… play this… full blast… it’ll quiet them… i can garuantee it will work about 23% of the time. *thumbs up emoji

the other 77% will cause them to go on a tangent about the song. (which will be even better… because now they are in your control. and you have shifted the arguement to a topic you intentionally perpetrated.) Just grin and bear it… the Karen will eventually retreat… just continue playing insanely vulgar music.


We shouldn’t ever limit our resources. Art is universal. Art is Inspirational. I find, we are more quick to judge a single person than an entire business… for being transphobic. (otherwise you would beable to search and find my recent music.) This business happens to run everything from the ads all the way down to how we access information. It is highly popular and we even started using their company name as a simile of searching for things online.

Yet the business doesn’t share my (more recent) music. They share the music that matches a lot of the music i shared in recent paragraphs… and contain some words that were not implied as you would expect them to be… “The More you pay attention, the better it gets.”

why do we do this? is it the unequality of status? is it because they are a multi-billion dollar agency and i am just some random person who’s music is likely like John Zorn’s (which i am a fan of his music… a lot of it… like 50 albums at least… just saying.) or The Shaggs…

What i find ironic, is the Shaggs second album is not near as talked about as their other work.

So now i can use this… for my next topic… which covers 2011-pretrump. (Prepare, i will be using really transphobic rhetoric and speaking to transphobes in the next paragraphs… skip past to the Next Steven Universe …gif. it is fairly long…)

side note; what any of you are about to read is gonna put me on the cancelled line… due to several factors. Just know the song i will be sharing was written before we were limited on word usage. (I figure to explain the reason behind the song before it could be used on me later.)


The article secretly linked above questions if there could be a Straight Pride parade. They hold an interesting concept. Ever heard anyone use “i’ve heard it a million times” saying? Well, we have heard your rebuttles so many times it just becomes the way you project. (ie. 2 genders, biology, and some good ol’fashioned mutilation.)

and bones too.

I will now provide you with ammo… intentionally. you cannot cancel the already canceled… XD

This was written and uploaded the day Trump won the 2016 election.

I am Woke.

though this wasn’t the only song i wrote that held questionable lyrical content…

Which was written after a dream i had of Trump Winning the 2016 election.

In White Pre-Village, the song was enspired by my own experiences in jail. (which i won’t get into… aside with what is said in the song.) Those more on the left would end up emboldening the usage of the words…

I went back to the time when segregation was popular or Woke Culture. Here now you know what Wokism entails… I find it funny how none of you define this… it imposes the question of if you were aware…

and also via the article… BLM in the same list as Woke. Are you saying you are Doubly racist? XD Are y’all having contests on who is more racist? XD

First it was the Wide Awakes. Followed by the Woke Movement of the 1960s… and continues into today with Black Lives Matter. …i just realized i forgotten to finish my thought here… I was working on a symphonic poem based off the poem of “Don’t Quit” i was nearly finished and the protests for George Floyd’s death were everywhere.

Don’t Quit
by John Greenleaf Whittier

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.
Life is strange with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns
And many a failure comes about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow —
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out —
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell just how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit —
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.

Upon release, i didn’t hold any hope on it being broadcast or known… as humans favourite passtime is to ruin other humans who are less fortunate than they are on the privilage scale. We used to call that something… Bullying. Do you remember when bullying was slowly being removed from schools… part of me, being as mentally resiliant as i could be knew that i will be pushed under the shadows… (i deleted a few paragraphs as they would invoke unnecessary reactions…) …and i am working at progressing society permanately. The Nazi regime is over. Worldwide. …well not yet…

Was it my privilage to actually say the words i said? no. Do i know the implications of what the words i said would pose a problematic issue? yes, even while i wrote it. Does this make me racist?

But this was about pre-trump internet…

It is. Prior to Trumps inogeration, the internet was quite calm when it came to the internet. I would log in, and suddenly possess the power to express my concerns with society and spreading my music… I would log into facebook and be introduced with 1–3 messages from “friends” on facebook, all of which were Chaos Magicians, Discordians, Thelemites, some musicians and DJs… and my mom. I’d have 10–20 notifications, and sometimes i would have 99+ on the really good posts. My posts were about as wild as they are today, just with less language… i was not reserved. at. all

I finally had a place i could feel welcome; a means of spreading my music and my crazy antics that shocked people to how often i would offer synchros into their lives, I would release a song or an album each time i went over to Ben’s. I would also constantly change the soundcloud songs by deleting them and doing various other things.


During 2016, the group of Kek came about, and the Kek meme flourished. Facebook has always held a transphobic past… i lost access to not 1 but 2 accounts on soundcloud linked to facebook that year. There was a group who would repeatedly report my profile as being a fake profile… after a half dozen times, it got old, and tedius to try and find the entire 300 or so “friends” i had.

Many trolls used memes and had no resolution of empathy on who it may effect. It professed an easier means to input internet memetics into the election. The funnier they are the more likable they become and the more it would be shared. I was groomed by facebook’s algorithm. We all were.

Around this time i decided to do a music project based on the exercises in Prometheus Rising. Many of the songs were super long and provided a larger insight on how society will end up in the next ten years. White Pre-Village was one of those songs.

Also around this time, the default feeds for the respective social media apps went from newest to hot, viral, most liked. There were times on facebook i would catch facebook automatically changing my settings… and i called them out on it… a lot. Like it was almost every few weeks. I like seeing up to date things… i have always been an empathizing person even online. Facebook constantly made my day worse. Was it because i was trying to get my Capeditiean Cult off the ground after five years of trying… i mean the group held a constant 100+ members… and as time passed… other larger groups were my main focus.

Transphobia was minimal… and i was out like crazy. like everyone knew i was the absurdist trans goddess that would potentially curse any who fucked with her. :D

My soul is really old… and won’t disclose who i have been in the past… as these are just something you will have to dive deeper than what the internet can provide you. Much of the information of the internet is starting to be silenced, and it is not just racist shit… there are several books of the past being obsured… do you remember back in 2017 or 2018 where g__gle had attained thousands of books to upload them onto their new g__gle books? if you search this on ddg, it will explain more on what the company really is doing…

I am well aware of the art of memetics. I also know how many people are being affected, and set up a means of support long before i start the plan. Unfortunately; the fact that i was being silenced prevented my assurance of providing the necessary funding to do so.

