The Collections of an Esoteric Mind

Zõmbïē Sølö
The Writer Archives
3 min readJun 10, 2016


UPDATED: June, 16th, 2016.

I have discovered no easy way to organize my profile here on Medium, but I have been seeing these types of collection posts popping up, and thought it was a great, easy way to get everything organized in one place for everyone to be able to easily navigate. Plus, I just love organizing things — it’s that Virgo in me.

So without further ado, if you so wish to view my writings, feel free to peruse the list, and as always, thank you all for reading and supporting me.

Writing is an essential part of my life, as I have come to realize as of lately, so in an effort to follow my heart and soul, I will continue to write until my fingers fall off! Enjoy, friends.


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— Opinion Pieces —

People take Facebook way too seriously
I despise money. Absolutely hate it
Be a Better Writer
Smiling is Contagious

— My Life —

I lost my fat ass within a year
A letter to a guy, who would never reply
I feel joy
I have a confession to make
Some days I care, most days I don’t
111, 1111, 11:11
“It’s like eating razors”
Someone said something to me
I currently work at Burlington
I just want to exist
People confuse the way I talk
Lately I’ve been handling my anger really well
Soon I’ll be sixty years old
Today I woke up
My boyfriend is always right
I am not depressed, I have depresssion

— Prose —

Dear Dead Sister
if you want happiness you’ll have it
The soul is the embodiment of Love
I go through my day
look how crazy you went, mind
You, who wasted 6 years of my life
I want to focus on you
You got to that pivotal point

— Poetry —

Too much Medium — a haiku
It’s 9pm
There’s a bag over my head
I saw the biggest dandelion today!
Drive by blockade
A haiku to you — a friend I’ll never see again
The Potluck
The light shines extra bright
Your hair haiku
There’s a hole in my heart

— Ramblings —

Eavesdropping on you was a mistake
Memorial Day Party
I can’t decide who’s more disgusting — men or women
I love Medium, but wtf?


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Devoid of Life

Sam : 001
Sam : 002
Chris : 001

— Short Stories —

Epitome of Perfection
She texted him two hours ago
(I ain’t knocking no more. I’m breaking in!)

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Zõmbïē Sølö
The Writer Archives

Sarah || Writing to save myself. Writing to find myself || (handle: esotericmind)