Zõmbïē Sølö
2 min readJun 1, 2016

Eavesdropping on you was a mistake.

People who don’t ask, "what if?" really bug me. And the ones who flat out deny hearing a different opinion, refusing to accept any other information, just piss me off.

Why are you so okay with being ignorant? You do realize you're meant to evolve, right? You do know that changing your beliefs based on new information is totally acceptable. I promise your world won't self destruct. It may even make your world a bit brighter.

So faith and science can't coexist, eh? Humans are making this all up! There's no possible way people just want to know how the universe works. It's all blasphemy!! The world has been around for billions of years!? Lies created by man!!

Are you serious?

Do you hear yourself?

Can you please turn off the TV, pick up a book and learn something new? Something that wasn't force fed to you? Perhaps evolve your mind a bit? Again, it won't hurt to shut up and learn something.

No, seriously. Please stop talking.

The world is not believed to be flat anymore because we can see it's round. You know, because of research and stuff. That thing you deny? Yeah.

Apparently science only exists to prove the Bible wrong. Because obviously the Bible is the one true religion and everything else, even science, is TOTES NOT TRUE, MANE.

Oh my god.

The ignorance hurts so much.

You can recite the Bible word for word. Congratulations, you're just as brainwashed as the next Christian. Oh, and you take it all literally? You do realize the Bible is metaphor? You do realize there were many teachers before Jesus, right?

Oh, I didn’t realize people actually believed the world was only 2000 years old. And the great flood happened!? It’s for real?? No way!!!


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Zõmbïē Sølö

Sarah || Writing to save myself. Writing to find myself || (handle: esotericmind)