I know there are several who are faced with horrible pasts and hold traumas. Do you? If you know this can provoke trauma… wouldn’t this mean… you are essentially repetively not empathizing with their feelings and background? If no, then you are well aware now. Will you be a better person and not cause grief? Feelings are facts, and can cause long term damage if they are not acknowledged.

…breathes in a deep breath, knowing the dangers posting this will invoke… or provoke. Beaware that i may use any comments you comment… i am giving you the freedom to comment and discuss these things amongst one another… are you scared the antics the world has already seen may be brought into light in how a trans person ends up?


The Discordian Society and everything was going all chaotic… like that one time when this one guy, named Jesus… o i forgot to give the cue.

it seemed like an hour before Eris remembered she was typing again due to the fact that she was high as hell… which helps her focus her mind through means of iconically changing the world… hoping that no matter what… to not screw up this time… Then i was hit with the realization, that maybe it is high time to uh…do… after having absolutely enough of facebook for what ever the fuck reason i left for… it was brutal though, i was ostrasized from everything! like out of the blue… no idea how it happened… holy shit i was going apeshit over this… and doom occurs… Spring Summer Autumn 2017 2018… The album i was writing was lost when Arch Linux decided to eat a hampser and just stop working… like… fuck… i ended up getting it back up after like a half week… which then… i realized the album was not put on my old mp3 player…

Every release of mine keeps getting better and better… and this was before my studying of music… it was my experimental stage… (i think a friend still has a copy of the album “Capeditiea”… i will see…) It originally was gonna be my final work… This was the first time since the age of 12, that i had suicidal thoughts. December 2018. Age 32.

Then i watched this… T.T and fell in love with Classical Music again.

I truly forgot that this music existed… like the amount of thought i thought about classical music was like not proportionate to normal… in normal human terms. That anime saved my life.

The Final Words for the Warning i Shared Above.

I am truely sorry for what i said above if you have unfortunately read my doomtastical habit of trying to offer world peace. I mean i was kind ostrasized from several locations… -_- i shortened what i was gonna say… :D so now, let’t settle our differences… or as David Lynch once said…

there is more but not nearly as bad.

COVID19; and the ironies…

Just Prior to Covid19… i was testing out this really difficult music notation software… known as Frescobaldi… like it was sooooooooooooo long of a process… it was like writing in code… the result was astronomical… i mysteriously had lost interest in writing it, let alone even completing it…

it was going to be my final work, my misanthropy started settling in; and making a permanent standing with in the back of my mind. It was also the day, i told my mom, “if i don’t obtain a piano soon, i will not beable to deal with the upcoming events of the world…” I knew covid was going to happen… if i completed the Cantabile, it would have wiped out the human race. Though i didn’t exactly know at the time…

It was through a dream, (now a lot of my dreams are likely to hold prophecy…) every time i abruptly stop working on an album, (unless it is part of the ESC23 series.) it usually has to do with a dream.

This dream took me to this really welcoming hot spring. There was a girl in a purple kimono. The two of us were near this cliff. it looked similar to the hotsprings in um… cannot remember the anime name… but… there was a little skit highly relavant to many things based on the outside of the hotsprings of a specific scene… in a specific episode… about a specific person.

The Specific person.

Though it may have been from Nisekoi… (i just know the actual scene had a Yurei, who seemed be be in a permanant state of Cornholio… with the head shaking “no” at a tempo faster than prestissimo.)

While the girl in the purple kimono was trying to get a means to get past this huge gate… much like iron town’s… i was gonna include a photo of when the enemy general was trying to negotiate with the girls of Iron Town, they :P him and he trots off.

The girl in the purple kimono stopped what she was doing, turned and said, “Look” pointing directly to the town to my left just below the cliff. (i assumed it was Shibuya… i mean a lot strange things happens there… but the girl and the scenery were like what we see away from our screens.)

I seen what would look to be a town being thrashed by a giant orb that sounded the melody you see in the cantabile… which was the major theme of the cantabile. I’ve used this theme in other pieces too. (much older…)

The situation went all War of the Worlds all of a sudden. However, it was the strange orb thing that had kinda a liquid outer coat. Which would rumble or viabrate as the melody played. As the vibrations occured people started falling into a state of lethargy mixed with panic. I woke up enamoured by what i just seen… i open the piece to start typing like mad to provide the second movement. then… laptop dies… full battery, plugged in… and only programs running were frescobaldi, thunar, and audacious.

I turned the laptop back on and it was working properly. I went back and the piece was slightly different… i couldn’t remember which was changed before i went to bed or which was changed in the more supernatural sense… it was about three pages of notation, along with the second movement’s theme. the second movement’s theme was two bars long and was a variation to this…


bear with me… did you know the founding fathers of the United States meant that we can wear t-shirts and tanktops to expose our bare arms.


…are you tired of your finger being slammed into the door while playing sock ball… BUY the SUPER AMAZING LEGOLAS! yell his name three times…

camera pans over to a few kids performing the S.A.L. Ritual occuring while the news caster exclaims in a soothing almost dreamlike tone.

“we are here witnessing these three children performing the fateful S.A.L. Ritual…” the kids are speaking LEGOLAS LEGOLAS LEGOLAS!

the news caster then calmly in a slightly increased and more tense tempo. Screams in piano. “HOLY MUCK; YOU SUMMONED LUCIFER BY ACCIDENT!”

the kids look deep into the soul of the newscaster then proceeds to teleport into another location. the news caster takes out a piece of paper and fiercely scratches two words… camera pans over to the words which state… “no voice.”

turns out the kids, were teleported to school, from some highly advanced tech that would have been possible if Lord Muck wasn’t such a dork.

Some background into this, as somehow i suddenly started book seven by accident and don’t know where i am positioned in the entertainment endustry.

:O am i an actress, a director, a screen writer, or a composer… just a silly pianist who doesn’t know how to play the piano… a slacker violist… what the hell is going on here…

upon my inner dialog’s inane ability to come around to just wanting to confuse me… it is almost like… well… How’d the name Universe come into being…


Humans… can be the greatest of creatures… and can be the most mean of creatures… let’s eat the mean ones. :D

Where was i… o right.

