And The Going Continues…(Part 1)

Esther Atebije (Falayi)
2 min readNov 28, 2016


It’s been three days and a few hours in the Andela Cycle XVII BootCamp. Boy, time sure does ticks fast. Slow down, please. Smiles.

Yeah. That’s what you tell time when you’re enjoying a moment so much. In these few hours (yes, few), I can say I’ve learnt a lot. I’ve been introduced to Version Control, Git, Github, Testing Frameworks (mocha), Seeking Feedbacks, and even how to string characters together to create my first blogpost on medium! Ehehehe. Let me slow down a bit and gist you about my experience.

So I made it to the BootCamp. I was excited…and so were 57 other individuals. Wow. My first thought was “we’re so many”. I mean. Which company is that nice? Anyways, day 1 (although my BFA referred to it as Day 0) began with a Self-Learning Clinic. BootCampers were introduced to ‘Andela’ and how she operates. We were reminded again that “Brilliance is evenly distributed but opportunity is not”. And once again, I felt lucky to be there. The EPIC culture sounded and felt familiar to me — Excellence is key. With a growth mindset, I aim to become better; Passion will always drive me. Even if obstacles arise, passion will allow me take them heads on; Integrity will build better relationships with my colleagues and team members; and Collaboration is an essential team spirit booster. As l learnt and memorised the EPIC culture, I told myself I would apply it to every area of my life.

The same day, we had an interactive class ‘work’. My group (Group 5) collaborated well and Temitope, Group 5 BFA, was very helpful. It was a fun day. To wrap up the day, we were given a task to be completed before 12 noon the next day. I was like “what?”. Hello, what if PHCN decides not be nice again. Then I remembered Passion — I would find a way around it.

That was how I spent the whole night writing 3 test suites and a blogpost. I remember I didn’t even vet my post. I just wanted to submit before the deadline. And I did. I got feedback from my BFA. Well, there are skills I still have to improve on. Yes, I’m working on them. A growth mindset, remember?

So, the going continues. Improvement continues. Soon, a world-class developer will be birthed. Halleluyah!



Esther Atebije (Falayi)

UI/UX. Frontend Development. I write about React, Vue, Webpack, and more.