Holy Hormones Bible Study: Teaching — not Entertainment


Bible written by mortal men?

Brad Banardict
10 min readOct 7, 2022

Decide for yourselves

Brace yourself! This is more of a teaching blog than an entertaining one. It may not be an easy read because there is more here than a normal, well adjusted person would normally want to know but it will be worth it. It is the detail which makes me a boring person that brings the Bible alive for me. But if you happen to like what you read, there’s more to be found here.


This is not the usual fare for Medium. I wasn’t going to publish because some people may think it is so confused you can’t tell if it’s nonsense. For others, however, it may light a fire in your soul when you see what is in the Written Word of the Living Word of God. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.

Don Marquis, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Kansas, quipped, “If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll think they love you; but if you really make them think, they’ll know they hate you.” I’m not sure how many lovers will inhabit my Harem after this. (There, I’ve already offended someone.)

The reason for writing this article

There are so many naysayers who seem to know all about the Bible. This article is the beginning of a series of undetermined length about the Holy Scriptures. Why another one when there are so many good ones already out there? Good question. Why not read it and find out.

These first few posts are actual history that happened during my lifetime — there is no theology nor opinion offered. The information can be found in Archaeological records, the Library of Congress of the United States, the records of Allied High Command in Europe at the end of WW2, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website, and the official website of the Israeli Defence Force.

The background

A prerequisite to understanding what is about to be presented here is that you have a working knowledge of the Book of Esther. It is not a long book and, if the Author were writing for Medium, a fortune would be made because it is very exciting.

The book is contained in the Septuagint (clues to the existence of which were as early as the mid-second century B.C.), but not found with the Dead Sea Scrolls (another story for another time), yet reappears in the Masoretic Text (the oldest complete copy being the one both Judaism and Christianity use for the Old Testament) roughly one millennium after Christ. This gives an idea of how long ago it was written.

It is a drama having a cast of four major players; Xerxes the Emperor, Esther the heroine, Mordecai the hero, and Haman (an Amalekite), the villain.

Xerxes — the Emperor

Known as Ahasuerus to the Jews. An historical figure (https://www.britannica.com/biography/Ahasuerus) he reigned 486–465 B.C. He was ruler of the known world, having terrifying power, but was actually only a bit player in the drama.

Esther — the heroine

Esther is a Persian name possibly meaning “star” in Persian. Her Jewish name was Hadassah, meaning “myrtle” — a beautiful tree. She was married to Xerxes. (Complicated story — read the book)

Mordecai — the hero

The cousin and guardian of Esther was Mordecai, son of Jair, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin, Esther 2:5–7. He upset Haman. (Complicated story — read the book)

Haman — the villain

It is stipulated in the text that Haman was an Agagite, Esther 3:1, therefore an Amalekite. An extremely antisemitic Nation. A forerunner to Hitler, he hatched a plot to destroy the Jewish Nation. He had ten sons. The plot was foiled and Haman, plus his ten sons, were killed. (Complicated story — read the book)

The Jews held a great feast to celebrate their deliverance from the plot. It is called Purim and has been celebrated every year since that time.

Strange twist in the tale

The day after Haman’s sons were killed, Xerxes asked Queen Esther what to do with the bodies of Haman’s sons. She told him to hang them (Esther 9:6–14). The request that Haman’s sons be hung the day after they were killed has been a mystery for about 2420 years until a bazaar incident in 1946.

Nuremberg War Crime Trials

On 16th October, 1946 one of the Nazi elite, Julius Streicher, unofficially titled “Reich Jew-Baiter Number One,”(Ref 1) was hung as a result of the Nuremberg War Trials.

Figure 1: Streicher and other executed Nuremberg War Criminals

His four last utterances on the gallows were recorded. (Ref 2)

“Now it goes to God.”
“Purim Fest 1946.”
“The Bolsheviks will hang you one day.”
“Adele, my dear wife.”

Why the reference to Purim in the last ten seconds of his life? Whatever the reason, it focused attention to the Book of Esther.

Purim in the Bible

It is not a popular word in the Old Testament. The section of the Bible where the word Purim is mentioned covers seven verses from Chapter 8:03 to 9:32 of the Book of Esther. (Ref 3) There are approximately 23200 verses in the NASB version of the Old Testament. (Ref 4) That is, less than a 2.6*10^(–4) probability [based on verses] of encountering this word.

A peculiarity of the fonts in the Hebrew Scrolls

For some reason, the scribes of the better scrolls of the Tanakh change the normal font of some letters in the text. The Jewish Encyclopedia (Ref 5) reports: There are about 100 abnormal letters in the Masoretic text of the Tanakh — many of them in the Torah — which were always copied by the scribes, and appear also in the printed editions. They are used mainly to call attention to certain Talmudic and midrashic homilies and citations, or as guards against errors. References to some of them are in Masseket Soferim ix. (Ref 6) Ask 100 Rabbis and get 100 different opinions about their significance.

Three of these occur in the list of Haman’s sons. Figure 2 shows an exploded view of them. It can be seen that the three letters are tav(ת)-shin (ש)-zayin(ז) [remember Hebrew scans right-to-left].

Figure 2: Strange fonts in the list of Haman’s sons

These letters have no literary meaning. They do, however, have a numerical value. (It is recommended that you find out a bit about Gematria — which is not the same as Numerology.) Hebrew uses the numerical values of letters as numbers. Modern Israel uses both Hebrew numbers and Arabic, depending with whom they are dealing. Figure 3 shows the numerical values of the abnormal fonts.

Figure 3: Numerical value of abnormal fonts

It can be seen the total value is 707.