DO NOT RUN DOWN THE STAIRS EXCITED! it can screw with your memory in funny ways… the weird thing is while cannabis is something that really intensifies the weird memory problems… it almost… well yeah.

No worries, it only effects the mid term and past memories, and screws with my time… basically a realistic Momento… though my case has weird slips… but this is all enjoyable… as it is about as wacky as the above…

Though music increases the focus for me… so i continue to write more and perform more. It allows for me to speak a little more cohearantly through word, but my mind goes full Ontologist and come up with a million responses at once… and decide to just stare.

:O i’ve become a cat now… what is my mind thinking? :O

Cannabis also gets me super creative once i am high enough. it also grants me the amazing super power of knowing exactly who you are now, your past, and several potential futures. I am hyperaware…

My experiences on twitter… (it was before Lord Musk went and severed my addiction to masochistically deploring my self with transphobia.) let your delusions run wild.

…were quite ellaborate…

I would first lurk like crazy for months. :D it was, *looks at screen; …unnerving.

I recently got the batman and was gonna smoke a preroll and just watch it for my birthday… however, the addiction of twitter had other plans. :D i ended up dooming the world once again… and damn it Lord Muck owns a new center of shitting bricks and throwing them.

I noticed others were expressing their fears… i couldn’t really do anything… i wanted more publicity in order to calm the situation… but… no one gave a shit of me… they went all like doom central and shit out their fingers due to their being too many duplicates.

“Did you catch that Harry?”


“that earwax king…”


“no, ooo”

T.T i am their gem fusion.



why must society be so fucking apathetic… what good is that gonna do? just provide heresy drones and just mutilate your emotions into oblivion while dusk pigeons are shitting all over your car… out of spite no less.

You just fixate on your ducks and gooses while i am all being the black swan… CTHULHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET’S FUCK SOME SHIT UP!

everyone then realized it was a cute little invisible cat… which starts explaining, “as i was emerging…”


crap more ads…

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! the ten second video i wanted to watch now has a 20 hour long unskipable ad… T.T



the news caster is conflicted… and motions toward the camera person… only to find that their head was surrounded by the mouth of a… uh…. well… we cannot describe it to you as clearly, because my head is in this thing…

  • everyone hears a snap.

o; so, that is how to do bullet points… :D

wrong villianand Batman… You know, i fear that my grandma, mom’s mom. wouldn’t recognize me… and furthermore due to it being hereditery… alzhiemers. out of these fears, i find several anxieties arise; which usually have me coming up with worst case delusions. i also fear that… i will be wiped from history… and my values to this world are forgotten. If only more people had a heart…

Much like the scarecrow…

He introduces you to fear… in the Church of Karen… they offer many souls to the scarecrow. It wasn’t until certain folk began to think this was too random and painstakingly long… the Church of Karen… and we musn’t ever anagramize their Church… they do not like it when we do such a thing.

The Church of Karen worships the fuck out of Scarecrow.


  • _- Legolas is cute… what i may be ace, but i can still have a type… shit.
  • :O so one can do bullet points like that too…

Scandal! *jazz hands,

walks away awkwardly…

Day Three:

After waking up, i was greeted by none other than the kids who were practicing some kind of ritual, :D let’s have a closer look.

Kid One: With the Flesh of our Lord we shall soon take part in this offering. We will attain the power and wisdom of our Dear Lord.

Kids Two, Three, and Five all happily exclaim… “AMEN!” while the outcast Kid Four reluctantly responded with an unentheused mumble. Awoman.

Kid Three noticed this… and emphatically proclaimed… WITCH! WITCH!

now the other three kids are all freaking out… their Lord just clims off their post and eat’s Kid Four… the Lord then looks over the other four kids and humbly requests…

“Who’d like to come with me?”

They are then straped to a chair and electrified.

Commissionerr Gordan from Westworld.

Yes, this kinda thing did happen in reality… how if we were to translate the above from Capeditiean to… English…

A priest, all chilling on the pedistal just singing these occasional hymns by various Medieval Composers… (likely… something from this.)

It is communion time. The alter boys and the priest provides the body of Christ… and well you get the idea… Don’t explain jokes or The Scarecrow will pass his Judgement on You!

You know, while on twitter, i had a short conversation with… Terry Matalas… though it was mostly me explaining my situation… i probably ended up sounding way too weird… to him… Great Scott.

Though i don’t know if it was actually him… or if he remembers me… i was so happy i could achieve conversation… i started out on commenting about 12 monkeys… and the many synchros… which i already knew isn’t polite in terms of our works… many people tend to focus on those who have fame, and tend to lower their status as a human.

An AI can never write like Terry. There are far too many subtle nuances in the show… much like how cartoonists don’t take the time to draw in each and every single letter or the cat

..but i wasn’t talking about my cat.

SHUT UP! *invokes karen metal.

Now kids; if you come across a karen…keep your distance. They will bark loud benign doom threats to your psyche… and they don’t…


Think of the Children.

…and they don’t think it is funny to discount their insurgencies of belief.

When a child is exposed to only darkness, betrayal, pain, loneliness, deciet, and abuse of multiple calibers. A child can grow up pretty quickly in a mental state of mind.

This could also include losing a parent or both parents, a sibling, close friend. You grow up a lot after that. You lose your innocense, you begin seeing the world as what you experience. EVERYTHING YOU EXPERIENCE BEFORE KINDERGARDEN IS HOW YOU SEE THE WORLD… until death.

There are so many parents who don’t know what the fuck they are doing to their children. EVERY SHRED OF STRESS HOW WE EXPRESS OUR OPINIONS! HOW WE ARE TOWARDS OTHERS!

many parents tend to ingrain the illusions of how we should appear to society… WHATEVER THE FUCK! I say these words because my family said these words and exclaimed them while i was still a baby… my family is the epitome of cancel culture. It is why i refuse to use a highly well known name… a really great hint, that any who have lived longer than i have… decided to one day jump the grand canyon… yeah… distant relative… I don’t wanna associate EVER! with the name of the family… (even though they are distant…) that ostrasized me the next year during thanksgiving.

I mean i was 24 too… many of the family already had children, and well… i didn’t want children… i didn’t want to end up causing such pain to children… “Kids will become their parents”

I DON’T WANT THAT! that just means that i would end up being all misogynistic, racist, homophobic, transphobic asshat that has no apathy.

