CurrentTarget vs Target in Js

Alankar Anand
2 min readFeb 15, 2018


What is the difference between event.currentTarget and in JS ?

If you are interviewing for a frontend developer role, there is a high chance that you maybe asked this question.

So what exactly are these and where would you use them ?

To understand that we need to understand what are events and how they occur in JS.

Interaction of User with the dom is known as events. Clicking of buttons, hovering of mouse over an element, pressing of any keys are all events.

Whenever these events occur we would like to run some JS function which is done using event handlers.

Now every event goes through three phases of event propagation:
1. From window to the target element phase.

2. The event target phase and

3. From the event target back to the window phase.

event.currentTarget tells us on which element the event was attached or the element whose eventListener triggered the event. tells where the event started.

Suppose there’s an event which shows an alert on click of the element. This event has been attached to the body. Now when the user clicks on the strong tag, currentTarget(.nodeName) will show the body whereas target will show strong as the alert output.

<body onclick=”myFunction(event)”><p>Click on a paragraph. An alert box will alert the element whose eventlistener triggered the event.</p><p><strong>Note:</strong> The currentTarget property does not necessarily return the element that was clicked on, but the element whose eventlistener triggered the event.</p><script>
function myFunction(event) {
alert(event.currentTarget.nodeName); // body
alert(; // strong


Event Bubbling

Checkout my other posts:

  1. Why is customer acquisition a wrong metric to measure startup’s growth.
  2. Named export vs default export.
  3. CurrentTarget vs Target in Js.
  4. A brief introduction of Node, React and NPM.

