SimpleRTApp: Posting tweets thought notifications with iOS custom actions

Federico Jordán
4 min readSep 10, 2020

This article is also available on my personal blog

This article is part of a series that aims to build a system to send notifications of relevant articles of Twitter, with the purpose of being easily retweeted. Here is the complete article.

I’m going to do a summary of what we’ve seen on previous posts.

So far now we have to:

  • Look on a data base with iOS device tokens y find its favourite hashtags.
  • Do the Twitter request so we can see the last tweet with that hashtags
  • Send the tweet content and tweetId by push notification
  • If the user did a tap on retweet action, open the app and retwet the content in his account automatically.

Because of that I’m going to do everything in different steps trying to be as understandable as possible on each one.


This post assumes that you read previous posts related with SimpleRTApp project, in a way you can understand the next files and the design we have now.

Regarding technical requirements, we would need a bit of knowledge about Node.js and Swift for the iOS app.

Finding hashtags

The idea, at the end, is to have a script that we could run in a certain frequency (let’s say, every 6 hours for instance) and it send the…

