Life In Monochrome (Week 15)

A weekly summery of my 365 Monochrome project.

Erik Witsoe
3 min readDec 17, 2017
Urbanites 100.365 Canon EOS 6D Mark II “L” Series 50mm 1.2f
Tribe 101.365 Canon EOS 6D Mark II “L” Series 50mm 1.2f
Melody 102.365 Canon EOS 6D Mark II “L” Series 50mm 1.2f
Coats 103.365 Canon EOS 6D Mark II “L” Series 50mm 1.2f
Her Spirit Alive 104.365 Canon EOS 6D Mark II “L” Series 50mm 1.2f
Chopin Nocturne op 9 No 2 105.365 Canon EOS 6D Mark II “L” Series 50mm 1.2f
Rialto 106.365 Canon EOS 6D Mark II “L” Series 50mm 1.2f

This series starts in Warsaw and ends back in Poznan, just a few hours west of the Capitol and where I currently call home. Soon, early into 2018, that will be reversed and I will be moving to Warsaw and visiting Poznan.

On Friday this week I had the opportunity to work with a Pianist in an empty auditorium to capture her at work and create a few interesting portraits. Getting the chance to work with people I would never have the opportunity to have met if it were not for photography always brings a smile to my face. And living here in Poznan has been a gift when it comes to that. Each week there is someone else I get to add to my roster of interesting encounters and it felt fitting to include such a wonderful encounter. Not included, but interesting is taking a job shoootng students at the University of Medicine and my task at one point was to shoot students in a “mock” operating room. Which is great, but when I showed up (had to wear scrubs) there was an actual operation taking place and we were told to make the shoot anyway. Lucky I have a strong stomach. I love it!

That may have easily been my favorite recent shoot, but my favorite image from the week is the first one tilted “Urbanites 100.36”. I really enjoy the contrast between homes, one for the birds and the other for the people who feed the birds. This was a chilly day in Warsaw just before grabbing a train back home. I am really looking forward to the exploration of a nee city next year.

And next week Christmas! Where did this year go? See you soon and thank you for watching. Have a very Merry Christmas and wonderful Holiday season.

Last weeks recap can be found here Week 14.

You can see all of the images here Monochrome 365.

Gear supplied by my amazing partners at Digital24. Stop by and tell them Erik sent you! You can also read a little about the Canon EOS 6D II that Digital24 has so generously provided (rocking a “L” series 50mm 1.2…..and I am floored by how good it is).



Erik Witsoe

I’m Erik, a Photographer focused on lifes details, passionate creative and artist who relocated from Seattle to Poznan with my muse.