Society is ran on judgement; most of the judgement comes from the situations we were challenged with. Many prefer to dismiss things that are unlike their own rituals of life. Seeing these things can totally cause an outcry. Especially if the adult was raised to believe. “If i can’t have this, you cannot either.”

much of this stems from various outputs of possession. If a child were to hold more value in owning the toy than in sharing and preventing an unnecessary headache as the parent?

you can solve many problems by not seeing your child as just a child. Children have feelings, they can feel scared from a roaring parent.

Children can also make their own decisions. We teach them this when we potty train them. You are providing the decision of either peeing in your pants or going to the toilet. If our parents never taught us this… how do you think society would live?

The Newscaster has lost their jacket in an unfortunate accident. Well no it was not that bad… but it was bad enough to lose it… They walked up to some guy chopping wood…

“Hello sir” the newscaster beckons as they suddenly slip on the ice… the wood chipper resumes work.


This is the greatest thing ever. — Fluffy the Sphynx Cat

At first i wasn’t thinking i would have liked it, and would get bored, but no it was a hoot… i even managed to cat… — Rex the American Shorthair.



the Ads are getting out of hand.

What if i told you that i see every human not by their physical being but by their spiritual aura…

i see everything you see… but i can see you. who you really are. The tragedies you experienced, though not exact detail… it kinda sucks because i am considered crazy when i seen many people in power…

Biden, Trump, Desantis… all three of them have really scary auras… I have no idea what they are campaigning about at the moment… i don’t worry about my haters… i do know what type of people they are and their ambitions… and for once Trump is the least of our problems.

Trump is very much like a spoiled brat you often see in certain films who are often unroudy and various other qualities… fun fact, he identified as a Democrat during this film…

Future Criminal President doesn’t come until much later in the film.

Anyone watch that hitler video? yeah… let’s just say… Mew. I doubt he would win… I do know that we all would be fucked… I won’t provide the details… let’s just say, i will be completely erased…

The Church of Karen is pleased.

…I never say this about any candidate… DO NOT VOTE FOR DeSANTIS! DO NOT! NO! I would be absolutely okay with Trump. We cannot have DeSANTIS… Nope. No. No… If it comes to this fact cross out his name and write in mine.

I was ignored by Biden’s twitter team, doing the “Day ___ of trying to perform an improv on the white house piano”. i cannot remember how many days it was, i was like “fuck it,” as i noticed a few things, during that long state of the Union address he identified as a capitalist… A CAPITALIST! *queue Karen Metal.

But no, Biden doesn’t seem as trustworthy as Obama was… even though during his time period i was brainwashed by facebook and my family to not like Obamacare… i mean isn’t it a step closer to cheaper healthcare?

I mean other countries have free healthcare, free schooling, public services being open to all, it even says that we are supposed have these in a document writen shortly after World War II called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in which means for all.

But no really… Karens, get into metal… it would be therapuetic.

“HERE’S Scarecrow and the Karens with “Society is a Shitface Snake””

This Karen is Pleased.

Fun Fact: I have bought Eight copies of that tool album… in a course of 6 years.

I was just out of jail. It was thanks to my taking the family car of the guy who… will he was my mom’s age… and i was 17. anyways, this went all Aria and Ezra relationship… as he inspired me to play piano… at the time i wanted to sing… just go all out and sing.

I would sing Tool, AFI, L… o we already covered that in the other article.

He gave me that feeling… i really had no one to treat me like a person. Or with enough respect. Their family life was cPTSD inducing.

My entire life was covered with the painful laughters from my family whom laughed at my only ever role while watching the film! AS GEORGE WASHINGTON IN FOURTH GRADE! o dear… how liberally voiced i was there. :O the image i wanted to find while searching but found the…

This was a significant time of my life for three reasons.

  1. I was george washington doing a play based on the Cherry Tree Parable. “It was I, I cannot tell a lie.”
  2. after the role, i knew i was a girl.
  3. My agoraphobia started… thanks to family.

though i hadn’t blamed them at the start… it wasn’t until i seen a bunch of home videos, which uncovered how much the family truly cared; however, i did watch the extent of these prior to moving to this current house.

Do you wanna know the best of it all… MY ENTIRE FAMILY THOUGHT I WAS A GIRL! EVERY FACTOR OF MY BIRTH POINTS TO MY BEING INTERSEX or my penis was developed inbetween the time of when the gender is usually found out till birth… when is that

however there really is no proof of it… as you know, the gender on my ID does not match the gender i portray… or was raised up to be as. No one has any right to take that freedom of expression from me or any one. Nor do they have the right to deny me a safe and viable option of providing abortion.

Not everyone wants children.

Here… let’s watch a clip…

After i started working on The Discordian Year, i wasn’t sure how it would have gone. Like initially i wasn’t gonna enter or was thinking of entering. It was due to my love of the piece, on how wacky and structural it became; I was infatuated enough to enter it in.

It was a piece really close to me. I devoted it to my BFF. Whom i met in person, and we traveled around Omaha for a couple days; They needed to return home… They were the first person to ever show true kindness. There is the kindness you give to strangers… then there is true kindness.

While we hung out, They asked if i was gonna watch Adventure Time and Steven Universe. I told them i watched the movie when it premiered and related a lot to Spinel.

Prior to this watching this film… i hadn’t cried since childhood. Due to the circumstances i was living in, how my music wouldn’t be known by now. Or how people would tell me, “keep at it” “find your target audie….


…ind your target audience.” What kind of advice is that? That’s not advice at all… i have heard it a million times. Stop saying that shit and just fucking listen to my art.

It sucks that the music industry is ran by fo… no the entire entertainment industry is ran by fools who are more attracted to money than the entertainment produced. Which effects on the content’s quality. It takes great skill to keep so many people attuned to the same program for so long. The story has to constantly provide a consistant storyline, that will attract people and to keep them interested as they are watching. I remember when growing up, i would watch only a handful of films… i always borrowed the neighbors Beavis and Butt-Head Do America or Pokemon the First Movie. I had a few vhs tapes as well; mine were mostly recorded from TV. Some shows i only knew from the actors playing.

Fun Fact: Princess Mononoke which to this day is the most watched film i have ever watched.

