Zõmbïē Sølö
2 min readMay 22, 2016

The soul is the embodiment of love.

Like a puppy that never grows old, he waits to be loved. Never asking or begging, always patient and understanding. He won't come to you unless he can sense you're ready to love him again.

If he creeps out of his hiding place, he does so slowly. Cautiously. He doesn’t want you to hurt him again. He doesn’t know what he does wrong, really, he only knows that he gets punished.

He never questions himself, because he knows he's not the problem. He just wishes you could see. He wants to love you, but you have to love him first. Take care of him, nourish him.

Please don't mistreat him. He truly doesn't deserve it. He'll take the beatings, the lashings, the screaming. He'll listen to you cry, call him names, tell him he's worthless. Sometimes you wish he would die.

This is so heartbreaking for him, because he only wishes to show you a love you don't know. And you continue to push away despite the endless efforts.

He'll never give up on you. He'll return once you're calm and try again. He'll gently nudge you, to say "hey, I'm still here and I still love you." And you won't know how to feel about it. You'll cry because you hurt him. You'll question yourself again, even though he tells you to stop. To relax. Everything is okay.

All you have to do is love him.

But he will never force you. It's in your power and only yours to love him daily, be mindful and take care of him. Don't forget about him, walk him, exercise him. Love him with all you've got.

Because he’s all you’ve got.

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Zõmbïē Sølö

Sarah || Writing to save myself. Writing to find myself || (handle: esotericmind)