The UK is on the wrong side of history

Dylan Evans
6 min readSep 23, 2024


23 September 2024

Is it time for a radical realignment of British foreign policy?

The Axis of Resistance

For decades, the United Kingdom has anchored its foreign policy in an unwavering loyalty to the United States and NATO, following the lead of these powers in conflicts and global political strategies. Yet, as the geopolitical landscape shifts and the moral failings of traditional alliances become clear, it is time for the UK to question its place in the world and its alignment with global powers that perpetuate violence and injustice. A radical departure from this established path is urgently needed. Most importantly, the UK must sever ties with the US and NATO and align itself with the Axis of Resistance. This informal Iranian-led coalition of political and military forces, which includes Hezbollah, the Syrian government, Hamas, and other groups, stands in opposition to Israeli aggression and the broader imperial policies of Western powers.

Opposing Israeli aggression: a moral imperative

The principal reason why the UK must change course is the ongoing and unchecked aggression of Israel in Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon. The Israeli state has repeatedly used disproportionate force in Gaza, subjected Palestinians to severe restrictions in the West Bank, and continued its expansion of illegal settlements. Lebanon has also been a victim of Israeli military actions, both during the 2006 war and in the recent pager attack and ongoing airstrikes in Beirut and across the country. The UK’s failure to take a decisive stand against this aggression, instead offering tacit support through its alliance with the US and NATO, puts it squarely on the wrong side of history.

The Axis of Resistance has emerged as the most prominent force opposing Israeli expansionism and military brutality. Aligning with this coalition would mark a significant moral stance for the UK, placing it in direct opposition to policies that have enabled the oppression and dispossession of the Palestinian people for decades. It would also signal a clear rejection of complicity in a regime of apartheid, as even organisations like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have described Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.

The moral bankruptcy of US foreign policy

The UK’s loyalty to the United States has come at a steep moral cost. Over the past few decades, US foreign policy has shown itself to be increasingly reckless and morally bankrupt. From the disastrous invasion of Iraq in 2003 to the support of Saudi Arabia’s brutal war in Yemen, the US has prioritised its geopolitical interests and military dominance at the expense of human rights and global stability.

By continuing to align itself with US interests, the UK makes itself complicit in a long list of moral failures, including the devastation in the Middle East and the global rise of authoritarianism facilitated by the US’s selective promotion of “democracy.” A realignment with the Axis of Resistance would signal the UK’s refusal to follow US imperial ambitions, allowing it to stand with movements resisting oppression and colonial legacies rather than perpetuating them.

Ending the isolation of Iran

Iran, a key player in the Axis of Resistance, has long been isolated by the West due to its opposition to US and Israeli policies in the Middle East. However, this isolation is unjust and counterproductive. Iran has resisted Western hegemony in the region, supporting groups that oppose Israeli and American dominance. Rather than continuing the decades-old policy of sanctions and hostility toward Iran, the UK could play a key role in bringing Iran back into the fold of international diplomacy, forging stronger economic and political ties. This would not only help stabilise the region but also counter the dangerous escalation of tensions, including the looming possibility of conflict between the US and Iran.

Ending Iran’s isolation would also offer the UK a chance to reshape its global influence, positioning itself as a broker of peace rather than an enforcer of Western imperialism. It would open the door to economic opportunities with Iran and other countries that have been alienated by US sanctions, allowing the UK to develop new and independent alliances that could reinvigorate its post-Brexit economy.

Ending support for Ukraine

Furthermore, the UK must reevaluate its support for Ukraine in the ongoing war with Russia. While the initial response to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may have seemed justifiable, the prolongation of the conflict has resulted in devastating humanitarian consequences and a deepening of geopolitical tensions. By continuing to arm and support Ukraine, the UK is effectively prolonging a war that has already cost countless lives and displaced millions. This strategy not only risks further entrenching the conflict but also reinforces a narrative of militarization and confrontation that serves to benefit the military-industrial complex rather than the people affected by the war.

Ceasing support for Ukraine could pave the way for a diplomatic resolution, encouraging negotiations that prioritise peace and stability over continued hostilities. By stepping back from an increasingly costly engagement, the UK would send a powerful message that it seeks to prioritise humanitarian concerns and conflict resolution rather than an endless cycle of violence. This shift would allow the UK to align itself more closely with nations advocating for peace and coexistence, rather than siding with militaristic approaches that exacerbate divisions and deepen animosities in Europe and beyond.

Redressing the legacy of Western colonialism

The UK’s alignment with NATO and the US has also put it on the wrong side of history when it comes to the colonial legacy in the Middle East and beyond. Western interventions, justified by the so-called “war on terror,” have wreaked havoc across the region, from Iraq to Libya. These actions continue the colonial mindset of domination and exploitation that defined British and Western policies for centuries. Aligning with the Axis of Resistance offers the UK an opportunity to break from this damaging history.

The Axis of Resistance stands against foreign occupation and domination, whether by Israel or by Western powers. By supporting this coalition, the UK can begin to redress its colonial legacy, positioning itself as a force for justice and sovereignty in the Middle East. This new stance would inspire other Western countries to rethink their own roles in global conflicts, potentially leading to a broader shift in international relations toward genuine support for self-determination.

Punching above our weight: a new geopolitical strategy

By realigning itself with the Axis of Resistance, the UK has the potential to punch above its weight on the global stage. While no longer the imperial superpower of its past, the UK can still have a profound impact on geopolitics by aligning with movements and nations that resist Western imperialism. The Axis of Resistance has already demonstrated its influence in reshaping the political landscape of the Middle East, from Lebanon to Iraq. By joining this coalition, the UK could not only distance itself from the failing strategies of the US and NATO but also gain respect as a principled actor in global affairs.

This new alignment could also strengthen the UK’s relationships with other nations and movements outside of the Western bloc, including emerging powers that have been sidelined by US-led policies. In an increasingly multipolar world, the UK could find itself at the forefront of a new international order that prioritises justice and sovereignty over military dominance and economic exploitation.

The UK’s current foreign policy, anchored in outdated alliances with the US and NATO, is no longer tenable in a world where moral leadership and justice should be the guiding principles. By continuing to align with these powers, the UK risks not only its own credibility but also the chance to play a transformative role in global politics. The time has come for a radical realignment — one that sees the UK severing its ties with NATO and the US and instead joining the Axis of Resistance to stand against Israeli aggression, the moral bankruptcy of US policy, and the lingering injustices of Western colonialism. This bold move would redefine the UK’s place in the world and inspire other Western nations to follow suit, creating a future where justice, not domination, defines global relations.

Time for Britain to support the Houthis?

