People take Facebook way too seriously.

Zõmbïē Sølö
4 min readJun 3, 2016


Once upon a time I used Facebook. For years, I would login daily and endlessly scroll through the mindlessness. Half the time I wouldn't be reading anything at all, just scrolling out of habit.

That’s right, Facebook became a habit. A really bad one, too. The constant pressure of defending your beliefs and yourself, all while trying to paint a pretty picture of a perfect life for everyone to see. Facebook is nothing but a giant lie. What you see on there is bullshit.

That's not to say people didn't really experience those good times, but guess what? Everyone does. We've all been to a BBQ. We've all had parties. We've all been in relationships. We've all gotten flowers for Valentine's day. My point is, you're not special. Stop trying to play up your life to everyone for approval. It's sad.

And I’ll admit right here and now, that was me for a long time. I wanted to fit into the cool kids crowd, and so — even though my life was the furthest thing from perfect — I played the part. I posted the good photos, deleted the bad. I typed out statuses of self importance, things that I hoped people would want to hear. Yay, I got thumbs up’d, my life is complete.

Utter garbage.

I started coming to my senses about this a few months ago. I saw how much time I was wasting, how much emotional pull it had on me. I went from posting all the good stuff only, to posting about my beliefs. And boy, let me tell you, Facebook does not like to read the unpopular opinion. I spent the rest of my Facebook life arguing and protecting my ideas.

Which ended up showing me what Facebook was really all about. A giant popularity contest, with a audience of trolls just waiting to prod you.

I was even attacked by friends and family, to my surprise. Apparently it's a trend on there to not actually read the status before making a comment. Half the time, these people had no idea what they were even talking about.

So about two months ago, I started dwindling off Facebook for good. At first I thought I'd just use it for my writing but, whoo! That was a bad idea.

I started deleting people, supposed friends and even family. I let them know I was leaving Facebook and that they could still contact me via messenger. I informed them, it was nothing personal.

Not a single person has messaged me since, which shows me that they weren’t really my friend to begin with. They just liked causing drama. Or getting attention.

I've seen several of those people since then in person, and I've made good effort to smile, say hi and try to talk to them. I only get the silent treatment and snotty looks. As if because I unfriended them on a website, that means it was personal.

Because apparently what happens on Facebook is more important than the person standing right in front of you trying to communicate. Ya know, cause obviously I don't want anything to do with you!! I deleted you off Facebook for a reason!!!

Seriously? It's a website, people. That's all. It's not a biography of your life. It doesn't hold much significance to the real world unless you get lost in there and take everything so seriously that you let it affect your real life.

And people do.

Because of Facebook, people prefer online interactions with "friends and family" more than they want real life socialization. How many "we should hang out!” messages did I get, only to never be invited anywhere with them?

And if I tried to invite them, I was met with a plethora of excuses.

The best description I can come up with for Facebook is, it's FAKE. From the way people act, which is always completely different than in the real world, down to the nonsense " type yes if you agree!" posts. The fact that people invest so much time into a website is disheartening.

So much for friendship in the real world!

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Zõmbïē Sølö

Sarah || Writing to save myself. Writing to find myself || (handle: esotericmind)