I totally miss the days when you would hear an actor’s name and be like “this is gonna be good.” Because every film this actor was in, they ended up portraying their character so well, you wouldn’t see them as the actor. Now it’s full of franchises.

Wouldn’t you think the people who deserve the money for the views would be the ones you see? and the ones who provide the film with the mastering and producing? you know, the people who provide the entire film…

All streaming services do is provide you a place to watch it. You know who gets the money you’re paying that subscription to? yes. only the streaming service. The only time the true workers are paid are if you watch it… and this is only a fraction of a penny. Kinda like how those incremental games exist…

With DVDs it is a one time purchase and the film or series you watch becomes more sentimental. Yes there are ware and tear, and there is a lot of environmental challenges, though much of the material to make them can easily be recycled. Plus you don’t have to sit there wondering if the next show is gonna get cancelled. As everything is filmed by the time the dvd comes out.

I think streaming services should be provided for free, many are already free; though there isn’t many that provide a central hub for all…

I woke up a couple minutes into my 37th birthday, and looked for a film on Soap2Day to watch a film after smoking a birthday preroll, i learned that they had closed down… only a few hours earlier i just watched the Hurricane Trilogy Crossover. (this is in my opinion a genius crossover.)

The weird thing about Family Guy… a few of episodes leading up to the Pulitzer Prize announcement. The episode “The Bird Riech” aired.

one of the subplots were of Brian seeing how he has no readers and makes a huge deal about it… it really tripped me out seeing that… since i seen a lot of me in this… and it also allowed me to focus on the fact i may not get any recognition. And then that Russian Meg two parter… wowsers… anyways, i decided to remix the two personalities on my response… yes i was disappointed. Much like…

The happiness and hope i had built up while waiting, just hoping i would get some recognition… turns out my name wasn’t on the finalists… i spent a couple hours planning out what i was gonna say, and like a method actress, i ended up performing the part.

I am a villianous character, because i know how to play that kind of part… like think of if Willem Dafoe started doing comedy films… this would be the case if i was to be a protagonist… I would much rather be a side character or have the protagonist be in the background most of the show and only be around during the major plotlines for the signifier… even a cameo… but no who would watch a film where the lead being shown on the trailor… shows the only scene and was like :O holy shit they were just in the trailor…

I would totally love seeing a show based on these two…

Thusly the writers do a half assed job due to the fact they were not passionate…

“…but hey, we are getting paid.”

“yeah, payment is amazing.”

“we could do my idea.”

“shut up meg.”

I love when creative people innovate, it feels so wonderful; like it doesn’t have to be all insanely avant-garde like Part Eight in The Return… just something simple, but in your own creative way of expressing it.

Maybe have a character break the fifth wall. (it has been done before, i think it was a Daffy Duck cartoon. Where Daffy and the Animator were throwing counterpoint at each other…

I love this concept. But don’t cause an overabundance.

Thanks to how the entertainment industry is ran, we are caught in the web of overabundance. It is a scary place. There are people who hate watch, who have it in the background… and some who forgot to pause when their girlfriend had texted, “parents are not home, come over.” So many of those have very little immersive content, which is perfect for those who watch it. This is the majority. There are a smaller group who love watching immersive shows. Which shows are likely to get canceled? Usually the more immersive a show it, the less likely it is to stay on the platform for very long.

I find that to be appalling. There haven’t really been many reputible shows that rank with Twin Peaks in skills of immersing their audience to the point that a bunch of assholes who think they know how to write better than the script writer… write in letters asking “Who killed Laura?”

Only to be forced to show who it was. Did you know Twin Peaks was based off an unsolved cold case? (i’ll have to find the article later… remind me if i complete this and haven’t posted this…)

For a while, my music recieved two extremes in criticism. It also gave me so much information on how the response would be. One grouping would declare that there are so many faults in the mess. The other saying it brings them into a world i intended.The weird thing is, the former was usually about my pre-musicology… music… while the latter was pointed out by nearly everyone… the whole five of them.

I wasn’t sure what had my music just stop existing in people… my main reaction was when it was after leaving facebook. I mean most of the facebook zombies were too preoccupied by trolling on facebook…and i am projecting.


Our Number; 555–5555 ext. 5 call any time, we have humans working our phones and we’re only paying them enough to eat and a place for them to sleep.

i was gonna do a hypnotic phone gif thingy, but i don’t wanna accidently cause seazures… i mean, a few episodes have been banned due to this.

When something is banned it is usually for a good reason. Unless that reason is a certain company… who is really mean to humanity… this company has secretly developed…

I am 100% on this… frantically publishes… just to be safe.

okay i am back. :D hello again.

Sometimes i find the weirdest of things out and travel down wormholes; i mean rabbit holes. I am not exactly a conspiracy theorist… but i know things, i totally know things. you know… like check this out, did you know that there was this one guy who was playing with a label gun, he started labeling everything, he labeled the fridge, he labeled the table, he even labeled the neighbors cat. He was so addicted to labeling everything, he started labeling others.

He would give them names that he would declare they be called. He would even label a baby, a baby. Because of course a baby.

When a fetus becomes a breathing human, or once a baby is alive and kicking, it’s consciousness is similar to that of most young animals. Not much ability to vocalize their concerns, no way to indicate they just pooed in their daiper.

This baby ends up seeing for the first time, everything. Every thing is a first experience. Every thing they see is with out fear. Many fears are based off of experiences while children.

I am proud to proclaim, my first two movies were, Cujo and Witches of Eastwick at the age of three.

While seeing the state post-covid brought about, seeing the rise of Anti-Masker karens, the many adventures of those who have cabin fever and just wanna break free. Extroverts bouncing off walls, their children being obnoxious and hyper; all the while there is a virus floating around fucking people’s lives.

Then an unfortunate event where some guy, is murdered by a bunch of cops just watching, no one around is too scared to try fucking with a cop… because they would be arrested… or shot; and that would be on the attacker. So really, poeple could do nothing, and just watch a man die. FOR WHAT?

I remember watching the funeral on the television, i cannot remember what my family was doing, i think my dad was playing keno and my mom was at my grandparents… i don’t know their whereabouts. I watched in tears, while watching this, i knew something would soon change.