The dreaded Bible Code — Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS)

No discussion on the pros and cons of the ELS is presented here. You can research that yourselves. I am only presenting the distance between the tav(ת)-shin (ש)-zayin(ז) and some other letters. Stick with me until we get to the results.


The ELS parsing presented below is not original work by this author. It is extracted from a website, “Here a Little, There a Little,” (Ref 7) hosted by a Bryan T. Huie, of whom nothing is known. However, the information is so controversial that this author checked parsing manually (with the aid of MSWord’s word-count facility, and Google Translate) to ensure its veracity. The evidence showed that the claims in the website are true. [Yes. I’m so anal-retentive I actually counted the letters. I told you I was boring.] If you check-out the website you will find a lot of strange stuff [ALL of which has been verified by moi.] The focus here is on the tav(ת)-shin (ש)-zayin(ז). Figure 4 shows that the letters have a spacing pattern of 442.

Figure 4: ELS pattern of 442 beginning in Esther 9:15 and ending in Esther 9:27

Figure 5 shows there is another pattern of 216 spacing, beginning in Esther 9:12 and ending in Esther 9:27, hinging on the shin (ש) which implies that there is a connection between the two patterns. You will see, soon, that this is verified.

Figure 5: ELS pattern of 216 beginning in Esther 9:12 and ending in Esther 9:27

Table 1: Characters captured in Figure 5

The final four characters in Figure 5 and Table 1,תשרי, spell out the month Tishrei, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Google translation of תשרי (Tishrei)

However, the first two characters in Figure 5 and Table 1, ךא (kaf-alef), make no sense because of a property of Hebrew Grammar. The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters. It does not have upper/lower case or punctuation marks, but five letters have different forms when used at the end of a word, which makes Hebrew self-parsing. The term for this final letter shape is sofiyot from the word Sof meaning end. Because of this, the Hebrew kaf, has two forms ך and כ. Figure 7 shows the Hebrew Character-Number Equivalents

Figure 7: Hebrew Character-Number Equivalents

It will be noticed that kaf (כ) used to denote the numeral 20 is the normal form, which is the customary convention for numerics. Therefore, ךא do not give a numeric meaning because ך is in the sofiyot form. Substituting the normal form, though unconventional, does not affect the gematrian value, nor the meaning, but results in an actual date, as demonstrated in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Google translation of 21 Tishrei(כא תשרי)

Figure 9 shows the result of Combining the two ELS Results

Figure 9: Combining the two ELS Results

Combining these two results, having a common ש, as shown in Figure 9 implies that these two patterns are connected and relate to a specific date.

kaf + alef = 21 and tav + shin + resh + yod = Tishri and tav + shin + zayin = 707. That is, 21 Tishri, 707.

But it is a Hebrew practice to drop the thousands digit from dates, Webster’s New World Hebrew Dictionary states: In practice . . . the thousands are skipped and the Jewish year is referred to by quoting, in Jewish numerical symbols, the figure from the hundreds down.(Ref 8) So it could be Hebrew year, 707, 1707, 2707, 3707, 4707, or 5707 (6707 has not yet been reached)

One way to determine if tav, shin, zayin is a year is to link it to the date of Julius Streicher’s comment about Purim; 16th October 1946.

This can be done with the aid of an on-line Gregorian-Hebrew date converter (Ref 9) and shown in Figure 10 .

Figure 10: Esther Coded Hebrew Date Converted to Gregorian Calendar

It can be seen this confirms the execution date of the Nazis, the modern Amalekites who also tried to annihilate the Jews from the face of the Earth.


A Challenge

Explain how a Jewish manuscript, 2½ millennia old and written by mortals who surely made mistakes and doctored the text as time progressed, could hit the bullseye of the date of the execution which was there for all the World to see within my lifetime.


There is more to come connecting YHVH’s Autumn Feasts with the establishment of the Modern State of Israel. Just as unbelievable but not so much thinking involved.

(Ref 1) Julius Streicher https://www.britannica.com/biography/Julius-Streicher (Evidence Source Reliability Rating=5/5)
(Ref 2) Streicher Execution — newspaper report http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/nazi-war-criminals-executed-nuremberg-trials-1946-article-1.2831066 (Evidence Source Reliability Rating=5/5)
(Ref 3) Purim word search https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?search=purim&version=NKJV&searchtype=phrase&bookset=1 (Evidence Source Reliability Rating=5/5)
(Ref 4) NASB https://www.neverthirsty.org/bible-qa/qa-archives/question/how-many-chapters-verses-and-words-are-in-the-bible/ (Evidence Source Reliability Rating=3/5 Astroturf website)
(Ref 5) Fonts: The Jewish Encyclopedia http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/13809-small-and-large-letters
(Ref 6) ibid
(Ref 7) Here a Little http://www.herealittletherealittle.net/index.cfm?page_name=Bible-Code-Ten-Sons-Haman (Evidence Source Reliability Rating=5/5 after cross-checking)
(Ref 8) Webster’s New World Hebrew Dictionary, https://www.biblegematria.com/esther.html, p. xxiv, Introduction, The Jewish Calendar, plus personal correspondence with person having Hebrew as first language. (Evidence Source Reliability Rating=5/5)
(Ref 9) 21 Tishrei 5707 https://www.hebcal.com/converter/?gd=16&gm=10&gy=1946&g2h=1 (Evidence Source Reliability Rating=5/5)

All Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

(We all have a plank in our eye. It’s bigger than we think.)



Brad Banardict

I’m a chubby little guy relying entirely on God’s Grace to get to Heaven.