How to use this guide

Faulkner Fellowship
2 min readFeb 10, 2024


If you’ve discovered this blog, you’re probably considering monitoring technology for yourself or a loved one receiving care. Otherwise, you’re a handicap/elder neglect attorney, content creator, streamer, researcher, developer, or aging accessibility advocate. Please visit your respective call to action above if so.

If you would like assistance setting this part up, connect with us on Discord or ask a family member for help, let’s get started!

Needs (* required)

Broadcasting Software/Apps:

Care streams most effectively utilize Open Broadcastet Software (OBS) on a laptop or desktop alongside chatbot and stream moderation tools. Free mobile options are limited but they include overlay capabilities.

Privacy/Digital Bystander Intervention Strategies

A few free safety features are essential to keep your viewers and staff protected in the event of an accident or emergency.


Following this tutorial you should:

  • Link OBS to Twitch
  • Have 2 Scenes in OBS ‘Scene 1' and ‘BRB'
  • Link Streamer.Bot to Twitch
  • Link Streamer.Bot to OBS
  • Import Privacy Config to Streamer.Bot
  • Enable all commands


  • Enable “Start Streaming” on OBS
  • Open your channel chat
  • Type !brb
  • Typing !back should take you back to your Webcam scene

Stream Etiquette

Versing yourself on terminology and behavioral policies can help you be prepared for any discomforting interaction that might ensue.


Discord alert role commands being added soon! If you still have questions, get involved on Discord. Discussion is also taking place on r/streamyourcare



Faulkner Fellowship

Advocating for livestreams in long term care facilities to enrich the quality of life for patients and their caregivers