Infact many things have, a certain company would put Black Live Matter related videos in their default algorithm. I noticed this… One day i was hanging out with the group of friends my middle brother hung around. One of them smokes cannabis, this was our thing. We’d also listen to music… Though this guy started having red flags since 2016. (he watches Joe Rogain, and would vote for Kanye…)

I did a mix with this as the main thing. Now, the one i smoked cannabis with is a right centralist.. the other guy, who shown his first redflag on that day…

“Will you stop sharing that Black Lives Matter bullshit, i am tired of seeing it.”

So i changed the song to a remix of Britney Spears’ Toxic. (because it was the next track on the remix album i recently done… which had about 20 songs mostly under five minutes… the longest was a Tool’s Third Eye, Disgustipated, and Lataralus remix. (which each hold a similar theme, colour and sight.) It was about 15 minutes long. (a little longer than the MIDI of Don’t Quit.)

The album was a representation of how society was. Anyways, these two made it a point to make sure i hated making this progressive monstrousity. I was actually pretty proud of it. It was similarly structured like how this article is.

Jump forward about a year, and we have vaccines, yay.

Fun Fact: I Quit nicotine the same day i got my first jab. May 6th, 2021. The major help on this was Cannabis. I would instead take a hit of cannabis, it would lighten my moodswings enough to not care i was going through the withdrawls. I have tried many methods, and this was the only one. If you wanna test this out on your self, just be sure to have instant access to it.

Delta8 was just surfacing and this helped with many things. I no longer had to force my self to put up with transphobic rhetoric, nor did i have to worry about waiting five days just so they can obtain the 20 sack i wanted 5 days ago from the mental breakdowns i constantly would recieve from not having my music known paired with all this horror in the media.

If you wanna quit smoking, i highly suggest you buy either;

a half ounce of flower if you smoked tobacco; get a couple of emergency prerolls incase you are too stressed. (the prerolls don’t require loading a bowl or any prep… except lighting up.) this will not only combat your addiction with a non-addictive source; it will also heighten your empathy and awareness of how your actions instill certain effects depending on others.

or if you vaped, go and buy 2 or 3 carts of Delta8 and toss your nicotine vape rig. By the end of the second cartridge, you end up only being temporary addicted to this, as it is just the physical motions that you become addicted to… essentially convientiately grabbing the vape pen and taking a hit. It becomes an automation.

Nicotine gum or patchs is a scam. It works for light smokers, not heavy. Heavy smokers tend to have so many pairings for habits. (After meal, after coffee, during conversation, waking up, before bed, hell why not chainsmoke a pack.)

You know, after seeing that episode is when i started relating with Luanne. As I had always had some kind of delusion of being saved from my family; and moving to other family or anywhere. This episode was essentially one of one of the episodes that i hated to watch because of the content, however it is the one line Luanne said, that allowed me to rewatch it with new love. (Luanne was me… or rather, Luanne was how my family seen me; just not the correct gender.)

I looked up to Luanne. She had the spirit and spunk that most people in my life didn’t express or let me express. You know, even though she was close to my heart over a decade and a half prior; i wasn’t aware of her passing until late 2021 or early 2022. This was thanks to Soap2Day sharing “Something Wicked” In which i didn’t realize that she effected my life even more than Luanne.

When in school, 8 Mile came out, I think it was thanks to one of my psychiatrists who mentioned that my dad and i would go see a movie i was interested in… however, i had no idea that Britney was in it. I went and just binged all of her films.

Then I came to Happy Feet. (i currently only own Clueless and Happy Feet of her films, each for their own reason.) The character development and the plot just completely made be cry. I don’t watch Happy Feet very often, but it is my favourite film that she was in.

I would own King of the Hill… but there’s yet a box set. I am far too lazy to go and send a link through email to my dad so he can order it for me… that is 13 seasons, 13 links, and my dad would not be patient enough to deal with that…

Then there is Malcolm in the Middle… which only has the first season… Geez… i love both these shows and y’all won’t make them into DVDs…

The Finale of Malcolm in the Middle was eye opening for me… though i didn’t see it until about a year and a half ago, thanks to a youtube video that dives deep into the underworkings of the episode and how it relates to the rest of the series. The theme song of Malcolm in the Middle holds a nostalgiac value that constantly returns with the nostalgia. (only other show to do this is Batman the Animated Series…)

Anyone remember the episode when Hal was trying to influence the fetus to be born a boy… and Hal was having various delusions of what would happen. Or the episode where Lois had delusions of if the boys were girls? (both these episodes are probably my favourites.) Because they epitomize a lot of the transphobic agenda, but turn it into a comedy. (this was over a decade prior to Matte Welt, infamous mock-you-meant-for-me.)

Trans comedy does exist; it is only a matter of how we intrepret it. Not everything said that topics trans people are negative. Though, one thing that many comedians don’t realize; is the fact that trans people are surrounded by bigotry. That many may end up taking the joke as an indication you are transphobic.

Too much of something can be a bad thing. It’s basically like filling a cup with coffee to the brim and suddenly realizing you have yet to add the liquid creamer. Trying to poor in that sweet liquid creamer will only result in an overflow of coffee.

When a trans joke is being said, it is not really because it is transphobic, rather it is because the coffee. The comedian could be an ally… or they could be a transphobe. Comedy tends to forget to draw the lines.

Yes there are tasteless racist jokes, there are several religious jokes, among other touchy type jokes… There is no point in history where the recepient of the joke that targets them. They don’t have their coffee filled to the brim. As it wasn’t talked much about.

There was one episode… one. of King of the Hill that i didn’t like upon watching it the first time. the one where Bobby starts paganism. I had just recently started diving deeper into the occult, and found the ending to be really heartless. I really look up to Mike Judge’s works… like he raised me… through his shows.

You know… it has always been a thing to point fingers at the easy target. A television show, music, film, etc. When it comes to the influence on children. Most of this reasoning stems from the reluctancy to take responsibility for their own actions.

You remember when i told you a little about borrowing VHS tapes of Pokemon the First Movie and Beavis and Butthead Do America… that is likely the only way the kid could watch the show… (given the context and research… which is widely available with many opinions.) Beavis saying “Fire, Fire” was then never spoken again as a result and the television broadcasts were likely to decrease with whenever he sees it…

So, how would this kid have gotten a hold of it? i mean most parents in this demograph are strict and tend to pillage their children’s room if they suspect anything. Hell these parents will ground their child, not only from going out but also from having fun.

