Introducing the new Fabric

The Fabric Blog
4 min readJul 26, 2018


Today, we’re excited to announce the latest evolution of Fabric! You can get it on the App Store.

We started Fabric with a bold mission: to help people remember more of their life stories. We believe everyone’s story is important, and everyone should be able to reconnect with the uniquely meaningful experiences in their lives. With today’s announcements, we make it effortless for even the busiest among us to be able to remember, reflect on, and share the moments that matter.

Bringing the real world to the digital

One of the defining things about the mobile universe as compared to its predecessors is that it can be centered around you and the world around you. This involves the places you go, the people you spend time with, and the stories you share with them. We believe the real world is the the key to the most authentic experiences online.

With Fabric’s new Timeline, you can now add people, photos or memorable anecdotes to your story to remember more of what happened.

You can also collaborate with others who were also there by pooling photos and comments together from the same event.

You can now add friends and automatically get tagged with them (only) when you spend time together. This means you can live in the moment, and still be able to recall and share it later.

A Personal Search Engine

Fabric is more than an app that indexes your location. Fabric is a way to index how you spend your time.

The location history that Fabric captures is perhaps the closest approximation to how you spend time. You can then add to this time index all the details that make those moments real: What was the event? Whom did you see there?

Fabric uses all these moments to construct a beautiful history page for everything that’s important in your life.

Fabric now allows you to search through this timeline of memories, enabling you to search through your life like you have never been able to do before.

This index can now be searched via the app and also via our web search feature.

With Fabric you can search for events in your life like you search the web. Queries like “restaurant rome 2017”, “sarah los angeles birthday” are now possible. You can also import memories you’ve added to Facebook, Instagram, and your Camera Roll to make the results more complete.

Moving on from Moves

One of our inspirations when we started Fabric was an app called Moves. Created when mobile location capabilities were still unexplored territory, Moves was ostensibly a fitness app that could capture your location and tell you what days were your most active. What excited us the most, though, was how the app could capture a tiny slice of the real world you lived in and remember it forever. In many years of building social and nostalgic experiences, that was one of the most promising ideas I had personally ever come across.

It’s bittersweet that our launch coincides with the shutdown of the Moves app by Facebook, its eventual home. To the creators of Moves, we say, thanks for the memories. You built something truly special, and it shall long be remembered by your fans.

For those looking to keep a life log, Fabric is the best alternative to Moves on the market.

Moves is shutting down July 31, but we won’t let your history be lost. If you’re a Moves user, you can bring your data to Fabric today via our Web Import Tool, or from within our App (for detailed instructions, see this article). For those looking to keep a life log, Fabric is the best alternative to Moves on the market. We’ve spent years improving the battery life, data usage, and customization capabilities.

A note on data and privacy

We take our responsibility with your data seriously. Unlike other apps, we don’t use a third party SDK for our location system; everything is written in house, so your location data never goes to an unknown third party. We don’t share any data with marketers or advertisers. Also, as always, Fabric is private by default. You can use the product without involving anyone else at all.

We’ve put a lot of time, energy, and love into making this the best incarnation of our product yet. We hope you enjoy the latest version of Fabric as much as we enjoyed building it!

Arun Vijayvergiya is the Founder of Fabric. He can occasionally be seen on Twitter and Facebook.



The Fabric Blog

Fabric helps you remember the places you go, the people you meet, and the things you do.