Holy Hormones Bible Study


There is only one Name. He is the God you need when you need Him.

Brad Banardict
6 min readSep 14, 2022


This is one of a four part series on the Name of God.

Part 1 is a brief, broad brush introduction to the Jewish response to the Name of God (HaShem). It shows that the Name is not just an identifier. It speaks of His Capabilities and Intentions in the unspoken words heard by a Biblically sensitive Jew when the Name is spoken/read. It also shows the error of assimilating Allah with Elohim.

° God reveals Himself in His Name.
° His Name is His Promise.
° Hebrew Grammar explains the Trinity.

Part 2 briefly discusses some differences between Hebrew and English Grammar, plus more on the word unspoken and its importance concerning prayer.

Part 3, briefly discusses the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton (יהוה). It is included only for those who wish to know. It has no impact on your Salvation so skip it if you are not interested.

Part 4, briefly discusses the Name with which God introduces Himself to Creation, Elohim. It brushes the topic of the Trinity but not much.

Part 5, shows two examples of the Name of God in plain sight but unnoticed.

Brace yourself! This is more of a teaching blog than an entertaining one. It may not be an easy read because there is more here than a normal, well adjusted person would normally want to know but it will be worth it. It is the detail which makes me a boring person that brings the Bible alive for me. But if you happen to like what you read, there’s more to be found here.

[NOTE: Important words analysed below are identified with Hebrew/Greek transliterations into English and Strong’s Numbers so that whoever wants to can check them out — it is strongly recommended that you do. I use the Blue Letter Bible (https://www.blueletterbible.org/ )]

Where I’m coming from

I am a New Testament Saint who has been blessed with the appreciation of my Jewish Heritage. For various reasons, my Hermeneutics have a Yiddish accent, rather than Italian or German.

One of the websites I follow is in Israel, titled “The Land of Israel,” (https://thelandofisrael.com/) [the free bits], to get an insight into Jewish thinking. It is surprising how close they are to Christ — but they don’t know it. I also follow the teachings of what is technically, a Complete Jew. Ethnic Jew, bi-lingual English/Hebrew, fluent in Koinonia Greek because of his PhD, ordained Orthodox Rabbi . . . who has discovered Jesus as his personal Saviour. He slides effortlessly through English/Judaism/Christianity/Greek/Hebrew. It is a delight. His name is Dr Baruch Korman (Loveisrael.org), well worth a look.

What I’ve been taught is that the Bible is a collection of books written by Easterners from Hebrew Logic and we are trying to decipher it using Western (Greek) Logic. Most of the NT Saints I know are Torah-fied. I’m open to correction but it seems that is why the Christian church is in such a mess. Again, in my part of town, the Denominations are bleeding in three directions; No Religion, Islam and Messianic. The Messianics I’ve met are Gentiles pretending to be Jews because they cannot answer some critical questions; particularly about Shabbat. The sermons they listened to for years are sermons — not teaching. They have not been taught from the Pulpits because the Pulpits have not been taught. Again, in my part of town, the pews continuously mistake good preaching for good teaching. Preaching is necessary but teaching even more so. The late American Church teacher/leader, Chuck Smith, often said, “Preaching is for the unsaved. The Saved desperately need teaching.” Without it, how can you carry out the Great Commission.

The following comes in a Yiddish accent.

There are too many sources of knowledge so I won’t reference them. Enough to say that the lion’s share of what follows is not mine. I just fitted the bits together.

How many Names of God?

There is only one Name for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Dr Korman speaks often about “hearing the words unspoken.” (The topic has been discussed in other posts of mine. The explanation is there to be found by those interested.) He states the unspoken words a sensitive Jew hears when he hears the Name HaShem (The Name) is “I AM the God you need when you need Me”. That Name shows the reputation, fame, glory, authority, ability, and willingness (read ‘eagerness’) of The Name to do what the Name has revealed.

It is always the correct name for the situation.

• It is always singular.
• It always shows His person.
• It always shows His qualities.
• It always shows His doctrine.
• It always shows His ethical and moral standards.
• It is not always the Name we would expect for that situation.

The Name of God is His Promise. When we pray in His Name we remember His Promise — therein lies the Power of Prayer. There is a Jewish teaching about the use of The Name. When you declare, “Baruch HaShem,” (Who can spell Hebrew with the Latin alphabet? barook-ha-shem) “Praise the Lord,” in good times or bad, you are inviting The Name into the circumstances. He then takes on one of His proper Names, El Shaddai, God Almighty — The All-sufficient One, because He is sufficient for your needs.


There is an Ecumenical Fraternity/Sorority pushing for unity between the faiths — especially now that King Charles III reigns.

A few funny things happened after 9/11. I won’t track down the references. Anyone interested can confirm me or cancel me. Too much to do.

° The biggest selling books (always after the Bible) were cooking books. Comfort eating? I don’t know.
° The fastest growing religion in the USA was Chrislam, “After all, we all worship the same God.” THAT STATEMENT IS A LIE FROM THE PITS OF HELL!!!

If nothing else comes from this post, this lie must be crushed. Especially after some of the comments coming from American (sic)christian Universities.

Allah cf Elohim

Anyone who is Biblically sensitive knows that Allah is NOT Elohim. There are multitudes of differences between the two, that you, being Biblically sensitive, can easily track down. It is not necessary to do a study on comparative religions — just go to the Muslim websites (of which there are many) and look at the list of attributes of Allah. Then compare these to the attributes of the God of the Bible (it is hoped you already know them). The difference that really sticks out is:-

• Allah is fickle: the god in the Qu’ran is totally capricious and untrustworthy — even perverse . He is not bound by his nature or his word. He is untrustworthy. Mohammad’s successor, Abu Bakr, wrote that, even if he had one foot in Paradise, he could not be certain that the next foot would make it. [You had better check that up to convince yourself. Why should you believe me.]
• Elohim, conversely, is trustworthy: the God of Israel is always true to His nature, he is completely trustworthy and consistent. He delights in making and keeping promises. [Jesus did not die to make bad people do good things. He came to give life to dead people. If you ask your spiritual leader, “Will you spend Eternity with The Lord?” and the answer is, “I hope so.” Find another spiritual leader who can teach you about Eternal Security.]

I repeat, “Allah is NOT Elohim. What is it about Acts 4:12, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved,” and John 14:6, “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me,” that is hard to understand?

The Holy Spirit is just so far ahead of the game. It is written in Isaiah 24:6, “Therefore the curse (H423 — ‘alah ) has devoured the earth, And those who dwell in it are held guilty. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, And few men are left.

H423 — ‘alah: curse from God, from Man (Blue Letter Bible)

Elohim sent His Son to die for us. Allah expects our sons to die for him.

The forgoing evidence has not been presented to convince any reader but to allow a personal decision to be made. There is much more to know about this subject. Perhaps you’ll pay another visit, sometime.

All Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.



Brad Banardict

I’m a chubby little guy relying entirely on God’s Grace to get to Heaven.