My parents often would lock the television, like no matter if we were in trouble or not… my dad’s excuse was “you didn’t do your chores, no television.” then it slowly became, no television… this also was paired to their always saying “No” to when ever i wanted to go and hang out at a friends…My parents, did not let me explore.

Shortly, i’ll portray an alternate reality, or a delusion i have had since i started looking into classical music; as this was a really big factor to who i am today.

My thoughts began while watching Nodame Cantabile. (yes, there is a negative to the show… but this is the only one… and it is personal.)

The negative was the thoughts that were coming to me during the show. Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade, and everything prior to my first album release.

The fourth grade was when i was starting to get interested in acting. I told my parents one night, “I wanna be an actress, when i grow up.” This lead into condecending laughter, followed by “You can’t be an actress, you are a boy.” My parents and have always been gender critical to me… even at 6 months.

In fifth grade, i was starting to learn music which the music teacher was kind enough to teach me the scales, and the notes on the piano. I also was decline the trombone and then forced me to excommunicate with the music people, because what i have is just a phase. Once the school year is over i would put away the trombone and never play again.

What kind of parenting is that? you could just tell me you don’t have the money… even though i know you did. How else could you support your alcohol addiction, your cigarette addiction, gambling habit, etc. You could have simply sacrificed some of your fun to give me much needed tools that i can no longer learn thanks to a head injury.

In Seventh Grade, i was on the news. It was about art and mental health. Talking about how art can help with people. She is the favourite teacher i have ever had. She introduced me to a lot while my focus of art was budding. She introduced me a wide world of art. She also taught some of the basic languages of Japanese, French, and Spanish. Really smart teacher.

In Tenth Grade, i wrote at least a dozen notebooks of lyrics in that year alone. Most of them would pose an instant cancelling if they were ever to be recorded… I listened to ICP, Eminem, among others.

As a Senior in highschool i would go to the normal school… for the first two classes, they were Astronomy and Geometry. In geometry a couple of dudes were always talking about this band, and one day i timidly asked who they were talking about, they said “AFI”

As i started collecting the albums AFI released; i ended up slowly drifting away from the music i previously listened to… it was like when Stan found out about… My Morning Jacket. and in 2006 i learned about Tool.

However, 2005 was my rap and hiphop period… although i don’t remember much of it, as there are a lot of repressed memories… i was not in a good social situation, i was beaten by a guy who would beat his girl, but would wallop me if she wasn’t around… and i was… I also had a lot of mainstream metal in my collection.

Through out the years i would buy albums when ever i could. With out even a sense as to what the rest of the album would embark, it was the thrill of the unknown that i enjoyed most of all. Most mainstream albums had a few hit tracks; many times the hit tracks were not the best or most relatable tracks. (thankfully.) (A wonderful example; which is mainly why i don’t find as much allure in decemberunderground as much as the others. (though Sing the Sorrow had a fairly bleh song as a hit song… my views may have been the same if i was introduced prior to this.)

Tool was introduced to my in jail, just prior to the release of 10,000 days. The local college radio station that focused on mainstream rock, premiered Vicarious and i was there to listen to it on the little portable radio player.

During the years 2004–2011 i would be on the search to find a band. As an outsider; who has no practice in listening to the other musicians play, i learned really fast (after about a dozen different try outs…) that no one wanted me… i couldn’t hold a tempo, i couldn’t sing loud enough, and there may be other reasons… I was left with my own whims.

I also found that most people who use various band seeker sites, apps, etc. tend to be more mainstream rock, pop, or some kind of normal genre…

I would post thinks like:

I am in need of a violinist, two guitarists, a keyboardist, three drummers, a theramin player, and ten cellists for this Doom Metal Band “B.Lil.Nobudi.”

B.Lil.Nobudi went nowhere. I used old tactics to find a band, i had pleanty of lyrics to base off music. Hell, if i had a means for notating music, then it may have been a lot better. (i always knew how to notate… I cannot seem to keep the trick of remembering the four notes that would help… and when octaving a piece outside of the five lines and knowing where the accidental is… so i don’t accidentally write in a double sharp.) XD

Couldn’t have said it better my self. Thank You Seth.

The Alternate Timeline — or — The Delusion of if My Parents Supported My Music and Acting Goals and Dreams.

Hello, My name is Deadname, I am currently in fourth grade; love to read, love to watch cartoons, and spend time playing outside with the neighbor kids.

One day in music class, i heard a piece of music, the teacher played on the school’s piano. This sounded more than amazing, she concluded the class by suggesting any who wanted to join in the play to sign up. I was excited to try, and got the part of George Washington. It was super amazing.

I rushed home and passionately expressed to my parents that i could be in part of the play. We celebrate by ordering pizza. I would practice my one line in front of the mirror with all my grace. “It was I, I cannot tell a lie.” trying different impersonations, and then the day comes. :D

Excited, i rush to the final rehearsal and the pep talk of breaking peoples legs. XD so i weilded my axe and… cue thematic trailor style music

— — — — — — — — — — — — Coming to theatres After we stop AI

South Park is a great example of some of the most pressuring things in society… They often take things a bit too far… i mean, i can say in this contest of being the most contraversial of content… i have a book that would be worthy of being banned… :D plus it contains the secret to time travel… I have yet to really get down and watch Harley Quinn or Velma… it seems really ironic… however the thing i am disuaded from the latter two shows… were they cuss at the worst times… i mean shit… there is a time to cuss, then there is a time when not to cuss…

i just don’t know anymore…

I’ll watch the two eventually… however, i just don’t know… i mean… this is coming from one who doesn’t know how to write. (i would’ve linked my wiki as i said “one”, however i don’t have a wikipedia page… and i cannot write my own…)

Eventually, humans may start questioning how i was able to watch over 3000 anime series, compose over 2500 albums songs or pieces of music, watch a bunch of cartoons from multple countries and languages, know enough psychology, sociology, ontology to fuck with nearly every person once they start to pay attention to how “not as random as you think” this article is, or how i wrote five books in the time that i did all the while having read many other books

Some books i read as a kid were Goosebumps, Animorphs, and as i grew, Harry Potter.

