Which Social media should I use ?

as spicy content creator

OnlyFans content
6 min readJan 10, 2024

In this article, I will help you choose which social media to promote yourself on and what you can post to maximize your reach.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to post on every single platform ! Choose the ones you feel most comfortable with. It’s a better idea to stick to 1–2 you feel at ease with and to post there frequently; instead of having a scattered presence on each of those social media. And if this can reassure you, you don’t need to be present on every one of those platforms to be a Top 1% creator.


A must because the platform allows explicit content and it is an excellent way to target your audience. It requires some time and investment though (see the Reddit for Dummies article).

  • Search for subreddits that fit your niche (for a kickstart, I listed them here). Analyze which poses, angles, captions work well. Once you learn enough, you can post yourself on those subreddits. You can post images, short videos, or even GIFs. Be careful to post at least 10 hours after the last “hot post”.
  • At one point, you will have discovered so many subreddits that you may want to create a spreadsheet listing all those subs, and the rules for each of them (some do not allow 😺 pictures, others limit to one post per day per user, etc.)
  • Preferably, use the same username as on your spicy page. Post pictures on your Reddit profile from time to time, and pin a flattering picture of yourself. Write an inspiring bio, add the link to your spicy page.

TikTok (TT)

TT is interesting because it allows you to reach a wide audience. Indeed, the algorithm is made so that you discover content from creators you are not necessarily following (contrarily to Instagram). TT has a strong virality potential: it is where many trends are born, before being spread over to Instagram and YouTube.

However, I would only advise you to make TT your main marketing channel if you are already familiar with it. To a novice, many things may seem incomprehensible, from the humor to the trends, to the words used. Did you know, for example, that SWs are called “accountants” on TT ?

  • Post 2–3 times a day. Mostly videos, carrousels from time to time if you fancy it.
  • Stay family-friendly. Do not mention your spicy page, redirect your fans to Instagram, where they will find the LinkTree. Guidelines apply to private videos too. Your profile picture cannot be spicy. Be careful about the hashtags and the words you insert in your videos (TT’s algorithm can read the text from your videos).
  • Create several accounts. Because they are strict and will ban you in a heartbeat, save yourself some time by already building your audience on an alternative page. Mention your backup account in your “main” account’s bio, so that your fans know where to find you, just in case.
  • Have fun ! Since you can only post SFW content, TT is the right place to let your personality shine. Don’t worry about converting, many creators find this social media to be highly efficient for getting subs.
  • Going LIVE is controversial — it is very risky, but could as well be rewarding and get you an impressive amount of eyeballs. I do not advise to do it.

Instagram (IG)

Think of Instagram as a blogging site. It has less “virality” potential than TikTok, but it allows you to build a relationship with your audience. It is a suitable option for those already familiar with it, and for creators who do not want to talk and write a lot (either because you want to reach an international audience, because you are self-conscious about your English…).

  • Post reels, at least once a day. In 2024, reels are the best way to reach an audience, since Instagram recommends it more than classic posts.
  • Keep your content SFW to avoid being banned and be very subtle about your activity (never share the direct link to your spicy page !).
  • If you repost videos from TT, make sure it doesn’t have the watermark… Instagram hates it. I suggest you create your videos on an app such as CapCut, then upload the content on IG and TT respectively.
  • From time to time, check your account status (menu top right hand corner > settings & privacy > account status). If you have green ticks, everything is okay : your page appears on people’s feed, you are recommended to new users. If it has changed in color, you are at risk of getting banned because of the type of content you posted.
  • Make sure your account is set to public, and use a creator or business page from day 1 to track your metrics.

X (previously Twitter)

X is pretty straightforward to use. It is suited for creators who do not only wish to post a few pictures, but who are also willing to show a bit of their personality through text posts. Indeed, keep in mind that X (Twitter) has been created for small text posts, so that kind of content tends to do well.

  • Avoid using hashtags and links, it makes X think you look spammy. To get referenced with keywords, insert them organically in your descriptions. For the links, create one single post with all of them, then pin it to your profile.
  • Engagement groups are controversial. I recommend getting qualitative followers organically. I know that having lots of followers helps you get more, so engaging in such practices for your first 100 is acceptable, but never beyond.


Post teasers of your videos — have it cut out before things become interesting, and add a text redirecting viewers to your spicy page. Do not forget to include the link in your bio, and preferably use the same username. You may get some revenue from that platform, but generally not nearly as much as on a subscription-based platform, such as FanXhub for example.

General advice

Consistency. I know you hear this a lot, but it is important to post regularly. Most content creators post 3–4 times a day on EACH platform, but I would advise at least once a day. Content creation takes time, and it is not unusual to spend 20 hours a week on uploading promotional material. Your “marketing” will take more time than actual content creation for your spicy page, and that’s totally normal !

Post at the right time. Research peak user times in your area and take advantage of those. Do not think posting at midnight will help you acquire the type of fans you want.

Create backup accounts ! Although by following those guidelines, you reduce your risk, you still may get banned at one point…

Follow other creators from a similar niche to get inspired ! Of course, copying other’s content is cheating. But you can absolutely take note of the patterns, the themes, the aesthetic…

Recycle content. Keep a few old posts for days when you are short in inspiration. Also, not all posts will get viral at first try. Most of the time, it is up to chance— the time of posting, the reaction from the very first viewers… If you feel like one of your posts should get more engagement, give it a second chance ! Another smart way to recycle is to post the same thing accross platforms — for example, post all your TikToks as reels on Instagram.

Don’t just come to post your content — engage with people who comment on your posts, and follow creators from the same niche ! It proves you are a real person and it boosts your visibility. For example, IG and TT algorithms prefer posts where the creator answers to the comments shortly after they were posted.

Have DMs turned off. It shows a clear message: you are only willing to chat on your ”other account”. If they are not ready to pay for this, they will not get anything. If you still wish to allow DMs, add filtering words for some peace of mind.

If you get a community guidelines violation, appeal it ! It sucks to lose an account, but it costs almost nothing to appeal.

What NOT to do

Pay for followers. It is often a scam, and the discrepancy between your follower count and your like/view count quickly makes you look like a cheater. Furthermore, the sudden growth in followers makes you look spammy to the platform, and it increases the chance of you being shadowbanned.

Like and comment comments from another content creator, in the hope that their fans notice you. This is called “poaching” and it is considered to be treachery by many. Not only is it unfair to other creators, it is the easiest way to get blocked.

Many outsiders and newbies do not realize how much work it takes ! It may feel demotivating at the beginning, but with some consistency, I am sure you will create a solid fanbase.

Happy hustling,

Sofia from FanXhub 🩷



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