Learn Elixir — chapter by chapter explanation of Programming Elixir 1.6 (by Dave Thomas)

Programming Elixir 1.6 — Chapter 1 and 2 Summaries

Willson Mock
4 min readNov 12, 2018
  1. Chapter 1 and 2 — OOP, Functional Programming, and Pattern Matching (this post)
  2. Chapter 3 — Immutability
  3. Chapter 4 — Basic Elixir Types
  4. Chapter 5 — Anonymous Functions
  5. Chapter 6 — Modules and Named Functions (coming soon)
  6. Chapter 7 — Lists and Recursion (coming soon)
  7. Chapter 8 and 9 — Maps, Structs, and Keyword Lists in Detail (coming soon)
  8. Chapter 10 — Processing Collections (coming soon)
  9. Chapter 11 — Strings and Binaries (coming soon)
  10. Chapter 12 — Control Flow (coming soon)

In my day to day, I write a lot of code in both JavaScript and Ruby. I’ve always enjoyed learning new programming languages — I’m a firm believer that new languages and paradigms can really expand the way you think about code. So my goal with this new series of blog posts is to share my own learning of a programming language that I’ve heard a lot about recently: Elixir.

Here’s a little background behind why I chose Elixir. As someone who writes a lot of Ruby code for…



Willson Mock

I’m an avid learner, and I write about web technologies, personal fitness, and other fun stuff. http://willsonmock.com