The previous two series were amazing, but Harry Potter, holy shit. I related with Harry soooo much… aside from the differences… instead of it being uncles; it were my parents. Dudley was the epitome of everyone in school.

Hell, i was essentially a harry potter look alike, everyone would call me Harry. Or make fun of me for being a fan. I held so many fascinating delusions of getting the letter. Like many of us had… but for me, I felt like i was Harry going on these adventures. Playing the big Wizards Chess game… or trying to run from the Dementors. I was a long time fan.

Sadly, the films progressively got worse in it’s allure… probably thanks to the shifting climate of cast and crew… (well the video was taken down the video on Harry Potter’s film scores… or i am unable to find it… so i shared a really informative one.

The irony of the timing for JK Rowling to provide us with her opinion paired with the backlash, which at this point i am fairly certain they are blowing things out of proportion since the start… i mean…. there is a lot of evidence that points to this… however, i am keeping the rest of this tame compared to when Steven was having the Cat Fingers…

During the time that JK Rowling sparked the contraversial thing and started a really aggressive movement; the internet changed… i already had imposter syndrome from that one song with how cancel culture was getting frantic… I temporarily rejoined facebook around the time she said those things… i don’t know what it is with me and social media… i keep masochistally coming back like i am addicted or something…

I was going through a lot, a few months prior i lost a friend… i was already going through depression and was actively trying to get my music to be known… i was literally Steven.

I read the first letter, and the one who mentioned it to me, emphatically coined it as a transphobic statement… at the moment i cannot find it… the links mostly discuss everything after… why is it a difficult thing to find…

By now you should know me enough to know that my favourite book is Prometheus Rising… so i don’t look at things with bias, even if it concerns me… I can say my initial response was that she was stating her opinion, why would it matter to us? I knew that this kind of contraversy would happen… because, well… social media kills our ability to think clearly.

If we stay on social media for too long we each pick up collective habits which are formed through the algorithms and contexts we are introduced to people the algorithm insists on. Which then the algorithm doesn’t have the ability to decern the factors of dual meaning words. like Dream or Dream; or how two polarizing views can meet in the same keyword.

I can talk to plants…

I believe that many people hold their own beliefs for what ever reason they hold them for; now, some of these beliefs do cause a lot of violent reaction, hell some are likely to point fingers at certain individuals that go against their beliefs. Beliefs are a powerful thing to the one who holds them. These beliefs can also obscure the way things are said, some of which are intended with the most noble of reasons, and some do hold negative intentions as well… now my question to you is; what were you directing your thoughts to during this paragraph?

The answer is about as varied as the reader. There are many ways of intrepreting something. The biggest irony to this trans hate is from trans people them selves. Now, wait… before you go and change to another article after… however long it has taken you to reach this point…

I want trans rights back, i want equality to exist in our daily lives. I know there are far too many things that point to me being a bigot or some monster who wants to remove things. I know that i don’t have many black people in my inspirational list… I know that i come from a highly racist state… hell the only US President (so far… vote for me.) was Ford… and you know he was a nazi sympathizer.

I want to see all this chaos to stop. people, all this bullshit is part of Hitler’s plan, and we are falling for it. I don’t think Hitler only planned for the states, but also other powerful nations. There are groups of people who are actively seeking to have the Nazi Party live on… and many who do, are quite outspoken about it; which in turn attracts other like minded people, who are exposed to those who are perpetually exploiting the criminal acts people do; to fit into their cause. I mean, i am fairly certain many trans people feel like Jews during world war 2… and the events leading up to it… I think the Blacks were feeling it too during the race riots just immediately after world war 1. You were in the boat we are now.

i am half tempted to watch the Vampire Arc just to take a photo of when Jake was depicting what the vampires look like to Peppermint Butler… i cannot seem to find the photo for it… i wanted it like three times writing this… and…

but we cannot just cower in fear…

We as Trans* People are the last line of defense for these horrible people.

IF these asshats would take our ways of life, other marginalized communities will be weakened

IF these asshats will start burning books and banning shit from existing, other marginalized communities will be forgotten.

IF these asshats would win against us, other marginalized communities will follow.

Yes, i have done some horrible things in the past; however, i have a heart, and i have ambition. I am bigited towards only one group of people; bigots.

I will apologize for that song i wrote… six and a half years ago at the point of writing that song. I will also apologize for many of the questionable writing i have done through out the years.

This apology does not stem from any source of thing… it is just based off of my own delusions of that being the reason i am not existent in most people’s minds lately.

Once I die; Creativity dies.

Am I, the GNOSIS GODDESS OF ART AND CREATIVITY, so full of her self that she would just randomly say this?

You know how there are often years where there are epic levels of amazing entertainment, and they each are focused upon certain themes… like 1967 or 1812, or 1994, or 1997… or 2006… the list goes on… well, these were also really significant times upon the world.

There are nine muses… who is the muse of the muses… ME! yes. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!


I guess this election could be ran by crazies and normal people… i wonder which i am… XD

Thank you for reading this lofty article; i will come back and edit a few things as time persists; and maintain the hundreds of links to make sure they are still working…

I do ask two things from those who may use this for an iceberg video shortly after this kicks off long after it’s due date… by a hundred or so years…

the first thing to ask; learn everything you can, there are some nuances that will take a couple of years of exploration (this includes my music, books, and several references that keeps on building… at least a generalized listen.)

the second thing i ask; if you just read the surface fine, there are many ways and there are many levels to how this can be intrepreted. I will just say one thing on this… if any youtubers wanna use this; regardless of the kind of publicity… at this point i could have haters explain shit and it would do just as much justice for our side…

A few final essay questions;

  1. Have you noticed the tag on this article is oncology?
  2. Why do i find the “typo” of oncology to be purposeful?
  3. Did you notice why the cover photo of this article is essentially my telling a story of… what ever this is?
  4. what the hell is this article?
  5. Who am I?

Thank you again for experiencing this as much as you can handle,

Eris Capeditiea

The Weird Reclusive Genius

Gnosis Goddess of Art and Creativity

The Humanitarian Who Hates Humanity.




Eris Capeditiea

A Transgenre Pianist Composer who studies a lot in her freetime. (She/Her/They/Them/Their) and now a link to her music: