Welcome Everli. From our CEO.

Everli Design
3 min readJul 6, 2020


In 5 years, we delivered more than 1.5 million orders and served hundreds of thousand of customers. We partnered with more than 25 Retailers and 70 Brands in 50 Italian and Polish cities.

As we grew our service and our team, we realized that we had a bigger mission help customers achieve peace of mind when shopping for grocery — and a bolder ambition — become an international player and the leading digital enabler for grocery.

To reflect this change, Supermercato24/Szopi becomes Everli.

Why “Everli”?

The name Supermercato24 in Italy was great for some reasons (you quickly realize is about supermarkets) but problematic for others (easy to misspell, customers thinks we are a supermarket, did not work outside Italy). The name Szopi in Poland had similar issues.

We wanted a name easy to remember and able to express our ambition to be international and to serve every need of our customers and partners: consumers, retailers, shoppers, brands.

We brainstormed more than 1500 names, performed consumer research in multiple European countries and, in the end, we chose Everli.

Everli answers the need of an international name and Brand, easy to remember and able to evoke the benefits of our service: a smart solution available everywhere that helps customers achieve peace of mind when shopping for grocery; the best solution for our partners to serve the digital consumer.

Alongside the name we have a new pictogram. One single and never-ending line, showing a hand holding a product. We called it Mano, and we think it will help us show the basic principle we stand for: human touch.

If you want to know more about our thinking behind the new name, colors and new graphics check this article.

What will not change?

Behind the new look we are still the same, with the same passion to innovate and find solution to simplify the life of our customers. Our customers are not only the people who order groceries but also our community of personal shoppers, our retailers and brands partners.

Usernames and passwords for all our customers and partners will remain the same and we will do our best to guide everyone through a renewed platform.

What is changing?

We have a new name, Everli.

We have a new logo, which we have teases on our social networks over the past few weeks and will be now deployed on all our channels.

We have new features such as the possibility to monitor real time the status of the orders, new tools for retailers, for the brands and for the shopper community.

We have new shopper kits to improve customer experience and make shopper experience more comfortable.

We have a growing international ambition and we will soon arrive in other European cities.

Welcome Everli!

CEO Everli

