NaNoWriMo is COMING — Cue the Game of Thrones references

Eugenie George, MBA, CFEI
2 min readOct 18, 2018


CreateHer Stock

Ah, we’re ending a beautiful month of October and the real war begins. NaNoWriMo begins. Do you feel it? In my last article, I talked about how my #whole30 created my Snow-like affair with the truth: I want to write a book.

Like Jon Snow, you can’t plan for the real fight. You just have to be present and tell everyone the truth. As many great YouTube videos that I watched and notebook pages, I filled with an outline and archetypes. Nothing can hide the truth. I am not writing a fiction book, I am writing a book about money.

Money is a fascinating thing to me. Sometimes people feel like the Lannister and always pay their debts ( they never pay back their debts 🙄). Some folks feel like Daenerys and they manifest their way into money. Or some folks feel like Brienne of Tarth and will protect money at whatever the cost may be.

Either way, I’m writing a book about money and how it affects our health. Am now ready to begin my writing winter. Next week I’m not planning ANYTHING!

Side note: I wanted to add that a lot of people are skeptics with NaNoWriMo and but I stopped caring because folks thought I was crazy when I did my Whole 30.

Here are The apps that I’m using November


If you ever wanted a community to help you write a book from start to finish, Reedsy is it! They have free courses in publishing, crowdfunding, and proofreading.


Research shows that the ambient sounds of a cafe can boost your creativity and help you work better. This is an app to put on as your writing to make it feel like your in a coffee shop, but you at home.


🌳 Sometimes we need a little more motivation when we’re writing, and Forest is a great app to do so. 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲Forest users grow a virtual forest by not fiddling with their phones during designated times they set, and thus earn virtual currency to purchase real trees.


@tadeyemibooks wrote a great piece called “How to Write When You have a Demanding Job”: Tomi Adeyemi had a great piece on how she and Nicola Yoon wrote even during a stressful time. Of course, she’s not an app, but her 25-year-old self-forces me to get my 31-year-old butt to start writing.


Evernote and Google Docs are cute for outlining, but it’s time to get serious.


Every week I will turn up at this events, maybe I’ll bring wine.

Special shout to TurningPages52 for the tips



Eugenie George, MBA, CFEI

Financial Wellness Specialist Making financial planning 💸 relevant and accessible for #WOC